Epicurious is one of the biggest online magazines about food. It is highly respected, including by restaurants. They’ve been featured on Hell’s Kitchen many times. So, of course they have to climasignal
Epicurious stops publication of beef recipes
Epicurious announced Monday it has stopped publishing recipes featuring beef.
The food publication cited a rise in beef consumption and its role as “one of the world’s worst climate offenders” for making the shift.
“It might not feel like much, but cutting out just a single ingredient—beef—can have an outsize impact on making a person’s cooking more environmentally friendly,” Epicurious Senior Editor Maggie Hoffman and former Digital Director David Tamarkin explained in an article published Monday. “Beef won’t appear in new Epicurious recipes, articles, or newsletters. It will not show up on our homepage. It will be absent from our Instagram feed.”
Global livestock accounts for nearly 15% of total global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Epicurious slowed beef recipe content in the fall of 2019, and published them “only a small handful of times” since then, the editors said in a separate post. Beef recipes that were published in 2019 and before are still on the site. For every recipe Epicurious didn’t publish, they put out a vegetarian recipe instead.
The publication argued its readers are interested in content that isn’t beef-related. (snip)
The editors noted the shift wasn’t due to a specific vendetta against cows or the people who eat them. Instead, they said it was “solely about sustainability.” The decision was thought of as “not anti-beef but rather pro-planet,” they added.
Just silly. Completely silly. Will they no longer review restaurants that serve beef? Will the employees, especially the bigwigs who run the show, give up their own use of fossil fuels and go vegan? Will the company only use servers run by “clean, green energy”? It really is just climavirtue signaling by people who aren’t doing anything in their own lives. But, hey, if they want to do this, fine, there are plenty of places to get recipes.

Teach always turns the knob to 11. Reducing beef consumption is not the same as “going vegan”.
And Teach always accuses the scientifically astute of hypocrisy for not practicing what they preach, yet when they do, e.g., cutting beef recipes (which could well hurt their bottom line) he accuses them of pandering. No matter what someone does it would never be enough to satisfy a science denier.
Teach has yet to correct his silly claim that President Biden was planning to cut beef consumption 90%. FOX “News” made the correction.
Many beliefs/feelings right-wingers hold dear are simply false.
Well, so far all the beliefs/feelings you fascists hold dear are simply wrong and hateful.
We’re still waiting for you to explain:
Why do you hate White people?
Why do you hate Christians?
Why do you hate America?
chairman Xiden of the illegitimate Junta wants to cut beef consumption. The percentage does not matter. What matters is this fascist dick thinks it’s his job to determine what and how much we consume. You cover up all the lies and evil of the left and point out an innocuous beef complaint. How many cities have your insurrections burnt so far? How many people have you murdered? How many minority businesses have you destroyed? How many stores have you looted? How many jobs have you destroyed?
You really have a complete lack of self awareness. Well, all Junta supporting fascist liars of the Junta do so I guess you fit right in. Now, call me a White supremacist and get it over with.
Why do YOU hate Black people?
Why do YOU hate non-christians?
Why do YOU hate America?
Why do we need to reduce meat consumption for the great hoax? If we really had an issue as defined by the hoax, reducing beef consumption would have little influence. One source of CO2 that is never considered in discussions about the hoax is that we have too many humans. Wouldn’t it be better to eliminate those that have problems living with us rather than poor cows?
I tend to eat fish about 1/2 the time with about equal amounts if chicken pig and lamb
Teach you are a gun rights fanatic, do you open carry all the time ? Why not ? Afraid of what the libs will say to you?
You win the “Non-Sequitur of the Week” award!
And it’s only Tuesday.
Never looked at Epicurious.
Now I never will.
Good job, John-a false equivalence. Nowhere is he advocating for everyone to open-carry.
No more lava cake recipes. The CO2 erupting from volcanoes negates eating chocolate cakes.