…is a horrible rising sea because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on a Florida woman going for a drive.
Lindsay Wagner, of The Bionic Woman fame.
Doubleshot below the fold, so check out The Other McCain, with a post on a drunken Michigan Democrat.
Obviously, Linda Carter of Wonder Woman fame.


Bwaha! Lolgf
It’s almost as if when Rimjob makes another false claim such as:
He chooses to not to back it up with facts but instead runs away and hides because he knows it’s false.
Same way he reacted when outed about his “signing up†with the US Army.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Our man Jeff is obviously going crazy. Everyone of his comments is shaped to either harm or start and argument. He is nuts.
[…] Michigan Democrat Invoked Whitmer’s Name During DUI Bust The Pirate’s Cove A View From The Beach 357 Magnum EBL Proof […]
One of the things that truly disturbed me was FRANK LUNTZ. He is a GOP pollster. Now in fairness Tucker Carlson brought this out the other day when discussing Luntz and his actions but lets look at the man for a moment.
In 2015-2016 he came out after Trump was nominated and then doubled down on election night 2016 that he was done with the Republican party and that he did not recognize the GOP anymore. He was a never trumper to the Nth Degree.
That, unfortunately for his bottom line and his power status inside the beltway, did not work out too well for him.
Suddenly a miraculous turn around. He was once again a Trump supporter with a
N E W M E S S A G E.
What was that message. Well as I watched him and listened to him I found it particularly troubling that his message was a very strong democratic lite version of the lefts agenda.
His focus groups seemed to agree with the left on nearly everything. Re-framed and repackaged to be palatable but never the less it was a message vastly supported by Big Business and Big Tech.
So when you listen to Frank Luntz proclaiming that 70 percent of the GOP wants more immigration you must scratch your head and say HUH? All GOP’ers want the dreamers to be made citizens. GOP wants Amnesty. Most GOP wants gun control….etc…etc.
This is the Lincoln PROJECT still operating in the shadows. A group of Never Trumpers who want the GOP to return to the same old FUK AMERICANS so THEY can get rich good ole boys.
The GOP is still full of these and Luntz has a lot of sway with the big shots as does Big TECH and BIG BUSINE$$.
Big tech will never be reigned in and big business will continue to run and dominate this nation as they pay perfectly decent politicians so much money as to corrupt them beyond belief by the time they finish their first year in office.
American politicians are sluts. Men and women. They are spineless cowards who cannot get past the power handed to them on a plate and the money shoved in their pockets the minute they are elected. This is why the FBI and the CIA are out of control agencies because they have so much filth and dirt on these dirt bag pols that they can do whatever the hell they want without fear of repercussion or being reigned in or fired.