Wars have never happened before over those things, right? Remember things like the French Revolution, when they had trouble growing crops? Oh, right, that was during the Little Ice Age. But, this is not about rationality, it’s cultish scaremongering. And it’s about “We” needing to sacrifice, meaning “Other People need to be forced, not me, I’m spreading awareness”
Climate crisis: our children face wars over food and water, EU deputy warns
Exclusive: Frans Timmermans says older people need to make sacrifices to protect the future
Older people will have to make sacrifices in the fight against climate change or today’s children will face a future of fighting wars for water and food, the EU’s deputy chief has warned.
Frans Timmermans, vice-president of the EU commission, said that if social policy and climate policy are not combined, to share fairly the costs and benefits of creating a low-carbon economy, the world will face a backlash from people who fear losing jobs or income, stoked by populist politicians and fossil fuel interests.
He said: “It’s not just an urgent matter – it’s a difficult matter. We have to transform our economy. There are huge benefits, but it’s a huge challenge. The biggest threat is the social one. If we don’t fix this, our children will be waging wars over water and food. There is no doubt in my mind.â€
What sacrifices has Frans Timmermans made? How about the other bigwigs on the EU commission?
He added: “Those of us who understand we need to move fast should make the social issue the pivotal issue in all of this. I really call upon all of those in the climate movement to join me in focusing on the social issue more than they’ve done in the past. Because this could become the biggest stumbling block.â€
He warned that sacrifices would be needed from the older generation to ensure that young people can live in a safe climate. Today’s older people were the beneficiaries of a previous generation’s sacrifice, and were now being called on to make changes themselves, he said.
“Sometimes I wonder whether we are aware of the transformation we’re heading to, and how profound it is. It’s an effort comparable to restructuring after a violent conflict. I used to talk to my grandparents and my parents about how they saw this, after the war. They said, ‘Well, we sacrificed a lot because we knew our children would be better off.’ And this feeling is not there yet in our society.â€
WWII actually happened. The Cold War happened. Climate change is happening, but, it is primarily caused by nature, and it sure seems that things like “social” are mentioned a lot when we’re supposed to be talking about science.
Changing people’s lives today would be difficult, but the benefits would be felt by today’s children, he added. “This for politics is a huge, huge challenge. We need to recapture that feeling of a purpose – doing something not for yourself, but for others, which I think has always led to society being at its best.â€
And how will all this be accomplished? Via government force?
On Thursday, he travelled to London for his first official visit outside Brussels since the pandemic lockdowns began, with a four-hour meeting in Downing Street with Alok Sharma, the UK’s Cop26 president and host of the talks. He is in weekly contact with John Kerry, climate envoy to US president Joe Biden, and with China’s top climate official, Xie Zhenhua.
Interestingly, there’s no mention of how he traveled. Did he bike? Take the train? An electric vehicle? Or, a fossil fueled flight? People who say everyone needs to sacrifice never say what they’ve sacrificed themselves.

Teach you are positively obssed with fossil fueled airplane flights
In the usa commercial airlines use about 1 gal of fuel to fly 1 seat 60 miles
Timmermans flight of 200 miles would have used about 3.5 gal for his seat less than one of your infrequent trips to NJ
So why not just let people choose which one they want to do, John?
Does the “whole of society” have any obligation to prevent or ameliorate pandemics? How did we defeat smallpox and polio?
Congress passed the Vaccine Act of 1813 to encourage vaccination against smallpox and to stop grifters selling fake vaccines.
Newspaper editorials have characterized the vaccination controversy as “a conflict between intelligence and ignorance, civilization and barbarism.†The New York Times dismissed anti-vaccine activists as “a familiar species of cranks†who were “deficient in the power to judge science.*
A judge** has acknowledged the fundamental importance of personal freedom, but also recognized that “the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.â€
This case justified compulsory vaccination but was also used to justify the Buck vs Bell (1922) and the “forced sterilization of the feeble-minded”. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, horribly stated:
“It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. . . . Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”
Supreme Court precedents can always be overturned (as was Buck vs Bell, at least in practice). So it’s possible the 9 justices of the the current conservative court could outlaw compulsory vaccinations in the name of public health. But the future 13-member court will have a say too.
* In the 1800s
** Justice Harlan in Jacobson vs Massachusetts (1905)
Hypocrite Elwood P. Dowd – The same people that lie to us about flues, elections, and global warming are adamantly pushing their vaccine. The masks were no good and even bad for us. The distancing was bogus. We should not believe routine liars.
We’ve had worse pandemics. But this time, The Swamp got wealthier with more power over us. And that is all that this plandemic is about.
Think for yourself, be your own Master, and stop just blindly following and repeating your current Masters’ lies.
Bilious Bill – Flues? Having fireplace problems?
You’re no less ignorant than any other connie, I guess.
Stop sucking.
Hypocrite Elwood P. Dowd – Still repeating your Masters’ lies I see. Try the Truth for a change. Be your own Master. Be an American.
Bilious Billy – Still sucking I see. Try the truth. Be you own master and not trumpcuck.
When the Climate Change scam finally peters out they’ll have another scenerio concocted. These hucksters don’t give up.
Tiresome Teach keeps replaying his greatest hits… “they” take trips, “they” don’t live in caves… and his own Big Lie – climate change is caused by nature!
Global warming is a result of physics – a century-old understanding of interactions between electromagnetic radiation and matter.
The effects of global warming ARE social and require political solutions. Acid rain, a hole in the ozone, energy generation, national defense, transportation, food production and space exploration are all based on science but all have far reaching social consequences.
Human societies evolved systems for addressing issues, and the European-US system of personal liberty coupled with capitalism, while not perfect, has delivered the highest living standards.
Tiresome hypocrite Elwood P. Dowd keeps replaying his Masters’ lies. If you have to lie, you should know you are on the wrong side of the argument.
Sorry, the global warming scam is just that. Nature causes warming and cooling. Or are you saying that if no human being ever existed the earth would never have warmed or cooled? Cause that’s what it sounds like. Similarly, what is the “correct” temperature for the earth? The entire earth?
“Acid rain, a hole in the ozone, energy generation, national defense, transportation, food production and space exploration are all based on science but all have far reaching social consequences.”
Yes, these things are all based in science but not nature. Everything man does has far reaching social consequences and those consequences will be dealt with without destroying Liberty or Free Markets. As a communist you thing only communism can fix problems. If all you have is a hammer every problem is a nail. Free markets and Individual Liberty gave us the greatest human and civilizational growth in history. All while the fascists and communists crashed and burned.
We as Free Americans cannot allow our systems and beliefs so successful be undermined by stupid theories and fake science. Man, like every other organism, contributes to both nature and climate change but he is not the sole or even most influential of either.
Every “solution” so far regarding global warming has been to undermine or even destroy the Blessings of America’s Free Society and capitalist success. All the blame is heaped on us, all the costs and all the things requiring action. Meanwhile, other countries, mostly communists, pollute the air, water and earth with impunity. Seems since they haven’t created our wealth they need not pay for their destruction. Only the “White” nations are guilty. As usual. You state that here:
“Human societies evolved systems for addressing issues, and the European-US system of personal liberty coupled with capitalism, while not perfect, has delivered the highest living standards.”
BTW, those European countries followed us in personal Liberty and capitalism, they weren’t our partners. They still had Kings when we wrote the Constitution codifying Gods human rights. They were being ruled over by monarchs when we were creating self government of the people, by the people and for the people.
While no society is perfect you seem to hate America for it’s imperfections while ignoring its foundation of Freedom.
The Chinks create a virus, we cure it but everything is our fault. Right?
Strong in Kye is this hatred!
He is, of course, wrong about the physics of global warming, largely because he hates what he sees as the potential remediation, which he is, of course, also wrong about.
Conservatives are dishonest, especially with themselves, always failing to recognize their own motivations. Masks are an affront to liberty, therefore the pandemic is a hoax perpetrated to “get” trump. trump lost, so it’s time to “reform” democracy so the GOP can win.
We get it. Cons see themselves as independent frontiersmen and not part of a pluralistic society. To conservatives, government functions to protect conservatives. Taxes are theft! they cry, while driving on the roads, breathing the clean air, drinking the clean water, using the courts, appreciating the protections, eating the safe food and taking the safe medicine, collecting the Social Security and medical care that taxes provide.
They extol the virtues of capitalism while ignoring any downside. Winners yield losers and there are more losers to vote than winners.
Note added in proof: Hatred stems from fear.
Right-wing authoritarians such as Kye fear losing their privilege.
So, for lack of any sophisticated reply or argument you, as usual, resort to calling me names. Okay. But the only haters here are you guys. You have yet to explain why you hate Whites, Christians, Jews and America even after I asked you at least 25 times. You ignore it because to say why would prove your weakness and hatred. Understandable.
“We get it. Cons see themselves as independent frontiersmen and not part of a pluralistic society.”
No you don’t get it idiot. As a fascist you have no idea how Cons see themselves. You haven’t the open mindedness nor the intellect.
“To conservatives, government functions to protect conservatives.”
Wrong again you effete snob. That’s you projecting again. Your narcissistic view from your own little bubble of CNN/MSNBC propaganda causes you to project constantly. As they do.
“Taxes are theft! they cry, while driving on the roads, breathing the clean air, drinking the clean water, using the courts, appreciating the protections, eating the safe food and taking the safe medicine, collecting the Social Security and medical care that taxes provide.”
Again with the lies. We believe taxes on peoples income is theft. Not taxes in and of themselves. When a government survives on taxing the labor of its people it reduces them to slaves of the state. The people literally are working for the state. That’s despotic. Furthermore, all of the things you list save Social Security and Medicare which themselves are paid for by the recipients are legitimate functions of the state and should be supported by taxes—but not income taxes. Maybe if you listened half the amount as you mouth off you would quit repeating the same lies over and over again.
There is no up side to being an asshole, Elwood. There also is no upside to constantly repeating your assumptions (if that’s actually what they are) or your accusations (which is more what they sound like) without clearing your own record here. IOW, let’s talk about your hate for Whites, Christians, Jews and America. Let’s clear the air Elwood.
If you could learn just one thing it should be we “cons” just want to be left alone. We don’t want the shit you fascists are selling.
You poor dear fascist.
Can you explain why you believe/feel that income taxes are theft?
No doubt connies want to be left alone to pollute, grift, force their religious beliefs on others, use the government to oppress everyone except white, christian, straight males. To squeeze every drop of labor out of the working class for as little as possible.
Why do you hate Blacks, non-christians, non-straight Americans, transgendered and America? All oppressors always whine when the oppressed demand equal rights and justice.
Hypocrite Elwood P. Dowd – Global warming and cooling has been going on since the beginning of the globe. Do your own research and stop just repeating your Masters’ lies. Be your own Master; learn and speak the truth and be Right.
Bilious Bill – Stop sucking.
One has to love the acid rain scam-apparently, a little known fact is that normal rainwater is about 5.6 on the ph scale, with 7 of course being neutral, making it already acidic in the first place.