…is the flag of a massive carbon polluting nation, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Geller Report News, with a post on Dems introducing a bill to strip federal grants from companies which conduct criminal background checks.
It’s one-piece week, because one-piece suits just don’t get enough love.

Shortbus administration cheatin’ again?
Bwaha! Lolgf
The census was held during the trump regime.
The moronic GQP trumptilians are just trying to cheat again.
The group includes Gym Jordan and Paul Gosar. ‘Nuff said.
I admit when I’m wrong.
Pennsylvania admitted to finding fraudulent votes.
Bruce Bartman, a 70-year-old from Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has been charged with voter fraud.
He pretended to be his dead mom to vote in the 2020 election and also registered his dead mother-in-law to vote, prosecutors said.
Prosecutors said it was the only voter-fraud case they found after hundreds of tips.
Bartman voted for then President Trump.
If Trump really was responsible for getting us the vaccine, why dont his cult followers want to take it?
From the Babylon Bee- the CDC now recommends wearing a seatbelt, even if you’re outside your car….