This would make the reporters partisan activists and mouthpieces of the Democratic Party. Also, the Washington Post, as they’re cheerleading this, seems unaware of what the Washington Post was pushing on the 2016 election even before Donald Trump won (the WP article is behind a big paywall, can’t even read it with Pocket, but, available in full here)
The politicians who tried to overturn an election — and the local news team that won’t let anyone forget it
The journalists at WITF, an all-news public radio station in Harrisburg, Pa., made a perfectly reasonable decision a few months ago.
They decided they wouldn’t shrug off the damaging lies of election denialism.
They wouldn’t do what too many in Big Journalism have done in recent months: shove into the memory hole the undemocratic efforts by some Republican elected officials to delegitimize or overturn the 2020 presidential election.
Too many Sunday news shows repeatedly book the likes of Kevin McCarthy, Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson without reminding viewers how these members of Congress tried to undo the results of the election — and encouraged the Trumpian lies about election fraud that led to the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol less than four months ago. A rare exception is CNN’s “State of the Union,†which hasn’t booked a single member of the so-called Sedition Caucus since January. (snip)
But Harrisburg’s WITF has gone a different route: They want you to remember.
Months before the election, the station’s reporters and editors were already deeply alarmed by what they saw unfolding. “We could see the disinformation really taking hold, this idea that the only way President Trump could lose is if the election were rigged,†Tim Lambert, the station’s news director, told me last week.
This story, which is in the Lifestyle (?) section of the Washington Post, is very long, but, I think you get the idea. This “reporters”, as funded by the taxpayers, won’t let people forget that some Republicans off the hook for daring to attempt to uphold the integrity of our voting system, having witnessed huge amounts of irregularities in states that were tossups, and some that shouldn’t have been tossups but easy Trump wins. There’s zero way Joe Biden gets 80 million plus votes, nor gets enough to win in states like Georgia. One has to wonder if these same “reporters” worked as hard to go after Democrats who attempted to overturn the 2016 election, blaming it on Russia Russia Russia? And wanting to impeach Trump before he even took office. And finally impeaching over really dumb stuff when we should have been focused on the Wuhan Flu. It took a long time, because the website’s search function is not very good, but, yeah, they covered Russia Russia Russia, essentially taking the side of “Trump needs to go”, rather than those who attempted to delegitimize or overturn the 2016 election.
These elected officials, WITF reminded its audience, either knowingly spread disinformation or flat-out lied in an effort to keep Trump in office.
“This was an unprecedented assault on the fabric of American democracy,†the statement said.
Yet, didn’t do the same as Democrats attempted to delegitimize or overturn the 2016 election. Remember Dems forcing the Mueller investigation, which turned out to be a big nothingburger?
“We’re out on a ledge here,†Jason Lambert (station’s news director) remembers thinking. Both he and Blanchard hoped other news organizations would join them. “But it’s been radio silence,†Lambert said.
To be sure, other news organizations, including The Washington Post, are covering the aftermath of the election fraud lies and the insurrection, sometimes in innovative ways, as NYU professor Jay Rosen recently wrote. ProPublica has established a “democracy beat,†and a nonprofit news organization, Votebeat, focuses on election integrity.
But I’d like to see more accountability. So would Princeton’s Kruse. “There’s a tendency in the political media to get caught up in the story of the day and not dwell on the things that need to be reckoned with,†he said.
Yes, let’s hold the Washington Post accountable for all their Russia Russia Russia stuff, in the news and opinion sections, which attempted to delegitimize or overturn the 2016 election, for 4 years. Heck, it started even before Trump took office, even before he won. Did the WP or WITF complain about the riots during Trump’s 2017 inauguration? How about Rep Al Green saying that they would impeach Trump even before he won? How about the WP running an article on inauguration day about the impeachment of Trump starting? The Russian collusion meaning Trump didn’t win the election legitimately stuff was daily starting November 2016 in the Washington Post. And so many “news” outlets. Who holds them accountable? What of all the Democrat politicians, and some unhinged Never Trump Republicans?

William Teach: There’s zero way Joe Biden gets 80 million plus votes, nor gets enough to win in states like Georgia.
Georgia did a hand recount of every ballot. The Georgia Bureau of Investigations conducted an audit of signature matching. No significant irregularities were found, certainly not enough to change the outcome of the election.
And the KiddieZ know this how?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Stolen, will repay, with interest.
david7134: Stolen, will repay, with interest.
Have no idea what that means. Georgia conducted a hand recount of every ballot. They also audited signatures. Not sure what other evidence you would require.
Your reason for lack of understanding is the fact you are a child. Read some books and understand that debate club does not get you anywhere.
david7134: Read some books and understand that debate club does not get you anywhere.
Deflection. The claim was that there was “zero way” Biden won Georgia. We provided substantial evidence that Biden did, in fact, win in Georgia.
Let us know if you decide to engage the topic.
Engage? With a child who has shit for brains?
doogie hoser is afraid of debate. Cluck, cluck, cluck. LOL.
Really? The people who pulled off the fraud did the “recount”. What is this Russia?
December 31, 2020
Incriminating facts emerge from a Georgia hearing the media buried
By Andrea Widburg
The media kept quiet about a hearing on Wednesday before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections. Perhaps they did so because important information emerged establishing beyond a doubt that significant fraud occurred in Georgia, enough to change that state’s electoral votes. This post focuses on voting machine hacking, shredded evidence, statistical improbabilities, negative counts, and over one hundred thousand “adjudications” that destroyed all evidence of a citizen’s original intent.
Your childish belief in their corrupt system and willingness to let fraud succeed just because your side won are omens of the new American reset. Plus, you sound like the Red commenter and nobody wants that.
Kye: The people who pulled off the fraud did the “recountâ€.
You mean the Republican controlled state government? Or the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which was not involved in the original count?
Kye: The media kept quiet about a hearing on Wednesday before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections.
That Wednesday was in December. The article, by Andrea Widburg, alleges, among other things, voting machine hacking. But the hand recount verified the machine count to high precision. Since then, no evidence of significant fraud has been forthcoming.
Disingenuous and an out right misdirection of the truth there Wiki Zach.
The problem with The Georgia Election was in one county, controlled by Democrats.
Additionally if you recount the SAME votes, you will most likely get the same results. The problem with all RECOUNTS is that they are themselves lies to appease the stupid people who believe that America is not a banana republic.
Forensic audits are needed in a highly contested election. However as the Judge ruled that machines could be audited, he then changed his mind, then changed it again. In that time the machines were WIPED and prepared for the upcoming election of two Georgia Senators.
IN addition a forensic audit matches signatures with ballots, matches envelopes with ballots WHICH IS REQUIRED BY LAW to keep these together on MAIL IN BALLOTS. None of this was done despite the GOP observers screaming to high heaven for them to stop and match ballots with signatures and envelopes.
Trump Lost GA by 10k votes or thereabouts. Simply recounting the same fraudulent votes by whomever will net you the same result. Then the Dems can thump their chest and say SEE there was no voter fraud and Trumps a liar.
The poll managers who filed affidavits say the mail-in ballots were not marked with a writing instrument as required for mail-in ballots. Favorito told The Star News the ballots also appeared to be on suspicious paper stock, something that Pulitzer can quite easily detect with scanning tools. Favorito and Pulitzer have received offers from hundreds of volunteers for a recount and audit in Fulton County – the state’s most populous county.
Then on January 5th this year, Judicial Watch reported 4700 people who may have enrolled using nonresidential addresses voted absentee in the 2020 presidential election.
The list is endless and perhaps the most egregious of them all is the (R) Sec of State agreeing with the democrats at the last moment to CHANGE the way Georgia VOTES.
Secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, are seeking emails and other records related to the controversial election rules deal with the Democratic Party, which opponents say inappropriately eroded anti-fraud provisions relating to absentee ballots.
And finally we hope to have closure because: Henry County Judge Brian Amero conditionally granted members of the VoteGA coalition the right to unseal ballots from last November’s presidential election in Fulton County, and inspect those ballots for evidence of voter fraud.
What does that mean. It means using forensic auditing equiptment they can determine if the paper stock of the ballots are legitimate paper stock printed by the same company using the same batched paper milled for that exact purposes.
Secondly a forensic audit can prove if a ballot was filled out by a machine or a human being very easily.
Thirdly by opening up the sealed ballots they can determine if the vote tally of the ballots lines up and corresponds to the number of official ballots counted in the 2021 election. Will there be 20k, 30k MISSING BALLOTS….its very likely.
What happened to them? Well of course in America where no one wants to believe that we are a banana republic there will be the statement made that of all the ballots we counted they match exactly the voters intent and I am sure they do….as to the missing 20k to 30 ballots that could not be FORENSICALLY AUDITED…who knows what lies they will make up about those.
Because in the end. IF its proven the election was stolen through voter fraud it could errupt into civil war. We are so close now….So very close.
Est1950: if you recount the SAME votes, you will most likely get the same results.
One of the claims was that the machine count was fixed. That would imply you would *not* get the same result. Instead, the hand recount verified the machine count.
Est1950: In that time the machines were WIPED and prepared for the upcoming election of two Georgia Senators.
It doesn’t matter, because every ballot was preserved on paper. They were recounted by hand.
Est1950: In that time the machines were WIPED and prepared for the IN addition a forensic audit matches signatures with ballots, matches envelopes with ballots WHICH IS REQUIRED BY LAW to keep these together on MAIL IN BALLOTS.
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation conducted an audit of signatures and verified the results.
Est1950: Judicial Watch reported 4700 people who may have enrolled using nonresidential addresses voted absentee in the 2020 presidential election.
So? People without a regular residence can register at a hotel, church, homeless shelter, or even a park bench — wherever they lay their head.
Est1950: The list is endless …
Of course it’s endless! Reality is always more constrained than whatever it is you decide to make up.
One of the claims was that the machine count was fixed. That would imply you would *not* get the same result. Instead, the hand recount verified the machine count.
The machines were wiped clean. Or did you not get the memo….The GOP was trying to seize several of the machines to do a forensic audit and the judge said, yes….then no, then yes after he was sure the machines had been wiped to prepare for the coming runoff senate election.
Hence the Dems were able to get rid of the evidence.
It doesn’t matter, because every ballot was preserved on paper. They were recounted by hand.
Yes it matters quite a bit since the ballots that were recounted could NOT BE MATCHED AGAINST WHAT THE MACHINE SAID.
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation conducted an audit of signatures and verified the results.
Afraid not Wiki man. The Investigation was not able to match signatures because the ballots were never kept with the ballots. They lied to you. Do you only believe the GOP when what they say matches what you believe? Remember this (R) Sec of STATE met with democrats just days before the election and changed the way the election was conducted. A CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION. It was not in his perview to change anything.
So? People without a regular residence can register at a hotel, church, homeless shelter, or even a park bench — wherever they lay their head.
GEORGIA STATE LAW SAYS:To vote in Georgia, one must be a citizen of the United States and a legal resident of his or her county. The voter must be at least 17.5 years of age at the time of registration and 18 at the time of the election. Registration must be completed at least 28 days prior to the election. Registration can be completed online or by submitting a paper form.
so your contention is that it is okay to flood into Georgia and sit on a park bench, register to vote and that is acceptable using the park bench as your address.
question. What is the address of that park bench given that Georgia requires you to be a legal resident of the county in which you reside.
Legal residency requirements in Georgia: Under the GA. Constitution in order to vote in Georgia elections it can’t be just a residence. It has to be your primary residence.
Additionally to your park bench theory: Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr issued an advisory on November 11 reminding voters about their “rights and responsibilities” under Georgia law. The advisory includes links to state law on residency, which includes this requirement: “A person shall not be considered to have gained a residence in any county or municipality of this state into which such person has come for temporary purposes only without the intention of making such county or municipality such person’s permanent place of abode.”
So, to your point AT LEAST 4700 people voted illegally and those votes were 99 percent for BIDEN. How many more were scattered across the state? That is what an audit would show. NOT A RECOUNT but an audit.
Est1950: The machines were wiped clean.
The ballots were hand recounted.
Est1950: Yes it matters quite a bit since the ballots that were recounted could NOT BE MATCHED AGAINST WHAT THE MACHINE SAID.
The recount matched almost exactly.
Est1950: The Investigation was not able to match signatures because the ballots were never kept with the ballots.
If you claim that signatures didn’t match, then an examination of the envelopes would reveal that. Instead, the audit showed that the signatures did match.
Est1950: so your contention is that it is okay to flood into Georgia and sit on a park bench, register to vote and that is acceptable using the park bench as your address.
Is the homeless person a resident? Yes. Then they can legally vote, per the law which you cited and per the election commission.
Est1950: The GOP was trying to seize several of the machines to do a forensic audit and the judge said, yes….then no
Just read about the court case. Apparently, the GOP sued the wrong party. The judge couldn’t enforce an order against the wrong party. It’s almost as if the GOP doesn’t know how elections work.
Either the election was stolen, or 80 million people in the US are as dumb as hell. They elected a corrupt slim who is in the advanced stages of dementia.
For the nascent rebels here…
Even right-wing news have withdrawn their accusations against Dominion Voting Systems. Even the crooked trump lawyers (Sid Powell) have admitted their work was a sham – she says she didn’t expect anyone to actually believe her lies!! Stupid you for believing her!
You’re willing victims of a scam.
Can any of you expound on the coming civil war? You seem to think it will be QAnon/far-right against liberals, ignoring that your rebellion will be against the United States of America. Perhaps it could be an insurgency, where right-wing terrorists blow up liberal strongholds such as grade schools, universities, libraries, synagogues, black churches, museums, mosques, renewable energy installations and media companies, hoping to disrupt American life that the gov’t will give in. You could run EVs and hybrid cars off the road. You can bomb Planned Parenthood facilities. During the run-up to the 2022 elections look for yard signs supporting Dem candidates and firebomb the houses or murder the residents.