Daily Archives: May 6, 2021

Hotcold Take: Pennsylvania To Warm 5.9F By 2050

The doomsday climate cult has to doomsday, you know Pennsylvania projected to warm 5.9 degrees by 2050, state climate report says The Wolf administration issued a report Wednesday projecting that the average annual temperature in Pennsylvania will rise 5.9 degrees by 2050, posing increased risks to the environment and human health. Officials from multiple state […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful area for solar panels and wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Woodsterman, with a post Libturd Thursday.

White And Jew Hating Black Hammer Group “Liberates” Property In Colorado Mountains

Nothing like liberating property back which is incompatible for raising your own food, eh? And by liberating, they mean purchasing scrubland of little value for $65,000. Lots of people are making fun of them for this stuff, but, the Black Hammer hatred for whites and Jews is rather insane ‘Jonestown 2.0, racism edition’: Radical anti-Semites […]

It’s Good Sense That Warmists Are Giving Themselves Anxiety Or Something

I was having a conversation with someone about how they have a chemical imbalance that can cause anxiety. She can’t just not get that way. It’s real. As opposed to some people claiming non-medical conditions as real ones because they’ve made themselves that way. Just because you get anxious because you’re potentially reading some signs […]

China Joe Admin Looks To Waive Intellectual Property Protection For Vaccines

What could possibly go wrong with this? US backs waiving intellectual property rules on vaccines The Biden administration on Wednesday joined calls for more sharing of the technology behind COVID-19 vaccines to help speed the end of the pandemic, a shift that puts the U.S. alongside many in the developing world who want rich countries […]

Pirate's Cove