Nothing like liberating property back which is incompatible for raising your own food, eh? And by liberating, they mean purchasing scrubland of little value for $65,000. Lots of people are making fun of them for this stuff, but, the Black Hammer hatred for whites and Jews is rather insane
A band of “anticolonial†and racist activists have “liberated†land high in the Colorado mountains to build a utopian city for minorities. Commenters are expecting a rerun of the Jonestown cult, but with more anti-Semitism.
Openly communist, overtly anti-white, and proudly anti-Semitic, the ‘Black Hammer’ organization isn’t afraid of a fight. The group’s Twitter account fires off hourly invectives against the “cave beast†white race it sees as “colonizers,†and against the Jewish people it accuses of funding the “pig departments and prison systems that mass incarcerate and kill us everyday.†Bizarrely, the group has taken a fix on Anne Frank, calling the Holocaust victim a “bleach demon,†whose death – to them – overshadowed the suffering of colonized people worldwide.
Black Hammer members have taken part in rallies and protests across the country, but the scant media reports on their activities don’t mention the racism and the apparently pathological fixation on Jews. Instead, they praise the “activist groupâ€Â for holding vigils for coronavirus victims and handing out masks, food and clothing to their fellow people of color.
If a white group acted this way the activists would demand an FBI investigation and the Credentialed Media would be constantly talking about their extremism.
But while they’ve been pushing Farrakhan-style racism on Twitter and getting stuck into charity work on the streets, Black Hammer’s members have been stockpiling cash. A GoFundMe campaign organized by the group has pulled in nearly $65,000 since last July. The group wants $500,000 to build a city of their own, with free healthcare, free rent, and no cops. White people and Jews are presumably not welcome.
This is what it looks like
Rocky, non-arable land with a very short growing season (it was snowing in the mountains of Colorado yesterday), and most likely limestone under the first inch or two of dirt. Those rivers and lake aren’t owned by the property owner in the west. Do they even understand water rights?
They want to build a city: with what? Who are they buying the materials from? Where will they get power from? Good luck trying to get the power company to run transmission lines up their. Solar? Will have to cover a goodly portion of the plot, which is reportedly a third of a square mile. What about clean water? Can’t necessarily just start drinking it. The running water is the safest. Sanitation? Meh, it doesn’t matter because few if any will stay there when it starts snowing around early September. Seriously, do any of these city kids understand being out in the remote mountains? Are there even roads or trails up there? Healthcare with what?
Have fun, racists and anti-Semites.

You said that they would obtain land that they might work, I can’t stop laughing. These people don’t know what work is, much less how to grow something. This desire of radicals to take land and develop a town is as old as the land and always results in failure.
Twitter should be broken up and sold off into little chunks. The owner should be imprisoned for allowing hatred of Whites and Jews by black communists.
Go Fund Me should be abolished for being a race mongering hate machine.
I could go on and on. The right, GOP and conservatives should have nothing to do with defending corporations or big business. They are the enemies of Democracy.
I absolutely support the right of the ‘Black Hammer” group to buy that land and set up whatever sort of commune they wish on it. Let them succeed, or fail, as they can.
They can. of course, burn as many copies of Diary of a Young Girl as they wish to keep warm, but perhaps, just perhaps, some of them ought to read Lord of the Flies.
It might not be the best place for solar power, but it would be an excellent place for windmills, so there’s that.
Now, if someone like Mr Dowd bought 200 acres for a ‘homestead’ that only allowed strike>Aryans
white people, you can bet your last euro that the Biden Administration would be sending the gendarmerie up there to arrest them all, but hey, I don’t care if these people set up an BIPOC-only commune. It does set a precedent for allowing white only villages, right?Poop! Messed up the html tags! Last paragraph should be:
So the Anti Colonials are colonizing land. Interesting. I wonder who is going to get those idiots out of the mountains when their asses start to freeze. Actually, I expect them to run like rabbits at the first monsoonal summer storm that rolls through.
I think a lot of people are being scammed.
Have they considered trying to colonize the moon? I here there’s a lot of unoccupied acreage. And they’ll be far removed from anyone else with whom they disagree.
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