This has given CNN a case of the sads
With Cheney’s impending ouster, the GOP chooses Trump over principle
Former President Donald Trump promised to exact his revenge on Republicans who refused to go along with his election lies or turn a blind eye to his role in the January 6 insurrection. This week, Americans are likely to watch his first political casualty fall as the House GOP is poised to oust Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney from her No. 3 leadership post and replace her with Rep. Elise Stefanik.
The decision to swap out Cheney for Stefanik, who has a far less conservative voting record but the golden calling card of loyalty to the former President, demonstrates that the GOP now values political expediency over the willingness to stand on principle in the post-Trump era.
At first, many Republicans said Cheney had the right to speak her mind and criticize Trump for his role in the insurrection as they danced around his damaging and inaccurate statements that the election of President Joe Biden was rigged. Now their worries about appealing to his base in the upcoming elections seems to have convinced them that there is no room for disagreement with the former President and that having a vocal Trump critic on their leadership team is too much of a liability.
That may be true when facing the most conservative voters who dominate the Republican primaries given that a March CNN poll showed that about 67% of Republicans said they believed Trump had a good effect on the party. But House Republicans appear to be taking a harder line than most Republicans about the need for unquestioning loyalty to Trump. More than three-quarters (76%) of Republicans or Republican-leaning independents said the party should not penalize members who expressed opposition to him.
It’s cute that CNN is still engaged in Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s also cute that CNN is looking to defend and protect Cheney. Which is the real problem, not her TDS and loathing of Trump, as Derek Hunter at Townhall points out
There Are Simple Reasons Liz Cheney Has To Go
Imagine General Dwight Eisenhower on June 6, 1944, speaking to the troops and after saying, “You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you,†he tosses in a, “But not Italians, or Irish, and certainly not any of you from California because Californians suck. I hope they get shot. When the bullets start flying, use those people as human shields.†How would that go over? Not well.
Would you follow that guy into battle? Hell no. Even if you weren’t Irish, Italian, or from California, how could anyone trust him? (snip)
Absolutely not. Yet, that’s what Liz Cheney has done as House Republican Conference Chair. And that’s why she has to go.
Her failure is not because she doesn’t like Donald Trump, that is the least important part of this whole drama, but because she can’t do the job. Her job is to hold the caucus together and advance the Republican agenda. She can’t do it, and it’s all her fault.
Cheney’s raging case of Trump Derangement Syndrome aside, she has fired down her own trench too many times. Leaders, effective leaders, don’t attack their own troops. They can have differences with individuals, but when the chips are down, everyone has to be pulling in the same direction.
Imagine taking part in a tug-of-war and the person behind you, one of your own team members, is expending some of their energy kicking you in the back and cursing your existence. That’s what Liz Cheney has been doing when attacking other Republicans in Congress.
Cheney has also been more than willing to run her mouth to the media, like CNN, hence one of the reasons CNN would protect her. Even John McCain didn’t provide this amount of friendly fire to the media that Cheney has. She’s constantly aiding Democrats with her backstabbing and rants. It doesn’t help the GOP or conservatism at all. Democrats rarely do this. When they launch fire at Democrats it’s mostly about trying to push the party further towards Progressivism. She doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut. Or maybe she just doesn’t want to, meaning she doesn’t need to be in a leadership role. And, you can very much see the people of Wyoming booting her in 2022.

Kinda like Maxine.

And Nancy.
And AOC.
And …
Bwaha! Lolgf
Actually Trump’s continued popularity is bad for Trump.
The only way the terrified left will defeat Trump in 2024 is if he does not run. The only way the terrified left will instill Wokism in the USA is if Trump is reduced to ashes.
How do you make sure Trump never runs again?
You try him for a felony. Enter a dozen DEMOCRAT AG’S all looking for something to nail trump the proverbial cross. No other president has ever been actively pursued after leaving office except for Donald Trump.
As Elwood here fearfully describes it, coining phrases of CNN, MSNBC the national Press and the Democratic party. Trumpism. A cult of personality. Choose your NAZI reference.
They cannot understand how popular Trump is considering his brash, Narcissistic ways. They fail to comprehend that there is but one person willing to stand against WOKISM and the destruction it is doing to not only this nation but how its very essence is dividing the USA from its staunchest allies.
THE EU, INDIA and AUSTRALIA are horrified at what is happening inside the USA. Each of these countries are now increasing their military budgets and building larger military footprints knowing the USA is on the path to self destruction.
In the end. The destruction of Trump in the minds eye of the left will lead to the collapse of all resistance. Yet they fail to see how a stolen election has fired up the right and if these AG’s go after Trump to charge him and try him with a felony so he can never run again. They have no idea the hornets nest they will kick over.
Liz Cheney is a symptom of what is wrong with all politics of the past in the USA. Every 2 years a carpet bagger from the east or west moves to Wyoming and runs for national office with outside money. Every 2 years they are soundly defeated but all it takes is the boldness of paying off some stupid Wyoming Sec of State to install machines that can run a small program that flips votes.
Something already proven that can be done with Dominion voting machines. EASILY. The left is relentless and Cheney is still living in the past where HER BOOGIE MEN are MUSLIMS IN AFGHANISTAN and not DEMOCRATS COMING FOR your children’s social upbringing.
tRumpism, tRumpublican Party, tRumptilians… all descriptive of the current cult of personality that has overwhelmed the Republican Party.
tRump and his anti-democracy followers got a taste of authoritarian power and liked it. Finally, a strongman leader who expressed their hatred of all things white nationalist. Hatred of all minorities, actions against immigrants and Muslims, all groups viewed as subhuman by trumpists. Trumpists are loyal to their cult leader, not America, democracy or the Constitution – which are all secondary to their allegiance to tRump.
As was predicted, but optimistically hoped would not come to pass, the immediate past presidency weakened America, weakened democracy and weakened our global position. His “policies” widened the gap between rich and poor.
Trump not only hates the “other” that white nationalists hate, but he took action against them – banning Muslims, separating immigrant babies from immigrant mothers, encouraging right-wing attacks on democracy, attacking the DOJ, FBI, CIA, the military, the media, science, elections and medicine. He further divided and destabilized America, endangering Americans.
By all means keep worshiping trump who makes you feel good about your anti-democracy position. He’ll lose again bigly, despite the state level GOP assault on minority voters and democracy itself. The twice impeached, and one term preezy, while generating intense devotion in his cult followers can only win by cheating. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
The real risk is when a right-wing authoritarian who is more sophisticated than trump comes along. Josh Hawley and Ron DeSantis are candidates.
He lost the popular vote in 2016 and lost the popular and EC votes in 2020.
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, just can’t quite get over his Trumphobia.
So he whines.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach’s lap puppy, Teach and tRump are all dipshits.
tRump is the leader of an increasingly violent, dangerous and willfully ignorant cult that even infests our legislative branch (and the state legislatures).
And whines some more.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Est1950: You try him for a felony.
If Trump committed a crime, then he is subject to the law like any other person. His attorney, Michael Cohen, went to jail for criminal acts of which Trump was a party.
Est1950: Something already proven that can be done with Dominion voting machines.
There is no evidence of machine voting fraud. Indeed, there is substantial evidence that the machine count was accurate, including audit in various states, and a hand-recount of every ballot in Georgia.
Est 1950
Do you realize that it is only the right that does not accept the fact that Biden won a fair election ?
Independents and Democrats believe the election was fair
All the news media that spread the lies about the election have apologized including NewsMax
No court including the Supremes has found any reason to believe the election was stolen
Get over it Trump is the loser
In 3 more years Anerucans are going to be even less likely to believe his “fake news” hype
I personally hope he does run
Rasmussen poll: 20-30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen from Trump
From SSRS for CNN in late April, indicates that a huge majority of Democrats, and a solid two-thirds majority of independents. Meaning 33 percent of independents believe the election was not fair and/or fraudulent.
See you have 30 percent of dems. 33 percent of independents and 66 percent of Repubs all believing the election was stolen.
When you use a math formula you find that the nation is split 50/50 on this topic.
So once again anything you post is not based in fact but your watching the HUFFPO, Intercept or MSNBC rather than digging for the truth.
Hairy let me ask you another simple question.
IF BIDEN is the MOST POPULAR PRESIDENT EVER in the HISTORY of EVER. I mean he got 19 million more votes that the Very Unpopular Barak Obama (Rock Star of the left). So if he is so popular that he blasted the history books with the greatest vote total in the history of the UNITED STATES.
How is it that he is so unpopular.
Polling has him barely above 50 percent just 100 days after his election. His first speech was viewed by just 53 percent when TRUMP got 57 percent viewership.
How is it Biden barely treads water with the left on most issues? How can a man who got so many votes not be polling 90 percent like BUSH after 911.
Obviously the entire country loved the guy. Why are his poll numbers so low for a man who broke every record for votes??????
President Biden ended the polling week with a daily job approval of 51%.
Hell Trump ended his presidency with a 52 percent approval rating and he was a terrorist/Insurrectionist.
Yeah Biden got 81 million votes all right. 25 million of which were harvested votes transported in Semi-Trailers from other states and counted in the dead of night.
“What happened on October 21 was a series of unusual events that cannot be a coincidence. I know I saw ballots with return addresses filled out. Thousands of them. Thousands loaded onto my trailer in New York and headed to Pennsylvania,†he said.
Votes coming from NEW YORK to PA??????????
Truth or not? Were supposed to believe voter suppression but not voter fraud? Yep there is a problem with America’s election process. Transparency would end this once and for all.
There are millions of deluded trump supporters – after all it’s a cult – and their leader says the election was stolen. Cults follow their leaders independent of facts and evidence. Cult members either ignore or justify the flaws of their leaders.
Currently, in the minds of trump cultists, the nation needs a little authoritarianism to “do the right things” to “take back America” from the undeserved dem-libs-wokesters-gays-trans-warmists-commie-nazis. In their collective opinion (derived from their leader) America is badly broken and is only a few years away from destruction – and only one man can lead the nation from the abyss. To the cult, this feeling justifies reducing the influence of minorities in our electoral process.
So Rimjob, dipshit that you are, could you expound on all the wonderful accomplishments of *President Shortbus?
Surely there are some. No cheating now.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach must be a dipshit to keep such a naughty lap puppy! The little puppy must supply a very valuable service!
Est1950: When you use a math formula you find that the nation is split 50/50 on this topic.
Per your own source, 65% of people thought “Biden legitimately won enough votes to win the presidency.” Only 30% thought otherwise.
Est1950: IF BIDEN is the MOST POPULAR PRESIDENT EVER in the HISTORY of EVER. I mean he got 19 million more votes that the Very Unpopular Barak Obama (Rock Star of the left).
The latter does not necessarily imply the latter.
Est1950: “What happened on October 21 was a series of unusual events that cannot be a coincidence. I know I saw ballots with return addresses filled out. Thousands of them. Thousands loaded onto my trailer in New York and headed to Pennsylvania,†he said.
Oh? Can you point to the affidavit? Other evidence? It’s not as if everyone doesn’t carry a camera in their pocket.
The latter does not necessarily imply the {former}.
You are stupid enough to use CNN as a reference.
Est1950: From SSRS for CNN in late April …
david7134: You are stupid enough to use CNN as a reference.
Your aspersions of Est1950 don’t constitute an argument.
Est1950: Rasmussen poll: 20-30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen from Trump
Headline taken directly from the extreme right-biased Bizpac Review.
They linked to a Nov 19, 2020 Rasmussen poll entitled 61% Think Trump Should Concede to Biden.
The poll overview did not mention the BizPac Review (and your) 20-30% claim.
Est1950: From SSRS for CNN in late April, indicates that a huge majority of Democrats, and a solid two-thirds majority of independents. Meaning 33 percent of independents believe the election was not fair and/or fraudulent.
Although your comment is unclear, in this poll you indirectly cite, 97% of Democrats responded that President Biden won a fair election. Overall they found only 30% of ALL voters (Republican, Independent and Dem) responded that the election was fraudulent. 70% of trump cultists, er.. Republicans… responded that the election was fraudulent. 27% of Independents/other (not 33%) responded that the election was fraudulent.
Anyway, the two polls that you indirectly cited have disparate results.
😠cancel Liz!!
Right woke
If the demofascists didn’t cheat then why are they so against recounts in suspect areas and states? They made a big deal over how Trump didn’t win in 2016 to the point they held a (almost) 3 year investigation costing $40 million and got a big nothing burger. But when MILLIONS of Americans feel cheated and yes, we did see fishy shit going on and so did you, they wave us away and call us names.
The same suspects who lie about polls, who lie about the Wuhan cold, who lie about everything else are to believed WITHOUT any auditing? Sorry, you guys have already pissed away all your good will and truth. When the Media goes dark, when Trump is censored from social media, when Xiden spent the campaign in hi basement and his rallies were 200 people in a parking lot there is SOMETHING FISHY whether you want to admit it or not.
An honest adversary would throw open the books and demand recounts in the 5 or 6 suspect states not hide and scream XIDEN WON CASE CLOSED. That’s tyranny. You proved your fear of being caught by refusing to even INVESTIGATE these many claims. An honest adversary would demand an honest election even if his side lost. The left in America is not an honest adversary. It is a corrupt criminal organization only interested in power and dedicated to the destruction of America as it was Founded. They are quislings.
Ask yourself why the left:
hates White people?
hates Christians?
hates Jews?
Hates America?
The answer is they are criminal organization not a political party any longer.
Kye: They made a big deal over how Trump didn’t win in 2016 …
The issue wasn’t whether or not Trump was elected, but foreign interference in the election, and the Trump campaign welcoming that foreign interference.
Kye: If the {Democrats} didn’t cheat then why are they so against recounts in suspect areas and states? ]]
There’s a legal system in place for that. In fact, there have been many recounts and audits of the election.
You need to understand that you are being feed an unending stream of propaganda to distort your view. The election was stolen, Trump has won the majority of suits brought and our justice system has bent over backward to hide the steal. So the question is, why.
The interference in the 2016 election was Democrat and media hype.
I don’t consider you that mature or knowledgeable, would advise learning critical thinking, how to read and understand the corrupt nature of our government. Otherwise you are well on your way to just being a tool.
david7134: You need to understand that you are being feed an unending stream of propaganda to distort your view.
Actually, we look at the evidence. The claim that the machine count was fraudulent was debunked when Georgia recounted every single ballot and confirmed the machine count to a very high precision.
david7134: The interference in the 2016 election was Democrat and media hype.
That’s not what the Mueller investigation and the Republican-led Senate investigation determined:
david7134: I don’t consider you that mature or knowledgeable
What you “consider” isn’t relevant. What is relevant is the evidence.
Then the Kiddiez reference the Mueller report.

Hard to dispute leftist fantasies.
Bwaha! Lolgf
“There’s a legal system in place for that. In fact, there have been many recounts and audits of the election.”
Yes, there is a legal system for that and it has been corrupted and blocked at every level. You know it and we know it. And yes there have been many recounts NONE in any of the disputed states (they are trying against all odds in AZ) and none involving cheating just incorrect vote tallies.
I would figure a guy like you Zac would be the fist kind to demand an audit/recount on all those spurious “returns” and since I don’t believe you to be either blind nor stupid I wonder why you do not believe it to be important that over 100 million Americans be convinced the election was fair? Unless winning is mor important than Truth to you also.
All the left needs is to audit 5 or 6 states and all of this can be put to rest. Fact is, they like Stalin, want to count the votes then they want to do the recount. Half the country feels we’ve lost our Republic to criminals and cheats. Whose side are you on?
Kye: Yes, there is a legal system for that and it has been corrupted and blocked at every level.
Well, no. The Trump campaign went to court, but could never show any significant irregularities. Regardless, there have been many audits of the process.
Kye: And yes there have been many recounts NONE in any of the disputed states
That is incorrect. Georgia conducted an audit and then a hand recount of every ballot. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation even audited signatures. The Trump campaign requested and received a recount in Milwaukee County and Dane County, Wisconsin. Michigan conducted the most extensive election audit in state history. Many other states conduct audits as a standard procedure.
Kid, you keep referencing the Georgia recount. Yes, they recounted the votes on record, now how many votes were illegal. Your next stupid thought is that signatures were verified. That means you watch too much TV. And, as we have told you, Trump has prevailed in court. But you keep going to websites that Elwood does, leftest propaganda.
Now, if you really think that the election was legitimate, then you are saying that 80 million Americans are stupid enough to elect a corrupt slime who has advanced dementia. That is the view of the rest of the world.
david7134: Yes, they recounted the votes on record, now how many votes were illegal.
The claim was that the machine count was fraudulent and that there was no recount. Both those claims were false.
david7134: Your next stupid thought is that signatures were verified. That means you watch too much TV.
Actually, it was the Georgia Bureau of Investigation that conducted the signature audit.
david7134: Trump has prevailed in court.
Please cite the case and decision.
Republican-dominated legislatures in PA, GA, MI, WI and AZ all certified their respective state votes.
The Republican-controlled DOJ found no significant fraud.
The Republican-controlled DHS found no significant fraud.
Donald Trump’s hand-picked conservative Supreme Court found insufficient reason to even take up the Trump team’s entreaties.
Mx Kye is exclusively on the side of Donald Trump.
Mx Kye types: Half the country feels we’ve lost our Republic to criminals
70% of Republicans feel that President Biden won by fraudulent votes. Few Democrats believe the Big Lie. Do you have any evidence that “half the country feels we’ve lost our republic to criminals”?