Again, it’s funny that so many people, both Warmists and Skeptics, said I was crazy for saying that the climate crisis scam was really about politics and such, not about science, back in the early part of the 21st Century. And would have issues when I said Warmists wanted to take us back to 1499. Yet, allow me to toot my own horn in saying “I’ve been right about this the whole time”
Climate Change Modeling of “Degrowth†Scenarios – Reduction in GDP, Energy and Material Use
Well-being can be maintained in a degrowth transition.
The first comprehensive comparison of ‘degrowth’ scenarios with established pathways to limit climate change highlights the risk of over-reliance on carbon dioxide removal, renewable energy, and energy efficiency to support continued global growth — which is assumed in established global climate modeling.
Degrowth focuses on the global North and is defined as an equitable, democratic reduction in energy and material use while maintaining wellbeing. A decline in GDP is accepted as a likely outcome of this transition.
Accepted by whom, exactly? The same people telling us this is a crisis while living in their palatial mansions, taking long fossil fueled flights on private jets, and generally refusing to make any changes in their lives? People who really won’t be affected by government forcing these “equitable, democratic” reductions on the common folk?
The new modeling by the University of Sydney and ETH Zürich includes high growth/technological change and scenarios summarized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a comparison to degrowth pathways. It shows that by combining far-reaching social change focused on sufficiency as well as technological improvements, net-zero carbon emissions can be more easily achieved technologically.
What if society doesn’t want to change? Warmists sure aren’t changing their lives. Will we be forced?
Currently, the IPCC and the established modeling community, integrated assessment model (IAM), does not consider degrowth scenarios where reduced production and consumption in the global North is combined with maintaining wellbeing and achieving climate goals. In contrast, established scenarios rely on combinations of unprecedented carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere and other far-reaching technological changes. (snip)
Mr. Keyßer said he was surprised by the clarity of the results: “Our simple model shows degrowth pathways have clear advantages in many of the central categories; it appears to be a significant oversight that degrowth is not even considered in the conventional climate modeling community.
I recommend that the UN IPCC, elected leaders like Biden, Merkel, Trudeau, etc, trot this out to the citizens. Let’s see how well it goes when people get the implication of what these climate cultists want.
“However, a just, democratic and orderly degrowth transition would involve reducing the gap between the haves and have-nots, with more equitable distribution from affluent nations to nations where human needs are still unmet — something that is yet to be fully explored.â€
A ‘degrowth’ society could include:
- A shorter working week, resulting in reduced unemployment alongside increasing productivity and stable economic output.
- Universal basic services independent of income, for necessities i.e. food, health care, transport.
- Limits on maximum income and wealth, enabling a universal basic income to be increased and reducing inequality, rather than increasing inequality as is the current global trend.
See? Totally about science, not Progressive (nice Fascism) policies.

Well Teach you personally of course are part of that “degrowth” as you seemingly have decided to remain childless, the ultimate regrowth
Biden just gave final approval to the Vin eff yard wind project to be located 12 m I’ll less south of the Vin egg utf are ( the older project was to be located north of the Vineyad between th island and Cape Cod) it will provide power up to that required for 400000 homes, MA has a population less than 3 million so quite substantial
It is expected to provide over 3000 job/years during construction and should power up by 2024 The power will be sold to the grid at 6.5 cents per kwh
A little context, John….
“Degrowth” is another word for contraction, a word that the warmunists definitely do not want to use. Two consecutive quarters of contraction define a recession, and recessions make people poorer.
Now why would anyone say that a shorter workweek would result in reduced unemployment and increasing productivity?
Universal basic services? Just how would these be paid? Someone seems to think that there’s a free lunch, though, given that the government has been giving out free lunches of late, I suppose we could excuse the weak-minded, a term which would cover all of the warmunists, for thinking that it could be so.