Why is Six Flags so mean to a mom just trying to have a good day at the park?
A woman is claiming that a cop at Six Flags confronted her over the length of her shorts in front of her 11-year-old daughter.
Unfortunately, public debate over women’s clothes is nothing new to the news cycle. Recently, a TikTok went viral after a young woman claimed a mom pressured her to leave a beach because she was wearing a bikini. Earlier in March, another TikTok went viral after a woman accused her neighbor of calling the police over her outfit.
Now, another woman is stepping forward with a similar event that she captured on film.
Bailey Breedlove took to Facebook on May 2 to claim that she and her family were visiting a Six Flags amusement park in Oklahoma City when her 11-year-old daughter was stopped by an officer for rolling down a hill with her Heelys — a brand of skate shoe with a removable wheel embedded in the sole.
Then, the officer allegedly turned her attention to Breedlove’s outfit.
“[The officer] proceeded to follow me and grabbed my arm to turn me around and proceeded to tell me my shorts were ‘too short,’†Breedlove wrote on Facebook. “I committed no crime and proceeded to walk to my boyfriend as I am autistic and have a hard time talking to officers. She followed me yelling and calling for backup.†(snip)
Ultimately, Breedlove said her family decided to leave the park. However, the officer then allegedly pulled out handcuffs and asked Breedlove for her ID. It was at this moment that a family member decided to start filming the interaction, which Breedlove uploaded to both Facebook and TikTok. Her video on TikTok has reached over 2 million views.
Go check the video out at the links. And this link has her showing off her shorts.
But, this is 2021, where news outlets do not wait for all the information, and everyone tries to portray themselves as the victim. And today we get
And, now we get the reality. She was exposing her buttocks and cursing out people. Probably because people called her out for walking around with her shorts pulled up the crack of her butt for social media https://t.co/HyyYfSBHPQ https://t.co/ElB0D3XLOB
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) May 12, 2021
From the Star Telegram
Six Flags, which operates the Frontier City theme park in Oklahoma City, said it does not body shame and Breedlove’s removal from the park was not because of her attire, but rather her behavior toward police, Six Flags employees and other park guests. (snip)
In a statement to McClatchy News, Six Flags said it asks “that guests wear attire appropriate for our family-friendly environment and expect guests to behave in a family-friendly manner. Disruptive or offensive behavior or the use of profanity or abusive language or gestures will not be tolerated and may result in a guest being removed from the park.â€
Breedlove used offensive language during the incident at the park, which was not shown in the video, Six Flags said.
â€The guest was initially stopped because her shorts exposed a significant portion of her buttocks,†the theme park said in a statement. “She was given multiple opportunities to change or cover up, but refused. Instead, she responded with profanity and offensive conduct, including further exposing her buttocks. The guest was removed from the park after she refused to stop her unruly and offensive behavior, targeted at the police and other park guests. The video clip this guest has posted on the internet does not fully portray her behavior during this incident.â€
Oops. She was most likely walking around with her shorts pulled up the crack of her butt, for attention and for social media shots, and then was called out on it by other guests and/or staff, and preceded to curse them out. Seriously, how many times have people been witnessed doing these kinds of things in public for social media and to get likes? That’s these days, right? Basically around the last 8 years or so. People want their fame, and, if you rain on it by calling out their poor behavior they’ll call you lots of bad things and play the Victim.
Sure, men like the shots, you can see them at places like The Chive, Barnorama, Thrillblender, Izismile and Izispicy, Acid Cow, and so many others. Heck, many I post in IAYS come from that. But, there is a time and place for everything. And people just don’t seem to have the moral compass to understand the propriety.

We are all victims under the illegal Xiden Junta.
In the brief three months since the overthrow of President Trump and the installation of the corrupt Xiden Junta we have made marvelous progress toward tyranny and poverty. Take for example:
the Xiden gas shortage, lines and related stress known as the Xiden Energy policy
the mooslems blowing up Israel once again now known as the Xiden Mid East Policy
the pussyfication of our military so the USS Harvey Milk can run from Iraqi speed boats know as the Xiden Stand Down Order
the “defunding” of our police so they can be replaced with BLM/Antifa hand picked Black Shirts the Xiden Reimagining Police
systemic burning of major cities and erasure of historic statues the Xiden Arts Progrom
out of controlled (yet systematically denied) Carteresque inflation or the Xiden Economic Plan
Plus fraud in elections and the never ending use of THE LAW to persecute those who disagree with the tyrannical Junta.
It’s been a great 3 months and now it’s almost DEMOFASCIST RIOT SEASON. Hurray!?
Later we can discuss people refusing to work because they are being paid more not to, the coming housing collapse, the coming food shortage, the coming energy shortage, the perpetual censorship of non-junta sympathizers, the blackification of ads, TV shows, movies and award shows seemingly as blacks now comprise 75% of America.
What a great time in history to be alive. We get to watch the Xiden junta disestablish America and create????????
Trumps russian buddies hacked the pipeline and caused the problem
Probably pissed he didn’t get elected
Every day just keeps looking worse to Kye
Have you know hope ? Has your God so cursed your life and health that you have no more joy in your life ?
Socialism? Lol
I didnt whine about it when Los Federales have you a fat low interest loan using public tax money’s nor do I begrudge you your medicare and socialistic security
But the near constant warnings about how “socialism” is/has ruined our country is wearing thinshoukdnt you actually be grateful?
Sure they did, Johnnie.
Hurry, they’re almost out of rice pudding at the nervous hospital commissary.

Bwaha! Lolgf
John is doing an excessive amount of drugs.
…you can see them at places like The Chive, Barnorama, Thrillblender, Izismile and Izispicy, Acid Cow, and so many others. Heck, many I post in IAYS come from that.
I had no idea. I thought you were just blessed to know so many younger attractive women.
I would like to point out the economics of the situation. I had thought seriously that the majority of the pics in your IAYS segments were paid models. They all had that similar lighting and staged looks. But so many millions of younger women not able to contain themselves from showing off have probably seriously undercut the market price of cheesecake. Free milk vs buying cows.
She was just advertising, 6 Flags likely charges for advertisement.
How you dress (and tattoos) tells people a lot about yourself. It is your advertisement to the world. It is your Freedom of Expression. Other people get to “read” your advertisement and get to “buy” what you have to “sell” or Not. Obviously, Six Flags was not buying.
Good comment, thanks.
After she said she would leave the security guard tells her “we will let ykubleave after you show your ID”
Like he is going to hold her against her will in 6 flags for allegedly breaking their dress code? Teach did you watch the youtube video? Why would you immediately take the side of the security guard /corporation? Security guards can only detain you if they believe a crime has been committed
Teach do you think she committed a crime ? Teach what would you do if a security guard told you that you could not leave because he did not like the way you were dressed
Give up the drugs.
Now, if you are at any commercial entity and walking around with your sex hanging out, they can ask you to leave. There is no way that girl could cover herself with those shorts.
Six Flags originally released this statement: “The guest was initially stopped because her shorts exposed a significant portion of her buttocks. She was given multiple opportunities to change or cover-up, but refused.”
Later Six Flags claimed: “A guest was escorted from Frontier City because of her behavior towards the police, our team members, and other park guests. Six Flags does not body shame and did not remove this guest because of the length of her shorts.”
Did they lie the first time or subsequently?
If her shorts were too short according to Six Flags, why didn’t they stop her at the gate? If they have a dress code they should make it known and be checking for scofflaws at the gate. Businesses can set their own rules on dress, e.g., no shirt, no shoes, no service or MAGA Hats Not Allowed! But it seems unfair that Six Flags let her pay THEN kicked her out.