What could be the reasons for this? I know plenty who aren’t vaccinated. Some because they do not take shots like that, not even a flu shot. Some don’t trust that the vaccines haven’t been fully through CDC vetting process. Some just don’t think it’s necessary. Might those be the ones most likely to be in public? The ones I know are the ones going to bars. Me? I do avoid some things. I’m not going to bars, prefer not to eat at restaurants at this time. And, I’m fully vaccinated. Perhaps more vaccinated’s are more cautious? Who know
Vaccinated people far less likely to engage in public activities than unvaccinated Americans: poll
Vaccinated Americans are far less likely to engage in public activities than people who have not yet received the coronavirus vaccine, according to a new Morning Consult poll.
A survey of 879 vaccinated American adults and 1,321 unvaccinated adults found that those who were not inoculated against COVID-19 were much more likely to want to return to normal and engage in public activities. Morning Consult gauged the interest in both groups in returning to public activities, including going to the gym, taking a train, going to a party, attending a concert, going to a wedding, traveling abroad, and going on a cruise. In every possible scenario, the respondents that were not vaccinated were more inclined to participate in these public activities and events.
According to the poll, 43% of unvaccinated people felt it was safe to go to the gym versus only 27% of vaccinated Americans given the current state of the coronavirus pandemic. There were 42% of unvaccinated respondents who would attend a concert compared to 23% of vaccinated. When it comes to attending a sporting event, 42% of unvaccinated are ready to go to the ballpark, and 29% of vaccinated would go to the stadium to support their favorite sports team. There were 54% of vaccinated participants ready to get back to dating, while 43% of respondents were prepared to look for love despite being vaccinated for COVID-19. Speaking of love, there were 50% of unvaccinated people who felt comfortable attending a wedding, but just 38% of Americans who are vaccinated would go to a wedding. The poll found that 45% of unvaccinated people would attend a religious gathering versus 35% of those who were vaccinated.
Hmm. I went back to the gym almost immediately (and some days it could be really busy, certainly beyond the capacity limits set by North Carolina). Yet, I know some who aren’t vaccinated who stay away from the gym. I’m getting nowhere near cruise, but, I did fly for Christmas. And would fly again being vaccinated, even though it felt weird with zero social distancing. A big concert or sporting event? Maybe.
The unvaccinated Americans were most comfortable with dining at a restaurant (63%), shopping at a mall (60%), and renting a car (58%).
I’m good with letting people I don’t know test driving a vehicle without me. But, also, I like having that 15-20 minutes to just chill, and, I think people pay attention to the vehicle more without a sales person around. I can be quiet for 15 minutes, most people can’t, and focus on me.
The survey conducted from May 6-8 also discovered that 88% of vaccinated people said COVID-19 poses a “severe” or “moderate” health risk in the United States, compared with 70% of unvaccinated respondents.
My position has always been, and, even being vaccinated (you still have a small chance of getting COVID), better safe than sorry. It could be a minor case, or one that will mess you up for months. I don’t feel like missing work for weeks, or even months. I really, really, really hate getting sick. But, people can do them. You don’t want a vaccine? That’s on you. Don’t want to distance or take precautions? That’s on you, just don’t get close to me, fist bump me, etc.

But you aren’t safe!! YOU’RE VAXXED!! Have you not done your research??????
Well it does raise a few questions.
Bwaha! Lolgf
It makes sense that those who understand the value of vaccination are also more careful.
I suspect that the people that rushed out to get vaccinated are simply more fearful people.
I suspect that the people refusing to get vaccinated are either afraid or just ignorant.
Is a conservative who feels the pandemic is a hoax/scam and who gets vaccinated a hypocrite?
Is a fascist who believes there was no fraud in the election but thinks there should be an investigation to prove it a hypocrite?
You’re the fascist, so you tell us.
We fully understand the shock wave of disbelief that reverberated through the right-wing-o-sphere when your Master was kicked to the curb. He lost 2020 even worse than in 2016. A clear majority of voters did not prefer your Master. It’s only somewhat surprising that QOP leaders have coalesced around Him even after His failed coup attempt. The QOP has lost all interest in America and Americans. It’s a cult.
Was there fraud in the election? Probably, since there always is. Is there credible evidence that President Biden’s win was fraudulent? No. Nada. Zip. Even your Master’s own lawyer admits it was all a lie. It’s a cult.
No, you Qpers have invented a conspiracy tale (fully supported by your Master) that computers, Chinamen, Hugo Chavez, and big city Eek! Negroes stole the election. And it makes sense to you because you and your acquaintances all were fervent supporters of your Master. You’re in a cult.
Did you hear the rumor that Vice-President Harris is behind sub rosa investigations of right-wing, white supremacist organizations’ infiltration of the QOP, our military and police departments?