While this is very good news, it rather exposes something interesting
NC will no longer require mask, social distancing in most places
About six weeks shy of a year behind face coverings, North Carolinians have more places where they can shed the mask after Gov. Roy Cooper announced on Friday that the state would no longer require masks and social distancing.
Cooper put the state under that mandate on June 24, 2020, with the state’s daily average of new coronavirus cases at about 1,300. Almost a year later and after a January peak of 8,700 new cases per day, North Carolina is back to an average of 1,300 new cases per day.
North Carolina’s change to the mask mandate falls in line with updated guidelines released by the Centers for Disease Control on Thursday. The state will still require mask use by all people in public schools, healthcare settings, in childcare, on public transit and in prisons.
All current capacity restrictions in indoor spaces have also been lifted. (snip)
Cooper had originally planned to lift the statewide mask mandate on June 1 – or after two-thirds of adults statewide had at least one COVID shot. As of Friday, more than 50% of adults in the state have received at least one dose of vaccine. More than 35% of adults in the state are fully vaccinated.
So, even though the daily cases is the same as when Cooper enacted the mask mandate, he removed it? What’s different now? Especially since his plan had been to wait for 66% with one vaccination shot (which isn’t really helpful). Could it be it was a political decision back last year? I’ll give Cooper the benefit of the doubt for back then, since he really hasn’t been horrible and dictatorial like many a Democratic governor/mayor throughout this. But, this sure looks like a political decision now. My personal theory is that it is meant to try and stimulate NC’s economy, especially after the pipeline disaster (which is still going on, because foolish people are freaking out and getting gas when they do not need it yet). Why else remove all three?
But, masks being gone is a good thing. I was never a fan, since they enticed people to get too close, and even touch people. Businesses, however, are allowed to keep their own mandates if they choose
(WRAL) After the governor’s announcement, O2 Fitness in Raleigh dropped their pandemic restrictions. This comes as welcome news to gym members like Emily Van Schagen.
YMCA of the Triangle also announced they would be dropping their mask requirement on Friday. The YMCA has also asked that individuals who are not fully vaccinated continue wearing masks.
Lynn Minges, president of NC’s Restaurant and Lodging Association, said Friday’s announcement was good news for business owners.This year has been tough on the restaurant industry, and we’ve had to say goodbye to many local restaurants.
Minges said many businesses will likely still encourage their employees to wear masks. Most likely larger brands, like McDonald’s, will still require masks.
Many supermarkets and businesses said they will require masks, and not just in NC, but states without mandates and are lifting them. Some, like Walmart, say they will only require for the unvaccinated. How will you tell? Will I have to show my vax card, either the paper version or the photos I took? The Washington Post is Very Upset that the CDC lifted their mandate. Which has no force of law, but, is swaying many states (this map doesn’t include the change to NC)
Mask Mandates via @DailyMail pic.twitter.com/e69vsHMApk
— Jack Poso ???????? (@JackPosobiec) May 14, 2021
Kentucky @GovAndyBeshear will drop almost all restrictions, including mask mandate for unvaccinated, on June 11th. Why June 11th? Because state Supreme Court hears arguments against his executive orders on June 10th, so he'll argue cases are moot. https://t.co/nO0K3hZj1e
— Dana Pico (@Dana_TFSJ) May 15, 2021
Politics. But, I’ll take it. Though I think it was a mistake to remove distancing. That, washing hands, not touching your face, and not touching other people were probably the smartest ideas.

William Teach: So, even though the daily cases is the same as when Cooper enacted the mask mandate, he removed it? What’s different now?
William Teach: try and stimulate NC’s economy
Yes, getting people back to work is an important consideration.
We were told that when Texas lifted its mask mandate on March 10th, the whole state would get infected and die. The actual result was that cases continued to drop, and were lower per capita than many states which had retained mask mandates and had higher vaccination levels.
Reichsstatthalter Andy Beshear (NSDAP-KY), who vetoed a bill which would have allowed Kentucky business to reopen, despite his executive orders, as long as they followed the CDC guidelines, immediately followed the CDC guideline changes. The next day, Mrs Pico and I went to an outdoor lunch at Backstreet Grub, and she noted that no one was wearing a mask, saying, “I’ll bet that 95% of these people haven’t been vaccinated.”
Technically, I wasn’t “fully vaccinated,” because while I’ve had both doses, it won’t be 14 days since my last dose until this coming Wednesday. But I’ve never worn a mask outdoors.
Now the Reichsstatthalter has said that he will drop the mask mandate for everyone, including those not vaccinated, on June 11th. His previous statements, that he’d only drop restrictions once 2.5 million Kentuckians were vaccinated, have fallen by the wayside, not because of Teh Science, but because of political considerations. That’s obvious now, but it was the case all along. There’s no ‘anti-vaccine passport’ legislation in Kentucky, and with the General Assembly not in session, such cannot be passed, but the Reichsstatthalter knows that if he tried to impose that by executive order the people would rebel.
To me, it has always been more important to fight tyranny than it was to fight the virus.
From The New York Times:
Teach you are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts
One shot of Modena 80% effective against covid
So then one shot of Modena (which I currently have) is an 80% vaccine? How are the doomed 20% determined?
BTW, where did you gather that gem of science?
A single dose of Pfizer’s or Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine was 80% effective in preventing infections, according to a new CDC study.
Two doses are better than one, the CDC said, adding that the vaccines’ effectiveness jumped to 90% two weeks after the second dose.
Obvious question: if a single dose of Moderna or Pfizer yields an 80% effectiveness rate, while the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine yields about a 72% effectiveness rate, why are the CDC considering someone “fully vaccinated” if he is 14 days past his second dose of Pfizer or Moderna (purportedly around 96% effective), and 14 days past his only dose of J&J?
This is clearly politics, not science.
Dana: if a single dose of Moderna or Pfizer yields an 80% effectiveness rate, while the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine yields about a 72% effectiveness rate, why are the CDC considering someone “fully vaccinated†if he is 14 days past his second dose of Pfizer or Moderna (purportedly around 96% effective), and 14 days past his only dose of J&J?
That’s the protocol the different manufacturers developed and tested, and the data is still incomplete. There was no way to know in advance exactly how effective a particular vaccine might be. Newer data has led to some countries delaying the second shot of the Pfizer vaccine so as to prioritize distribution of the first shot.
Policies, even policies based on sound science, are political. Scientists do not create policy and laws, our elected officials do. Public health officials create guidelines and recommendations.
The objective is to vaccinate as many Americans as possible as quickly as possible to reach some level of societal “normalcy” and importantly, to avoid the spread of new viral variants.
Yet according to Congressional testimony around 50% of CDC employees have refused to be vaccinated so far.
Wonder why.

BWAHA! Lolgfy
I found that figure of 80% by using this thing called “google”
Instead of looking silly by asking others how to find something easily verifiable perhaps first you should look yourself
However, if you really do need help try Forbes.com May 14,
Of course there are many other posts on the CDC findings
I really thought you might be able to verify this yourself I am a bit disappointed
The Hirsute One wrote:
If you’ll look directly above the entry box in which you type your responses, you’ll see four ‘buttons,’ one of which is labeled link. You highlight the text you want, press the link button, and you get a box in which you can insert the hyperlink from the source you are citing.
If you give us a fact, then cite your source, and nobody will question it.
How effective is one shot of the Moderna vaccine?
Hairy, Instead of looking silly and not providing a citation expecting others to do your work for you all you need do is copy the link and Presto! an actual coherent comment will appear. I really thought you might be able to copy a link yourself I am very, very disappointed.
Like this Hairy:
Your ilk usually links to twitter, Powerline, Gateway, NoTricks etc. Not even worth opening.
I know 100’s of doctors and scientists that are pale when they talk about the Vaccines and Covid-19.
They understand something. The vaccine will NOT prevent you from getting Covid but rather drastically reduce the symptoms to that of a bad cold or a bad 24 hour virus that lasts 5-10 days.
In other words. The new normal for the world is a virulent COLD that you might catch 2-3-4 times per year despite being vaccinated.
I know many, many doctors that are refusing to give their own families the vaccine. Reason? there is a 10-15 percent chance it does not PREVENT covid and there is emerging research to suggest that the mRNA vaccines are causing damage to the bodies.
IE people without Psoriasis are developing it. People are getting vascular damage. There is inconclusive evidence that the vaccines causes sterility in women.
The problem is simple. The Vaccine DOES NOT PREVENT YOU FROM GETTING the virus. A real, real problem for the world. A real problem.
Six people hospitalized with Indian Covid after having vaccine
Apr 19, 2021 · Moderna’s latest analysis of its vaccine clinical trial data shows 900 people got COVID after being vaccinated, consistent with 90% or more efficacy for the vaccine.
Apr 08, 2021 · The North Dakota Department of Health reports cases of people catching COVID and being hospitalized even after they are fully vaccinated.
There is a very small chance that you could still get COVID, and now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released information detailing just how common that is. “Like is seen with other vaccines, we expect thousands of vaccine breakthrough cases will occur even though the vaccine is working as expected,” the CDC told Best Life in a statement.
The Joe Biden Main Stream Conspiracy Networks will not tell you these things, because Joe Biden/Democrats now owns the Pandemic. But they sure would have shouted it from the roof tops had Trump been sworn in for a second term.
Est1950: there is emerging research to suggest that the mRNA vaccines are causing damage to the bodies.
Can you provide a citation to support your claim?
Est1950: The Joe Biden Main Stream Conspiracy Networks will not tell you these things
What do you think 95% effective means?
Est1950: Joe Biden/Democrats now owns the Pandemic
New cases (7-day moving average)
January 20: 194 thousand
May 15: 33 thousand
New daily deaths (7-day moving average)
January 20: 3196
May 15: 613
Vaccinations (at least one dose)
January 20: 4.27%
May 15: 46.7%
Est types: The vaccine will NOT prevent you from getting Covid but rather drastically reduce the symptoms to that of a bad cold or a bad 24 hour virus that lasts 5-10 days.
Care to back that up? Vaccines are not shields that prevent virus exposure. The antibodies (and cell mediated immunity) resulting from vaccination greatly reduce the likelihood of the virus reproducing inside cells.
Est types: I know many, many doctors that are refusing to give their own families the vaccine. Reason? there is a 10-15 percent chance it does not PREVENT covid and there is emerging research to suggest that the mRNA vaccines are causing damage to the bodies.
Care to back either either statement? Any evidence that doctors are refusing vaccinations for themselves or their families? Would you cite the research showing the risks of mRNA vaccines?
Est types: Six people hospitalized with Indian Covid after having vaccine.
So? Out of how many infected people without vaccine? The article said 1,313 people.
Do you have an overall point to make? It seems as you’re hinting that the trump vaccines are not effective, which is untrue.
No vaccine is 100% effective nor were they claimed to be. Do you really think it’s a coincidence that infections are plummeting as vaccinations are increasing. Reminds us of Tim McCarver’s joke about Bob Gibson, “Gibson was the luckiest pitcher ever, every time he pitched he caught the other team in a slump”.
Wonder if Rimjob (dipshit that he is) cares to explain why according to recent congressional testimony that around 50% of the CDC employees refused to be vaccinated.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Lil Handjob (turd that he is) didn’t fall far from Big Handjob’s (turd that HE is) a-hole, did he? Maybe Lil Handjob can cite a credible source for his claim that “around 50% of the CDC employees refused to be vaccinated”.
Settle down Rimjob (dipshit that you are) doesn’t quite understand the concept of paraphrasing the answers by Fauci and two others who kinda “answered” Senator Burr’s direct questioning the other day.
If you weren’t so deranged you might look it up yourself, ya lazy bastard.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Found it yet, Rimjob (dipshit that you are)?
Are you even looking?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Good job, Teach’s Inflamed Pustulent Hemorrhoid. Where did you find this quote
We see that Dr Fauci said about 60% of NIAID were vaccinated and Drs Marks (FDA) and Walensky (CDC) said about 50%. Then the right-wing-o-sphere bullshit machine got rolling! Suddenly half were REFUSING the vaccines!
Bunch of fukking liars.
As vaccination rates have dropped, and states are now offering incentives for people to take the vaccines, and there are no longer any waiting lines for them, if you haven’t at least started the process of getting vaccinated, you are actively declining it.
Teach’s Pustulent Hemorrhoid is acting up again. It never was a very good thinker.
The estimates may be right, but the motivation is pure conjecture.
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, now claims the estimates given in sworn testimony by Fauci and crew is a f*cking lie.
Get a grip, kid. You’re losing it.

Bwaha! Lolgf
But ignoring the confused Rimjob (dipshit that he is) for the moment, the real question should be why such a high percentage (40 to 50%) of these so-called health professionals offering guidance to the public are NOT fully vaccinated themselves.
Think about it.
Bwaha! Lolgf