I’m not sure the writers of this screed really thought this through on the sacrifices part, but, they do enjoy linking COVID19 to the climate scam, and using it for their own nefarious purposes
COVID-19 and climate change both require one generation to sacrifice for another
COVID-19 and climate change have multiple similarities. They are both global phenomena that left unmanaged will inflict excruciating human and economic tolls. They also require a similar mix of approaches to solve: international cooperation, innovation, governmental investment, rapid deployment of solutions and acceptance of the science that underlies the risks. But they have one more similarity that attracts less attention: they both require one generation to change behavior in support of another.
For COVID-19, we ask schoolchildren to wear masks all day in socially-distant classrooms or endure endless hours of staring at screens on computers, phones or tablets for virtual classes without social stimulation with their friends. Even worse, some children may be stuck in unsafe, abusive home environments. The risk of death or hospitalization for children is relatively lower, so ultimately their sacrifice is to protect older generations including their teachers, parents and grandparents. The sacrifices made for COVID-19 have also been inequitable, with communities of color disproportionately at risk. The burden from COVID-19 on younger generations has been heavy.
Kids weren’t asked to sacrifice: they were told. They were forced into this period of online classes, not actually going into a classroom situation.
For climate change, society is asking older generations — today’s decision-makers — to build better infrastructure for tomorrow and to change our energy and land use patterns today to reduce and reverse emissions on behalf of schoolchildren and future generations that haven’t been born yet. But unlike the schoolchildren who are sacrificing to protect older generations, the older generations do not seem willing to reciprocate. Rather, today’s leaders put up a fight and resist the necessary changes. Doing so has delayed effective action by decades, inflicting more harm, which again often falls disproportionately on marginalized communities. Delay also increases the cost of responding to climate change. And since carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for hundreds to thousands of years, delaying action on climate change isn’t just about today’s children, it affects generations of humanity to follow.
Um, if the older generations “sacrifice”, they are going to be leaving the younger with massive amounts of debt, not too mention massive amounts of taxation, a much higher cost of living, and more government control of their lives, businesses, and choices. Is that what the kiddies want?
While the impacts of climate change are being felt today, the scope and scale of future damages largely depend on the amount of future greenhouse gases we produce. Bending the emissions curve to zero requires actions now to mitigate future damages. That time delay disconnects those who must act (today’s decision-makers) from those who suffer the most from inaction (younger people or children who haven’t been born yet).
If we put all the stuff the Cult of Climastrology that the kiddies want they’re going to be very upset with all the aforementioned stuff. They will have to limit their use of energy, including watching videos on their phones, taking videos of themselves doing dumb things, traveling to locations to take silly selfies. Maybe we should just give this stuff to them. Us older folks will mostly be dead or close to in 50 years, as the cult constantly uses, so, no skin off our nose. Except, we would prefer not to live with all the Fascism for the latter part of our lives, nor have all this screw with our money for the latter part of our lives. And, we’re attempting to protect the brainwashed little idiots from making a big mistake for their futures, because we do know better.
If the last 20 years of delay and denial are a useful indicator, that means Generation X and the Baby Boomers are not willing to look out for the future with the same care as they expect, and are receiving, from younger generations right now. The kids are doing their part for COVID-19. Let’s now do ours, and act on climate change.
Sometimes you have to let younger folks make mistakes as a learning experience. If they’re playing with a plugged in toaster while in the bathtub, you stop them, right? If you see them getting in their car to drive it will drunk, you stop them, right?

Doesn’t Teach ever consider the world and life he’s leaving his children, his grandchildren or great-grandchildren?
And of course, Teach is wrong in stating we haven’t asked much of our children during the time of Covid. How has life been this past year for his young children?
Cruelty and hatred is not a bug of far-rightism, it is a feature. It is what what binds you to one another and your Master.
Uhhh, we of the older generation have sacrificed for our children. We had them, we reared them, we sent them to school, private schools for some of us, we pay our taxes, we have dumped the party hearty lifestyle of college years, all due to the responsibility of being parents.
The cell phones we provided for our kids when they were kids? Hey, we could have spent that money on sex, drugs and rock-n-roll, you know? The nice clothes, the decent house? Done for the kids!
It wasn’t that long ago that people had six kids in a 1,500 ft² home; now the ideal is 1 — or 0 — kids in a 4,500 ft² house. We have mothers going to work now, when they didn’t have to work outside the home a couple of generations ago, to provide for our kids.
When I worked 55+ hours a week, every week, to provide for my family, it was for the kids. When my wife had to clean up the [insert adjective form of slang term for feces here] asses of sick kids during 12½ hour shifts at the hospital, it was for our own kids, that next generation.
Yes Mx dana, that’s the responsibility of being a parent. If you didn’t want the responsibility, if you wanted to shirk your obligations, you shouldn’t have become a parent.
The Greatest Generation defeated the Nazis and Japan. Over 400,000 Americans died for future you. Do you consider that a sacrifice above and beyond the obligation of caring for one’s family? Dying while fighting Nazis in France seems a greater sacrifice than driving a more efficient vehicle.
Snowflakes as far as the eye can see.
Another oh so patriotic whine from Rimjob, dipshit that he is, who at one time lied about joining the U.S. Army to prove he was such a patriotic tough guy.
Then he was called out.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Messrs Webber and Samaras wrote:
Maybe watch “Miri,” an episode of Star Trek?
Messrs Webber and Samaras wrote:
Given all of the stories of vaccine resistance being greater in the black community, then yeah, “communities of color” will be “disproportionately at risk.” The vaccines are out there, they’re given out free of charge, so if “communities of color” are more resistant to taking the vaccines, that’s on them.
Of course, “communities of color” are at far greater risk for other bad things, too, and most of it they bring on themselves.
Our esteemed host got it a bit wrong:
Well, there’s that, but there’s also the fact that the ‘sacrifices’ demanded by the warmunists will lead to greater poverty and lower standards of living, and when parents have less money and lower standards of living, so do their kids!
We already have a higher level of poverty than most advanced nations, so there is that.
Why does the richest nation in the history of nations have so much poverty?
Anyway, at least the “warmunists” have computer models, the deniers have but feelings and unicorn farts.
Notice how Jeff throws out some stupid statement such as the US with a higher rate of poverty. He desires for everyone to defend the country and get hostile. Then he goes on about how great he is by believing in the CO2 god and the made up models. In the entire time years Jeff has been here he has never once provided any evidence of his god doing anything. Then he forgets the Great War on poverty by LBJ which cost the country a ton of money. Frankly after seeing real poverty around the world I find his accusation humorous.
All Jeff does is to try and stir emotions and then call others names. He is very sick.
Doogie Hoser “MD” made his money from Medicaid and Medicare payments and then whines about the impoverished.
doogie is very sick. And so, so stupid.
Keep on suckin’, doogie…
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Because capitalism allows people to be great winners, but it also allows people to be losers. Some people are simply losers, simply not productive, and we have a welfare system that allows them to stay alive without having to work or be productive.
Millions of Americans have agreed to the Faustian bargain of welfare: we will allow you to live without having to work if you will agree to live in poverty.
Remember the Welfare Reform Act of 1996? It limited welfare to five years, with no more than two years consecutively. After it was passed, a whole bunch of people got off welfare, because they realized that the gravy train would soon be over.
That’s what we need again.
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: ‘The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.’ — 2 Thessalonians 3:10
Did governments ever pay Mx dana for pouring concrete?
Cruel conservatives like Mx dana whine about “welfare” and lazy Americans. Most Americans living in poverty are working but don’t make enough to prosper. This is not free markets at work, this is by design. The oligarchs (both Repugs and Dems) who run America prefer the fruits of workers’ productivity to accrue to the wealthy, not workers. Cruel conservatives like mx dana blame the poor for their plight.
Mx dana then supplies a quote from a 2000 year old text as if it is relevant to the authoritarian plutocracy favored by connies. No wonder christians conservatives are so cruel and hateful.
Just like your carbon god, your assumptions are wrong. Stupidity is doing and saying the same things and it is apparent you are wrong.
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, posting another of his whining faux Marxist rants.
And he thinks he’s relevant.
In reality he comes off as a ninth grade mean girl.
Bwaha! Lolgf
There goes doogie hoser “MD” again.
Big Dipshit Teach and his pet, Lil Dipshit, have nothing relevant to say.
Why does the richest nation in the history of nations have so much poverty?
Democrats that’s why.
No, we have real life…https://twitter.com/calipaula938/status/1393322747036528645?s=21
Try that link again. https://twitter.com/calipaula938/status/1393322747036528645?s=21