No, wait, they should do this, because every experiment needs an experimental group. But, anyone who voted for the mayor should not be allowed to leave the city. They have to live what they voted for
St Louis, Missouri, holds the unenviable record of the highest murder rate in America, ahead of Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit for the sixth year running.
But despite 262 killings in 2020 – more than twice as many as London in a city with the population of Brighton – residents have just voted in a new mayor promising to defund the police and close the city’s most notorious prison.
Tishaura Jones, a Harvard-educated single mother, who once filed for bankruptcy and whose father spent time in jail, is part of a growing progressive wing of the Democratic party making gains under US president Joe Biden. (snip)
Questions have been asked, therefore, as to why she wants to cut $4 million from the $171 million policing budget and shut down one of the city’s two prisons.
“More police doesn’t prevent crime,†says the 49-year-old, speaking from her grand, wood-paneled office in Downtown, near the baseball stadium and train station, just a short walk from the Mississippi river.
“Research done in the police department shows that 50 per cent of calls can be answered by someone other than police.
“So, why not deploy someone other than police, and free up police to do the work that they were trained to do in our academy.â€
So, apparently, fewer police means less crime? They’ve been working on this experiment since the Michael Brown incident, with police officers leaving due to the anti-cop mentality of citizens and politicians, and are hard to replace. The crime numbers show that fewer police, and police who are reticent to work hard against crime due to being blasted for doing the job, doesn’t help. Oh, I’m sure that certain neighborhoods are well protected, like the rich ones Tishaura Jones lives in. Others? Not so much.
And how will it work to send non-police to certain calls when the citizens of St. Louis are willing to be violent? What calls will non-police be sent on? They always fail to mention that part. Lots of things seem like badged, gun carrying police are unnecessary. Like a domestic dispute. Ever see one? Lots of cops show up, because a simple argument can turn heavily violent quickly. How about parking enforcement? Yeah, lots of the “meter maids” are now carrying weapons because people can lose their sh*t over getting a ticket, and, since there’s a much lower respect for the authority of police officers, violence can ensue. Will ensue.
But, hey, if these non-cop people are enforcing the law, aren’t they cops? Regardless, those police who are left will still be blasted for doing the job they were trained for at the academy. St. Louis is considered a 1 by Neighborhood Scout, meaning they are safer than just 1% of US cities, but, really, are the highest crime cities. Violent crime is a 19.27. The national median is a 4. Murder is .65 per 1,000. The US rate is .05 per 1,000. Rape is double the rate of the US, and robbery is over 4 times the national rate. Property crime is almost three times the national rate. How will that look with fewer police?

Defund = transfer funds to someone else. Mostly to democratic party activist groups like ACORN and BLM. It never means give the money back to taxpayers.
“…50 per cent of calls can be answered by someone other than police” = use police budgets to hire more democratic party activists and community organizers to give them a steady paycheck with benefits and expand the number of government jobs.
It’s all just about putting the public money into private pockets. Democrats can’t help themselves. They see money sitting on a table and they want to pick it up.
The problem is they want to steal the table too.
Socialism is all about theft.
Send ’em over to Rimjob’s (dipshit that he is) house.
It’ll make him even more popular on the cul-de-sac.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach didn’t read the article. But tell us, has the old system worked all that well? No? So keep doing the same old thing?
The Mayor says she wants to free up police from calls that do not require officers, but she’s not white, so what does she know? The “Workhouse” should have shut long ago. The mayor proposed cutting the police budget 2.5% while saving another 5% shutting down the “Workhouse”.
We’ve invited Teach’s festering hemorrhoid (Lil Lap-puppy) to visit several times and he keeps refusing. Chicken!
According to the St Louis Police Department, there have been 73 homicides as of May 18, 2021. That’s not bad, just 0.529 per day, on track for 193 for the year, which would be an improvement over last years 263, but we haven’t hit the long, hot summer yet.
0.529 per day is nowhere close to Philadelphia’s 1.44 per day, but, then again, St Louis population of 308,174 is but a fraction of Philly’s 1,579,000. Assuming that the 193 number holds, that gives the Gateway City aa homicide rate of 62.63 per 100,000 population, where the City of Brotherly Love’s projected 526 homicides yields a homicide rate of 33.31 per 100,000 population.
Using the same statistics page, 68 out of the 73 homicide victims were black, 53 males and 15 females. Only three of the victims were white, and of the two known suspects, both were white. Out of the 34 identified suspects, 2 were white, 2 were Hispanic, and 30 were black.
Yet only 45.3% of the population of the city are black, and 44.1% are white. You guys have a problem, but it’s not the problem you are willing to admit, or address.
Let’s do a little more math. At the current rates, 8 whites and 180 blacks will be murdered in St Louis this year. That gives a white homicide rate of 5.89 per 100,000 population, but a black murder rate of 128.94 per 100,000.
I know, I know, it’s raaaaacist to point out that, isn’t it? But if you will not acknowledge the problem, honestly, you’ll never solve it.
I don’t know, what does she know? Does she tell the truth about your homicide problem, or does she obscure it with euphemisms like “gun violence”, as though inanimate firearms simply pick themselves up and shoot people? Those inanimate guns sure are racist themselves, ’cause they seem to shoot mostly black people!
Your problem is a black culture that allows this, that tolerates it. You guys are like Gaza, a place which could have been made into a showcase, but instead the good people of your heavily black neighborhoods have decided to provide shelter and concealment for the gang-bangers that terrorize the entire community. St Louis’ black population has brought this on themselves!
Perhaps you remember the criticism of Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), that he was an “oreo,” black on the outside but white on the inside. Well, dude, the only thing that’s going to save your black population is for them to become white on the inside, to adopt a culture of less violence, to stop shooting each other. But you won’t say that, will you?
Adding the figures from what most people think of as our nation’s murder capital, the Windy City, The Chicago Tribune reports 227 homicides so far in 2021, up from 191 on the same day last year. On the 139th day of the year, that works out to 1.633 homicides per day. If the rate remains constant through the year, that puts Chicago on track for 596 homicides in 2021, which, with a population of 2,710,000, works out to a homicide rate of 21.99 per 100,000 population.
Dude, your hometown is three times as bad as the Windy City!
Lexington, Kentucky, with a population of 320,000, slightly larger than that of the Gateway City, has seen 16 homicides so far in 2021. In 2020, the city set it’s record of 34 murders, not even half of what St Louis has seen so far this year. But Lexington is so worried about violence that the city just hired a new violence prevention program coordinator.
While you make excuses, St Louis has become the white supremacists’ dream; your Negroes are killing themselves at a prodigious rate.
Just think what that does! Not only are there fewer Negroes in the population to reproduce more Negroes, but since the killings of Negroes is almost entirely by other Negroes, the ones who are arrested and get locked up for life, removing their reproductive capacity from the city as well. That’s a win/win as far white supremacists would be concerned.
But there you are, supporting your Mayor for cutting back on the Police Department, and shutting down a prison to keep your bad guys locked up. You are enabling the very things which will get more of the city’s population killed.
But, then again, with a white homicide rate of 5.89 per 100,000, and a black homicide rate of 128.94 per 100,000, the white folks in your home town — and white folks includes you, right? — don’t have all that much about which to worry.
Don’t tell me that Black Lives Matter, because it’s pretty clear that, to you, and to the black people in St Louis, black lives really don’t matter.
Police, we don’t need no stinkin’ police!
St. Louis:
Rimjob’s (dipshit that he is) little slice of paradise.
Bwaha! Lolgf
William Teach is a dipshit.
Don’t want to go out on a limb here but using Rimjob “logic”, dipshit that he is, …
Bwaha! Lolgf
William Teach is a dipshit.
The maskubators are quite welcome to keep up their little charade of virtue. Just leave the rest of us the hell alone. Or is that too difficult for fascist maskubators?
Poor baby. People recommend wearing masks and to you it’s Nazi Germany.
Leave you alone except for Medicare, Social Security and forgivable loans from the us taxpayers? Sure and the clean air, clean water, roads and medical research.
And aren’t vaccinated against this “imaginary” pandemic?
Forgot to add: Why would we believe anything dipshits like you, doogie hoser, Teach and Teach’s infected hemorrhoid (aka Suck Puppy) type, since you believe that trump won the election?
Don’t think anyone here cares what Rimjob, dipshit that he is, believes.
Mostly here to laugh at your stupidity.

And your incredible mind reading abilities.
Bwaha! Lolgf
William Teach is such a dipshit, and a perfect example of right-wing stupidity.
I have talked with a number of physicians and every one expressed horror when they saw that this Chinese germ warfare would be handled by Fauci. At the beginning it was apparent he had no idea as to what to do and was making it up on the fly. In addition, everyone knew that this virus would keep on forever. If we had not had Trump guiding things it would have been much worse. Anticipating a stupid comment from Jeff, it has been acknowledged that the last year of mortality numbers were markedly inflated, and those countries that allowed doctors to treat early and use HCQ did much better than us. But the CDC pulled a political move and blocked our ability to even get the drug from pharmacies for any purpose.
I am wondering if the Dems are so bad as to increase death by intentionally housing ill patient from the virus with elderly at nursing homes. Any one would know better.
[…] In Violent St. Louis, Mayor Wants To Empty Prisons And Defund The Police […]
Ahhh puppy killer still obsessed with my anus
Stop thinking about it!!
Teach someone breaks into a car, the puce ate sent out to make a report
2 officers spend an hour coming going writing the report
Is that the best use of the police time? I dont think so
Kids playing in the street? Send the police? Neighbors arguing over lawn care. Send the police ?
Mask enforcement,send the police? People smoking pot,send the police?
Domestic violence yes send the police who have had deescaltion training
We demand 6 months training yo be a barber before being licensed to cut hair how much training to get a license to be a police officer ???
The Hirsute One wrote:
No, if someone calls 911 about somebody else not wearing a mask, just have the dispatcher laugh at the caller and tell Karen to go whine to someone else!
I kinda agree Hairy. There are many complaints that don’t require cops. We have a Parking Authority to handle illegal parking so maybe some other sort of agency could be used for minor infractions. Besides, think of all the new Democrat state employees with outrageous pay and benefits. More built in fascist voters and more unions. Just what we need. Plus it would mean thousands of patronage jobs.
Why on earth would anyone “demand 6 months training to be a barber”? That sounds like they’re trying to keep POC out. That’s an old Democrat trick.
As far as cop training goes they first go the Police Academy 919 hour program in
PA. Then they go through basic training. Then they are rookies (on probation) for a year.
The Hirsute One wrote:
Well if it’s in a black neighborhood in St Louis, better send the police, wearing their kevlar, ’cause someone’s liable to bust a cap in their ass!
911 in St. Louis:

Bwaha! Lolgf
This could work out well if a wall was built around the city, allowing no one in or out. In a short time, the city would devour itself with the bad element exterminating themselves. The city could then be reclaimed and rebuilt back to the once beautiful city it was. Leftists would have to be barred from entering, because they never learn from their failures.
Better yet, let’s round up ultra-right christians and wall off one county in each state for them. Give ’em all the guns they want, only private medical care, NO taxes!, no regulations – just “survival of the fittest”. Pussies like the trumps and most GOP politicos would be the first to go. Then the cruelest bad asses would coalesce and start eliminating the weaker connies.
One all were extirpated America could be reclaimed and rebuilt back to the beautiful nation it could be.
The noble Mr Dowd wrote:
Given that President Trump carried 118 out of 120 counties in the Bluegrass State, perhaps it would be wiser to wall off the two that Joe Biden carried, Jefferson and Fayette.
You say that we’d be shootin’ each other, but you seem to have ignored the statistics I gave you above: in your own home town, white have a 5.89 per 100,000 homicide rate, while blacks, 90+% of whom vote for Democrats, have a 128.94 per 100,000 homicide rate. And at least so far this year, every homicide of a black person in St Louis which has been solved has a black suspect.
Still, even in Fayette County, with a population slightly larger than St Louis’, has only bumped off 16 people so far this year, not the 73 y’all have. I wonder why that is?