Canada will be facing not just hurricanes, but mega-hurricanes, all because you just had to take fossil fueled trips to get juicy and evil burgers
Canada Faces Mega-Hurricanes if Climate Change Pushes Storms North: Swiss Re Warns
Climate change is making hurricanes bigger and stronger, and it may soon push them farther north. Yet Canada’s homeowners, businesses and insurers underestimate that escalating risk, according to one of the world’s leading reinsurance firms.
Overall, the northern nation has proved to be among the world’s most climate-resilient countries, having so far escaped the worst effects of the natural weather disasters whipped up by global warming, according to a report by Swiss Re AG. That has included hurricanes. Although they’ve become increasingly ferocious, they often dissipate before reaching Canada.
But as ocean surfaces warm, the frequency, duration and intensity of storms increase. That’s extending their range and making Canada, where just one or two tropical cyclones make landfall each year, more vulnerable, according to the Zurich-based company, which provides reinsurance to 15% of the country’s insurance industry.
“You have an increased likelihood of hurricanes making landfall further north and eventually making landfalls at higher latitudes than what we’ve ever seen before,†Monica Ningen, head of Swiss Re Canada, said in an interview.
Doomed! Anyone get the feeling Swiss Re Canada is looking to raise premiums using the climate crisis scam?
Canada has so far gotten off lightly when it comes to hurricane damage. A record 30 named storms formed over the Atlantic last year. Eleven made landfall in the U.S. but only one — Teddy — came ashore in Canada as a much weaker post-tropical cyclone.
On Thursday, the Canadian Hurricane Center said that despite forecasts of more Atlantic storms for this year, the number expected to reach Canada is likely to be unchanged.
The last official hurricane-size storm to hit Canada was Igor in 2010. The most destructive was Juan in 2003, which caused more than C$300 million in damage and C$91 million in insured losses in central Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
But, in the future doom is coming! Can you blame Swiss Re for trying to take advantage of brainwashed cult members losing their minds over Hotcoldwetdry?
Swiss Re is particularly concerned that many insurers have stopped paying attention to Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), a phenomenon in which ocean temperatures fluctuate as much as 4 degrees Celsius (7.2 degrees Fahrenheit) every 25 to 40 years. These changes have a major impact on the frequency of hurricanes in the Atlantic, and the current warm phase isn’t expected to end any time soon, Ningen said.
Yeah, the AMO, a perfectly natural phenomenon which has gone on way longer than humanity has been able to measure it. Of course, climate cultists say your burger fixation makes it worse. Gotta blame the heretics and witches, you know.

Here we go again-“bigger and strongerâ€. Absolutely no proof if that, but that never stops them.