Anyone think China and Russia are doing the same? We aren’t talking about taking the weather into account, or how the climate has always changed. We’re talking Cult of Climastrology stuff
US Army to prioritize fight against climate change
The U.S. Army recently released a bulletin stating that it will henceforth be “prioritizing climate change” in its strategic defense planning.  The Defense Department has already established the “Department of Defense Climate Working Group,” a new office that will coordinate the DOD’s ongoing response to the allegedly grave threat that climate change poses to the national security of the United States.  I wonder if Greta Thunberg will be heading up the DDCWG.
The Army’s laser focus on climate change appears to be in response to President Biden’s stated agenda of aggressively addressing climate change across governmental bodies and is occurring simultaneously with the culture change being imposed on the U.S. military from the top down.  Defense secretary Lloyd Austin, for example, fully supports Biden’s emphasis on climate change…as long as it doesn’t take time away from the troops’ mandatory “Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Training” or their indoctrination into Marxist theory.
This past April, Austin asserted that “climate change is making the world more unsafe and we need to act.”  He added, “Today, no nation can find lasting security without addressing the climate crisis.  We face all kinds of threats in our line of work, but few of them truly deserve to be called existential.  The climate crisis does.”
Am I the only one concerned that the most important military in the world is frightened by climate change?
No. I’m concerned that they are forgetting what their mission is, and will make the Army weak. We’re already seeing that happen. Soon it will only be stocked with soy boys, militant feminists, and envirowackos, who will all be worthless in a fight, and will mostly all be conscientious objectors.
Austin also noted that his military is committed to electrifying its vehicle fleets and operating more sustainably.  What about the cost to build/retrofit, as well as issues with performance and charging time, etc.?  All things considered, will these vehicles really be better for the environment?  And is that the point of a military?
How will you electrify a tank? How will you charge vehicles in the middle of the desert? Should be fun having large numbers of vehicles sitting around for long periods charging, eh? I’m sure the enemy will wait patiently. How about the planes and helicopters? The ships?
Shouldn’t we all be more concerned about the “sustainability” of our freedom and way of life?
That’s so old school. You need to wake up to the New Army, pal.

Nothing new. Same policy obama had. National defense policy is always political, not defense.
Yeah, yeah, by all means, let’s set a bullshit policy as the focal point for everything the ARMY needs to accomplish. And when they Fail to accomplish the mission, meh, they couldn’t be Expected to accomplish the mission, because they were hamstrung by their overarching ,ultimately important requirement to not add to frikkin global warming. Design the system to fail and pretend the failure was simply unavoidable..
We have wasted almost 30 years and 5 to 10 trillion dollars fighting ragtag militias all over Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Meantime, both Russia and China have focused on modernizing their militaries, and they have eliminated the technological advantages we used to have and have moved ahead of us in several areas, most notably in hypersonic missiles.
Now we are creating an military “manned” by people who are physically, emotionally, and intellectually inferior to the troops fielded by Russia and China. In a future war with them, they might roll back our empire to the lower 48.