If people think the current state of affairs in Democrat run states and cities has been counter-productive to law and order and has caused police to retire/leave in large numbers now, just wait to see if this legislation makes it through to become law
How a Sweeping New Proposal Would Limit Police Use of Force in New York
Police officers in New York state could only use physical force as a last resort, would have to meet a higher threshold for using deadly force and would face new criminal penalties for violating those guidelines under a sweeping legislative proposal unveiled Friday.
If adopted, the changes could drastically alter the nature of law enforcement in New York at a time when the issue of police accountability is at the center of a fraught national debate over persistent racism in America’s criminal justice system.
The legislation was proposed by Letitia James, the state’s attorney general, who said in a statement that her goal was to provide “clear and legitimate standards for when the use of force is acceptable and enacting real consequences for when an officer crosses that line.â€
The proposal — announced nearly a year after a white Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, killed George Floyd, a Black man — came amid continuing calls for increasing the accountability applied to officers who are involved in such killings.
Instead of providing better training, instead of reaching out to the communities where the violence tends to occur making the cops use force, instead of teaching the proper actions in schools, they will handcuff the police and make it much more likely to be sued and/or criminally charged. Hence, a lot of police officers will leave, because they never know when they will be thrown into a bad situation with the ever increasing amount of people willing to engage police in violence, who resist, who fail to follow commands, who run, who pull a weapon on police. Just think about how many are blaming the officer who shot Ma’Khia Bryant, despite the officer having just rolled up, yelled for Ma’Khia to stop, then shot her when she was about to stab another girl (obviously, the other black girl’s life doesn’t matter to the cop haters).
James’ proposal — sponsored in the state Legislature by Brooklyn Democrats Sen. Kevin Parker and Assembly member Nick Perry — is certain to face opposition from Republicans and potentially some moderate Democrats in suburban districts.
The legislation would amend state law to require officers to exhaust so-called de-escalation tactics, like verbal warnings, before using force and would create a “last resort†standard for justifying such a use of force.
“Police officers are imbued with an incredible amount of police power and state power,†James, a Democrat, said at a news conference in Manhattan Friday. “The state has every right to demand that that power is used as seldom as possible, and when it must be used, only appropriately and proportionally.â€
And the vast majority of them do. But, this would make it virtually impossible to actually use force when necessary.
Patrick Lynch, president of the Police Benevolent Association, which represents police officers in New York City, criticized the legislation sharply.
“This sweeping proposal would make it impossible for police officers to determine whether or not we are permitted to use force in a given situation,†he said in a statement. “The only reasonable solution will be to avoid confrontations where force might become necessary.â€
In other words, those police who do not leave will be tasked with patrolling the rich, then upper middle class, then middle class neighborhoods. They will avoid going to areas where there is lots of crime. They will be slow to respond to calls which could put them in a bad situation. Domestic dispute? Avoid. There is a high chance of things going bad. Kids fighting? Nope. Stolen car? File insurance claim. Guy running around threatening people? Nope. Someone walking around pinching women? Nope.
Crime will skyrocket. And the law should include a provision that anyone who voted for any lawmaker that approves of this bill should not be allowed to move from the State of New York. This includes if they voted for AG Letitia James. This is what they were voting for. There might not be enough Republicans and moderate Democrats to stop this trainwreck. But, hey, you never know if the general assembly will become reasonable.

By all means replace the white supremacist cops with decent men and women.
Cops who resign because they are no longer allowed to assault citizens can always find work in the Republicun Party.
What Teach is still just shy of stating directly is that he wants and needs people with guns to protect him from the non-white horde. He feels the police should have EVERY and ALL resources and permissions to protect Americans “like him”.
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, starting early with the middle-school mean girl antics.
Funny, guess that’s all he has.
Or ever had.
Lather, rinse, repeat …
Bwaha! Lolgf
A majority of crime is committed by WHITES in this nation because 86 percent of the nation are White Nationalists according to Critical Race Theory.
Therefore Elwood continues to make the same trolling mistake that most leftist make. Crime is an endemic problem of White people perpetuated on people of color. They always conveniently ignore the vast amount of Blacks, Asians and Hispanics that are police officers because In the Critical Race theory, Asians and Hispanics are WHITE NATIONALISTS and therefore NOT DECENT MEN AND WOMEN.
A systemically racist remark by a leftist.
But if Asians and Hispanics and Muslims and Hindus are all WHITE NATIONALISTS then the only people being harmed by de-funding and reducing police forces is BLACKS since a vast majority of crime committed in the USA is de facto committed by WHITES according to Critical Race theory.
Once again a self defeating strategy with its sole function to race bait America into civil war in which 86 percent of the country is opposed to 14 percent(Black)
Est1950: A majority of crime is committed by WHITES in this nation because 86 percent of the nation are White Nationalists according to Critical Race Theory.
That’s contrary to most critical race theory, which posits that systemic racism is independent of the views of individuals. A simple example is the old-boy network. If society is historically segregated, the old-boy network tends to perpetuate racial disparities, even if no one acts in a racist manner.
No you doublespeak Wiki Zach. CRT views every individual as racist. Except of course blacks. Hence every race is endemically racist except blacks. Race is made up of individuals. I find it amusing you are here defending Critical Race theory at all.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) makes race the prism through which its proponents analyze all aspects of American life—and do so with a degree of persistence that has helped CRT impact all of American life.
CRT underpins identity politics, an ongoing effort to re-imagine the United States as a nation riven by groups, each with specific claims on victimization. In entertainment, as well as the education and workforce sectors of society, CRT is well-established, driving decision-making according to skin color—not individual value and talent.
As Critical Theory ideas become more familiar to the viewing public in everyday life, CRT’s intolerance becomes “normalized,†along with the idea of systemic racism for Americans, weakening public and private bonds that create trust and allow for civic engagement.
Est1950: CRT views every individual as racist.
That is incorrect, and is exactly contrary to most critical race theory. Critical race theory examines the structures of society to determine how those structures perpetuate racial disparities.
Britannica: Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.
We provided an example above, the old-boy network. The people within the old-boy network may say they aren’t prejudiced, but someone locked out certainly experiences systemic racism.
Pretty soon the law will be that the police may only return fire, and not shoot first if a thug points a weapon at them.
J-Are these white supremacist cops in the room with you right now?
Teach typed: …the law should include a provision that anyone who voted for any lawmaker that approves of this bill should not be allowed to move from the State of New York
You can’t make this stuff up.
Teach pretends to NOT be a right-wing authoritarian, but he’s an excellent right-wing authoritarian!
Raleigh/Wake County voted about 62% for Biden 81% in Durham County
Heavy heavy blue
Why have you chosen to remain ?
Shouldn’t you move to a reder area where your vote will count?
The Hirsute One got it wrong:
His vote did count; it’s all of the idiots who voted for Joe Biden in North Carolina whose votes didn’t count, in that President Trump carried the Tarheel State, and won all of its 15 electoral votes.
“Shouldn’t you move to a reder area where your vote will count?”
I see. So if your candidate loses in your opinion your vote didn’t count? Guess that’s why you are so tolerant of suspicious voting if your guy wins. It eliminates those nuisance legitimate votes .
Most of Wake County goes GOP. It’s Raleigh, Cary, and Apex that have most of the libs. And we aren’t talking about defunded or cutting down on police, nor doing the crap NY is. So, cute meme, but, total miss.
Future cops in New York.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Bwaha! Lolgf
Do you ever have any idea as to what you are talking about? Sure, police use very tough tactics on some people. But it is across the board, in fact, if black people understood the terms, stop put your hands up do not reach for a weapon, or drop the weapon and don’t advance toward me or lay on the ground with your hands behind your back, then almost all would not be shot or roughed up. For that matter, if people on the street who are totally useless would not do mind altering drugs, then there would be less need for physical violence.
Now, you think you know everything in your little isolated island of whiteness. But you don’t have any idea of what goes on regularly around you in areas you don’t see. I made extra money working the ER. I can tell you there is a totally separate culture that the majority of the US does not see. Most especially our political leaders. At 5’6” and weighing 150 pounds I had to subdue patients on PCP who had already beat the cops to a pulp. It is not an easy thing to take on a wild man, black or white, who is high on drugs. They only understand either severe trauma via a night stick, or taser (which we did not have) or total elimination of their ability to breath, which is were I came in.
Why don’t you ask the local cops for a ride along. I know you have claimed to be the female for a black gang, but really don’t think you have a clue about the street.
doogie hoser md,
Thanks for your input. Insightful as always. What percentage of Americans shot and killed by police are on PCP?
In 2020, five (5) Brits were killed by police. Why so low?
Come on, that does not make sense at all. You really are getting desperate. Is it because the election is going to be overturned?
Face it, David, the guy’s an idiot.
The only recalcitrance Rimjob, dipshit that he is, has ever had to face is from a prepubescent grandson who was tired of being assraped.

Bwaha! Lolgf
He makes me sick and I finally found the perfect word to describe him, sanctimonious. Can you imagine living with the little shit?
My apologies drowningpuppies and david for upsetting you so much. Let’s be honest, you two were never very stable, be we’ve noticed the once reasonable Kye and Mx Dana have allowed themselves to become unmoored at the loss of the White House. One can tell that the idea of non-white hordes, like zombies in the movies, terrifies them. Frightened animals are dangerous animals.
The noble Mr Dowd wrote:
Perhaps not all on PCP, but the more obvious question is: what percentage of the Americans shot by the police were really bad guys? Tamir Rice was a 12-year-old kid, not a bad guy at all, but he was playing with a realistic-looking toy gun, and the police were responding to a “man with a gun” call.
Other than young Mr Rice, I can’t think of any of these cause celebré cases in which the community isn’t better off with those ‘victims’ no longer in it.
Michael Brown? Big, wannabe thug, high on drugs, had just roughed up a storekeeper half his size? Yeah, Ferguson, Missouri is better off without him.
George Floyd? Convicted felon, high on drugs, passing counterfeit money, and resisting arrest. No question: Minneapolis is a better place without him in it.
Breonna Taylor? Ex-girlfriend and still current drug mule for a notorious drug dealer. Louisville is a better place without her in it.
Freddie Gray? Career criminal, always in trouble, and even a [insert slang term for feces here]hole city like Baltimore was improved by his departure.
These people were the [insert slang term for feces here]stains on the underwear of society; do you want to wear your underwear, day after day, without ever washing it out. When your tighty-whities get yellow in the front and brown in the back, most people throw them in the laundry.
But no, not you! You want to keep wearing the same underwear, for years and years and years.
I noticed that you ignored my two comments on how bad things are in your home town, while you defended cuts in the police budget. What, do you think that by doing so, when the barbarians take over, they’ll cut your throat last?
The always judgmental Mx Dana imagines he can tell who deserves to live and who deserves to die. Let’s be honest, all retired Americans are takers not makers sucking up valuable resources that younger, more productive Americans could use. Aren’t you retired? Even a shithole state like Kentucky would be better off without you.
What does William Teach add to the nation? Would America miss him?
We didn’t ignore your comments, we just didn’t take the bait. You face existential fears – we get it. There is no reason for you to visit St Louis, Louisville or Philly. You can hide in Kentucky and type your scheisse. Those of us still working to support you and your loser state will continue. You’re welcome.
You would, because that would mean one less avenue to complain.
Also, I’m not a felon, I don’t commit crimes. Nice try, Sparky
The frustrated Mr Dowd resorts to silliness:
Oh, I’m sure that many on the left believe just that, as the growth of euthanasia laws — overseas, so far — attests.
But I paid my Social Security and Medicare taxes for 45 years, so there is that; I kept my part of a bargain forced upon me by the state. And my wife and I produced children, useful contributors to society, unlike George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and Freddie Gray. At least so far, they have no felony convictions, which is more than your heroes can say.
You “didn’t take the bait” because you had no answers.
As it happens, Lexington had its 17th homicide early yesterday morning, which is half of the entire year’s record set in 2020. Alas! At the current rate, Lexington will finish with 43 or 44 homicides in 2021.
Except, of course, your home town already has 73 murders, despite being slightly smaller than Lexington. Louisville has been significantly worse than Lexington, with 64 murders to date.
But, with a population of 617,790, Louisville is twice the size of St Louis. The worst city in my “loser state,” my “shithole state,” still has a homicide rate less than half of yours.
Jack Nicholson explained why you didn’t “take the bait”:
William types: You would, because that would mean one less avenue to complain.
Sorry Sparky, but all you do is complain. Every post.
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, cannot accept the fact that Teach can post whatever he likes, it’s his blog.
However, you abuse the privilege he affords you by constantly insulting him and any other commenter here.
Definitely showing the signs of a malignant narcissistic sociopath.
However most here find you a laughable old curmudgeon definitely not to be taken seriously.

Maybe that’s why Teach keeps your sorry ass around.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
The irritable Mx Dana refuses to say what’s really on his mind.
Everyone recognizes there is significant drug and violence problems in Black, usually poor, neighborhoods.
david and drowningpuppies man up and blame it directly on the inferiority of the Black “race”. What do you think?
Mayor Jones recognizes that whatever St Louis (and most other significant metro areas – nice try in imagining Lexington KY as significant) has been doing isn’t working. Bad policing is only part of the problem. Poverty is a problem. Lack of options. Poor education. Systemic racism is a part, too, but conservatives refuse to acknowledge that.
You don’t do a single thing to help the poor black man or anybody else. Why don’t you put up or shut up.
More blanket statements and word salad meant to incite by the intellectually lazy and utterly dishonest Rimjob, dipshit that he is.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
The dedicated Mr Dowd wrote:
The odd thing is that there are significant drug problems in poor white areas as well, but, for some reason, they just aren’t as violent. Why do you suppose that is?
Why, I have to ask, wouldn’t Lexington, which has a slightly larger population than St Louis, not be significant? Why wouldn’t Louisville, with twice St Louis’ population, but still fewer homicides, be significant?
Poverty, lack of options, and poor education are problems? You don’t think that’s a problem in other places? Eastern Kentucky has some poor schools and few options, and almost every home around here has firearms, yet we aren’t killing each other at the rates you guys are.
What, exactly, is “systemic racism”? Blacks and whites in our nation are all under the same laws! The left shout that term as though it has some meaning, but never seem to define what it is.
Well, I can think of one bit of systemic, even official, racism: the racism of our governments, businesses and academic institutions in considering skin color in hiring and admissions, but that consideration of race is meant to favor black and ‘brown’ persons, while discriminating against whites and Asians.
It wasn’t that long ago that Harvard had a specific maximum ‘Jewish quota,’ to keep the school from having too many Joooos. It seems that American Jews bought into what was said to be the American ideal: work and study hard in school, to gain the best collegiate admissions, then work and study hard in college, to win the best graduate and professional school admissions, or the best post-collegiate jobs. It became a cultural thing among American Jews, and, lo and behold, they became what the ideal promised; successful!
We didn’t have too many Asian immigrants in the 1920s and 30s, but starting with the sixties, we really saw a lot of them, often from bombed out countries like Vietnam and Cambodia. What did they do? They adopted the same mindset as Jews had much earlier, and like the Jews, they became, as a whole, economically successful.
The result? Colleges like Hahvahd and Yale started putting roadblocks in the way of Asian applicants, though less formally than the Jewish quota. Certain ‘brown’ groups, Indians being a good example, have done the same thing.
So, why haven’t American blacks? I had some hope that a (half) black guy, born in Hawai’i, who did all of the right things, who did well in school, who won Ivy league admissions, and who was very successful after college, might serve as an example to the black community that if he could do it, they could do it, but it just didn’t work out that way. Instead, black people like Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) or Justice Clarence Thomas, who did things the right way, are derided as “Oreos,” black on the outside but white on the inside.
American blacks have an internally self-destructive culture. When the role models aren’t fathers living with their kids mothers, but the gangstas on the corner, when they aspire to be LeBron James rather than Tim Scott, they have set themselves up for failure.
Thanks for your response.
I recall a conversation with my Indian friend and graduate school classmate, now a prof out in CA. I noted what Mx Dana noted, that Indians seemed to do well in America and he explained that only upper caste members made it to America. His English was perfect, a product of the Indian school system for the upper classes.
American blacks have an internally self-destructive culture.
Do Native Americans also have an internally self-destructive culture? They haven’t done particularly well in America, have they? Did they bring it on themselves by losing at genocide?
Do you think American Blacks started the race from the same starting line as whites? You may not realize it at one time the US had actual laws separating white people from Black people! It’s not surprising that conservative whites blame the victims of active discrimination rather than admit the truth.
While not every kid can expect to grow up to be a multimillionaire like the uber talented Mr James, not every kid can grow up to one of 100 US Senators.
Is it instructive that Black men and women excel in industries with few artificial barriers to success, like sports and other entertainment endeavors?
Now Rimjob, dipshit that he is, shifts into his narcissistic patronizing mode to divert attention back to himself.

I have been looking for the word that best describes rim. SANCTIMONIOUS. He is the picture for that word.
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, shows many of the signs of a classic narcissist.
Sanctimoniousness is definitely a character trait of a narcissist.
Bwaha! Lolgf