…is an evil pool, wasting precious non-renewable water, made with evil carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on the Jew hating Left striking big.

…is an evil pool, wasting precious non-renewable water, made with evil carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on the Jew hating Left striking big.
This was St Louis last night. Good thing they’re cutting back on the police, huh?
Two more murders in the esteemed Mr Dowd’s home town, up to 75 for the year, and the two latest victims were, you guessed it, black males. 55 black males, and 15 black females, a total of 70, out of 75, even though only 45.3% of the Gateway City’s population are black, yet our good friend in the Show Me State says it’s all ’cause of systemic racism!
“Jews Won’t Replace Us!”, sang the trumpists in Charlottesville. Nothing Unites the Right like Jooos or negroes!
The increasingly fascist state of Florida is now controlling private companies, dictating the editorial content of media companies.
Bwaha! Lolgf
None of that matters. The evidence that the election was stolen is already clear and it doesn’t matter. Biden is president until he dies. There is no decertification process or anyone who is willing to attempt it. The election for Biden counts because the states certified the outcomes that they wanted and the electoral college met and voted according to the Constitution. The time for a state to question the validity of the ballots is before they certify it the first place. All of this was known before January 6th and not a single legislature in a contested state voted to hold certification or try any other remedy. That fat lady already sang.
I suspect the republican party is just beating this horse for fund raising and to keep the rabble energized and angry for the mid-terms. Republicans don’t have the entire national news media and government bureaucracy at their beck and call to drum up support for their candidates.
The ballots in question went for Biden and the two Democrat senators by 97%., said John Fredericks, right-wing story-teller.
That’s peculiar since the Presidential election was held Nov 3 2020 and the Senatorial run-off/special elections were held Jan 5 2021.
What is peculiar is that Rimjob can be so stupid, dipshit that he is.
Bwaha! Lolgf