Can you guess what’s missing from this article? What these GenZ and Millennials are doing in their own lives
Gen Z, Millennials Stand Out for Climate Change Activism, Social Media Engagement With Issue
In the first year of Joe Biden’s presidential term, climate, energy and environmental policy have been the subject of renewed federal attention. In recent months, the United States has rejoined the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Environmental Protection Agency has moved to sharply restrict greenhouse gas emissions, and Biden has outlined a range of policy goals, including getting the U.S. to “net-zero†by 2050.
Even as Americans identify a number of pressing national problems, majorities see an array of actors, from government to business, as doing too little to reduce the effects of climate change and are broadly supportive of a range of policy approaches that would help address climate change, including moving toward renewable energy sources, developing infrastructure for electric vehicles, and increasing taxes and restrictions on carbon emissions.
Notice how most of that is all about punishing Other People, not changing one’s own lives to accord with the beliefs. They’re going to be very surprised when all those things end up boomeranging back in the form of higher consumer prices and governmental restrictions on their lives and choices.
There’s a big difference between that Hotcoldwetdry should be a top priority and being one for individuals. And changing a lightbulb to a CFL doesn’t count as action.
But meaningful generational differences over the need for climate action, and engagement with the issue, stand alongside these partisan divisions. Younger activists are often at the forefront of the climate debate, with voices such as those of Greta Thunberg and the Sunrise Movement – a youth-led political organization urging increased attention to climate change – among the most visible in global conversations advocating climate action.
Younger Americans – Millennials and adults in Generation Z – stand out in a new Pew Research Center survey particularly for their high levels of engagement with the issue of climate change. Compared with older adults, Gen Zers and Millennials are talking more about the need for action on climate change; among social media users, they are seeing more climate change content online; and they are doing more to get involved with the issue through activities such as volunteering and attending rallies and protests.
While many forms of political engagement – such as voting – tend to be higher among older adults, 32% of Gen Zers and 28% of Millennials have taken at least one of four actions (donating money, contacting an elected official, volunteering or attending a rally) to help address climate change in the last year, compared with smaller shares of Gen X (23%) and Baby Boomer and older adults (21%).
See, they’re more engaged, but, they aren’t actually taking personal actions. Surprise? 76% of Gen Z and 81% of Millennials are willing to give up fossil fuels, but, they aren’t actually doing so.
There’s a ton more interesting information in the article separate from the Gen Z/Millennials. But, the poll still fails to ask a relevant question: what are you doing in your own life?

Didnt the poll show the percent that had/were already doing things?
Teach the change is happening
Even capitalists ate in board, look at the new Exxon board of directors and the new seats allocated to directors worried about climate change fossil fuels and THE BOTTOM LINE
all the vehicle builders know that the future is electric and that they must head in that direction NOW
Fossil fuels are being phased out
At the current rate of 1% per year we will cut admissions by 1/2 by 2050
We can also be doing more carbon capture by assisting nature
The Honda Insight ? A good car if you are coming for cheapest possible transport in a new car
Not a whole lot of fun to drive with an anemic 150 hp engine
Tesla mod 3 has 480 coming from 2 motors each the size of a slow cooker
Go for the advanced tech
Even Elon admits there’s problems.
Go away retard and learn something.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Wrong again and again. Exon had an incursion by a hedge fund to get seats on its board. Now, the reason was to interject climate initiatives. But, if the hedge fund does not stabilize the stock price, we get their money. Simple as that and has nothing to do with your religion. Likely the fund came in to manipulate the stock price under the guise of climate concern to try and improve their positions. Time will tell.
Pups, the stupidity of jeff and john are not getting to your is it?? Remember, they are just entertainment.
Still lmfao at both.

Stupid people don’t “get” to me.
The opposite is usually the case.
Bwaha! Lolgf
I agree. They are relentless.
And why do we need to do all that, John?
College kids think that because they don’t own a car, they aren’t using fossil fuels.