The Senate has passed their bill requiring China Joe to declassify and release the results of their COVID origins investigation. Here’s what the House is up to
U.S. House members plan to introduce two bipartisan bills Friday that address the origins of the coronavirus pandemic and would allow victims’ families to sue China.
The first bill, the “Made in America Emergency Preparedness Act,” would establish a 9/11-style bipartisan commission to investigate how the pandemic started. It is being introduced by five Democrats and five Republicans.
The second bill, dubbed the “Never Again International Outbreak Prevention Act,” calls for allowing families of coronavirus victims to sue China by stripping sovereign immunity from it and any other countries “that have intentionally misled the international community on the outbreak.” It will be introduced by U.S. Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., and Conor Lamb, D-Pa.
“In response to this current crisis, we must never again find ourselves caught off-guard, unable to protect our communities,” a press release announcing the first bill says. “We should never again see nearly 600,000 American lives lost at risk and day to day life turned upside down.”
Along with investigating the origin of the virus, the panel proposed by the first bill would also look into the response by the U.S. government and the private sector and determine precautionary steps to take for the future.
While bipartisan, do either have a shot in getting a vote soon? Will Pelosi allow this? Will other Democrats vote for them? Will Biden try and scuttle them?
Unfortunately, both have the opportunity to end up being bloviating, scapegoating (not against China, of course, but, mostly Orange Man Bad), grandstanding, with little reward on what actually happened.
The commission would recommend to President Biden what personal protective equipment and other goods would be necessary to address a national emergency, requiring the items to be manufactured in the U.S.
Um, how much can be made in the U.S. with all the restrictions and high associated costs? Actually sounds like it could end up being a graft situation, overpaying companies and lawmakers getting some kickback. Being Congress, there’s no chance of this being on the up and up, right? Anyhow, I wonder if the investigation will include Democrats wasting time with a stupid impeachment while COVID was growing, along with so many saying “it’s no big deal, get out to your local Chinese restaurant, get on with your lives”?
“As we have seen from COVID-19, the Chinese Communist Party has been intentionally and maliciously misleading the rest of the world about the scope and spread of the novel coronavirus,” Fitzpatrick said.
He added that other international organizations like the WHO must be held accountable for their “inaction” on the pandemic.
Inaction? How about for protecting China? I’m not expecting either to even make it out of committee.