…is an elevated house protecting against doom sea rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on the Denmark being the first government to require COVID passports.

…is an elevated house protecting against doom sea rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on the Denmark being the first government to require COVID passports.
In San Jose a mentally-ill white guy legally possessing many semi-auto firearms killed several co-workers.
A sensible person would ask Rimjob, racist dipshit that he is, “what does being white have to do with anything?”
Bwaha! Lolgf
A sensible person would ask Rimjob, racist dipshit that he is, “what does being white have to do with anything?”
Bwaha! Lolgf
A comment so stupid he had to type it twice. LOL.
Why do you suppose most mass murderers are white men?
In fact, most murderers are men.
Again in case you missed the question, what does being “white” have to do with anything?
Unless you’re a racist.

Oops! Forgot to whom I’m responding.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Mr Dowd was so very concerned that the last few mass shootings were by someone other than a cisheterosexual white male!
The esteemed Mr Dowd like to ignore the facts pointed out to him, that in his own home town, which is 45.3% black, 71 out of 76 total murders so far this year were of blacks (61 males, 15 females), and in every instance in which the killer of a black person has been identified, that killer was also black.
St Louis population is 308,000, with roughly 139,000 blacks and 136,000 whites. Calculating out the figures to give a projected homicide total for the year, we estimate 7.44 whites murdered, and 176 blacks. That works out to a homicide rate of 5.48 per 100,000 population, and 126.61 per 100,000 population for blacks.
But, for Mr Dowd, it’s better to focus on the relatively few mass murderers, because a significant percentage of them have been white, rather than to face the fact that homicide in America is primarily a black problem, not a white one.
Of course, in foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia, the heavily black West Philly neighborhood is resisting some projects on 52nd Street, designed to improve the infrastructure — streets, sidewalks, curbs, etc — because they are afraid that will encourage more white people to move in!
The inattentive Mx Dana ignores that quite curiously most mass killings in the US are committed by white men.
As has been explained several times, for whatever reason society finds the killing of 10 to 50 Americans at a time to be more shocking than the murders associated with urban drug wars. Whether it’s a christo-fascist, anti-immigrant stormtrooper courageously murdering elderly Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue, a white supremacist/neo-Nazi courageously murdering Black worshipers in a Charleston church or a anti-immigrant conservative courageously murdering a couple dozen Hispanic shoppers in El Paso, Mx Dana and others look the other way. While one can largely avoid being killed in a drug gang shootout, most Americans are unnerved to think they or their children can be murdered en masse in church or the local Wal-Mart. See the difference? Why are white, straight, christian men so violent? And how do they get their firearms (which seem tailored for mass murder)?
The segment of American society with the most privilege and entitlement feel victimized and shortchanged and decide the answer is the wholesale massacre of their fellow citizens. Is this the tactics of the civil war the white nationalists are advocating? Certainly you can’t defeat the United States of America, so is terrorism the answer?
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, makes up a new slur, christo-fascist.
Ain’t he smart…

guess he’s eaten up with the white guilt or something.
Bwaha! Lolgf