…is an area flooded from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on adjusting data to match theory.

…is an area flooded from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on adjusting data to match theory.
On this day let us remember the fallen who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defending this great nation.
My courageous brother-in-law, a medevac pilot, didn’t come home from Vietnam.
Ah, the hypocrisy of self-righteous Rimjob, dipshit that he is, who lied about joining the Army during the Vietnam war.
Wonder what that honorable deceased brother-in-law would think of the dishonest Rimjob of today.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The dishonest DickBreath, cocksucker that it is, lies about everything else, why not this.
Don’t you dare mention my brother-in-law, you steaming pile of shit.
Love the faux outrage and the threatening tough guy threat.

Uh, you brought it up, dipshit.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The outrage is real, dipshit, not faux.
Don’t you just love the hypocrisy of this cast of patriotic Americans not mentioning to honor the men and women on Memorial Day?
Now with the faux patriotism.
Love it.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Notice how Jeff uses the virtue of his in law to pump himself. The insinuation is clear. We have established the fact that Jeff is an abject coward so he attempts to steal his in law’s virtue. That is if the statement is true.
Jeff is really becoming more abrasive. I have been trying to figure out why. He usually adapts this behavior when he is losing. I know he is at heart a loser, but I think he is terrified that Trump will prove the steal and come back. That would be great as Biden is working as hard as possible to sell out the country and destroy us.
So one has to wonder if his deceased brother-in-law were alive today would he kick Rimjob’s smug little commie ass.

Bwaha! Lolgf
DickBreath, dipshit that “he” is, is welcome to come visit after he finishes servicing Porter.
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, bravely issuing the faux threats.

Faux scary!
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Turns out doogie hoser is a chiropractor, LOL! DickBreath’s breath smells like doogie the chiropractor!!
I have figured out your method. You search and search for the things that you feel will trigger someone’s emotions and then keep pushing. Such as your blasting Dana the way you do. Unfortunately you will never find a trigger for me. But it does say something about how ill you are. It also shows your own prejudice and bigotry. It seems you hate just about everyone. The other thing, do you ever read your comments out loud. Or to a family member. You sound like you are in grade school.
Pretty sure his dead brother-in-law would agree with your assessment if he were alive today.
Bwaha! Lolgf
I have to agree. Do you think he is trying to run off all commenters.
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, just keeps repeating his mindless little insults.

Who really cares about that nutcase?
Doubt his dead brother-in-law gave a shit about his commie opinions either.
Bwaha! Lolgf
DickBreath, cocksucker that he is, keeps repeating his mindless little insults.
Why does he do it? Two reasons: He has nothing of substance to add, and He is an attention whore.
Not a single Memorial Day tribute from the faux patriots here. William Teach and his band of traitors supported the coup engineered by the their warlord.
Heels up! A tribute to the dead bil.
Bwaha! Lolgf
doogie hoser DC,
What we find curious is the lack of patriotism in nuCons. You insurrectionists hate America and want to rebuild it as a white christo-fascist haven. You hate our government, you hate our institutions, you hate our military, in fact, all you have is hate.
Mr 7134 wrote:
The noble Mr Dowd seems to think that by calling me “Mx Dana,” given that I have already stated that Mx, like Ms, is a made-up ‘honorific’ will somehow ‘trigger’ me. By now you’d have thought he’d have noticed that I ignore it, but, at least thus far, he hasn’t. Perhaps he considers it like the picking of a scab, but who knows?
Former tRump attorney and nuCon hero Sidney (Release the Kraken!) Powell speaking at the QAnon-Patriot Roundup for God and Country in Dallas defended nuCon hero, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who the day before had this exchange with an audience member:
Recall that Flynn, who pleaded guilty of lying to the FBI, was pardoned by tRump. Recall too, that a military coup d’etat had occurred in Myanmar in February this year.
In addition, Kraken Powell now idiotically claims that her former client, tRump, can simply be reinstated as president.
Tucker Carlson (Liar Tuck) also disparaged the US military today, claiming that the military is no longer “interested in protecting the country”. The mass of nuCon commenters here agree with Liar Tuck.
Insurrection, rebellion, treason, anti-Americanism, anti-Democracy… now the nuCon mantra.