Well, of course it’s feasible. It’s a lot more likely than someone eating a bat or something and creating a worldwide pandemic which spread as fast as gossip, spawning lots of variants in short order
UK intelligence reassesses COVID lab leak theory, now says its ‘feasible’
British intelligence services are now reportedly reassessing their position on the theory that COVID-19 leaked from a lab in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.
A Sunday report from the Sunday Times of London quotes British spies who initially dismissed the lab leak theory, but now say it is “feasible.”
“There might be pockets of evidence that take us one way, and evidence that takes us another way,” the paper quoted a source as saying. “The Chinese will lie either way. I don’t think we will ever know.”
The quote comes as both the United States and Britain are stepping up calls for the World Health Organization to take a deeper look into the possible origins of COVID-19, including a new visit to China, where the first human infections were detected.
Right, let’s let WHO investigate, because we all know they were tough on China this whole time, right? They certainly weren’t providing cover for China, right? Unfortunately, the rest of the article is behind a paywall, but British Intelligence is taking this seriously now.
WHO and Chinese experts issued a first report in March that laid out four hypotheses about how the pandemic might have emerged. The joint team said the most likely scenario was that the coronavirus jumped into people from bats via an intermediary animal, and the prospect that it erupted from a laboratory was deemed “extremely unlikely.”
Yup, let’s let WHO investigate. But, the source above is probably correct, the Chinese will lie, and we may never know, because they will never allow a true investigation, plus, by this point, the Wuhan lab is surely sanitized of anything related to COVID. Meanwhile
The World Health Organization has created a new system to name COVID-19 variants, getting away from place-based names that can be hard to pronounce, difficult to remember, and stigmatize a specific country.
The new system, which was announced Monday, is based on the letters of the Greek alphabet. The United Kingdom variant, called by scientists B.1.1.7, will now be Alpha. B.1.351, the South Africa variant, will now be Beta and the B.1.617.2 variant discovered in India will now be known as Delta.
When the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet are used up, WHO will announce another series.
“It’s the right thing to do,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco.
It may also make countries more open to reporting new variants if they’re not afraid of being forever associated with them in the mind of the public.
“As a result, people often resort to calling variants by the places where they are detected, which is stigmatizing and discriminatory,” WHO said.
How much of this is meant to protect China, rather than just silly Virtue Signaling and and such?

Feasible is a long way from possible
“Feasible”? How about maybe it came from outer space aliens ?