…are plants and trees which will soon die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on China Joe importing Iranian oil despite sanctions.

…are plants and trees which will soon die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on China Joe importing Iranian oil despite sanctions.
The link is a bit misleading. Creepy Joe didn’t import anything. Some oil company did. The underlaying story failed to go into details about how or why but I’m pretty sure it had nothing to do with America NEEDING Iranian oil to make our fuel supplies meet demands. maybe someone should look into who actually did the importing and demand answers from them.
This does remind me of the corrupt Oil for Food program when European aristocrats traded oil certificates on behalf of Iran when their Oil was embargoed, and made millions all the while demanding the USA not interfere in Iraq.
Rumor has it, the Biden family know a lot about international trade in Oil.

Bwaha! Lolgf
White People are racists.
Thank goodness the police showed unusual restraint in FL. Two kids (12 yr old boy and 14 yr old girl) had run away from a foster home, broke into a house, found an AK-47, 2 shotguns and a handgun and started shooting at the officers looking for the runaways. The girl was wounded and the boy surrendered unharmed.
Maybe Rimjob could explain what was so unusual about the police doing their job.
Bwaha! Lolgf
DickBreath might note that often the police kill people who aim guns at them. These thugs got off lucky.
Tamir Rice was killed for holding a toy gun. The officers in Florida showed unusual restraint.
From Wikipedia:
Bad information, but the police did nothing wrong: young Mr Rice behaved stupidly, drawing what looked like a real gun on the police. Perhaps Mr Dowd believes that the police should have to hold their fire until first fired upon?
No, “Tamir Rice was killed for holding a toy gun,” he was killed for being stupid.
Still, Tamir Rice was a 12 year old boy with a toy gun. And acting like a kid. The police car had not even come to a stop when the officer fired. How many “shots” had young Rice fired?
The two white kids in Florida were shooting at the officers with real guns, and the officers stood down.
So who was more stupid, young Mr Rice or the two white thugs who attempted to murder police in Florida?
Should we have the state kill all 12 yr olds who do something stupid?
In Chicago, 13 yr old Adam Toledo was unarmed with his hands up when killed.
The indignant Mr Dowd wrote:
Young Mr Rice was a 12-year-old boy who had been reported as a man with a gun, who had been pointing it at others. Yes, the police did the right thing; from their perspective, he could have been 21, not 12, and he was armed with what looked like a real firearm. The incident was examined by law enforcement, and sent to a grand jury, which looked at the evidence much more closely than either of us, and the grand jury did not indict.
The officers in Florida had a much better perspective of the perpetrators in that case, and they did fire, taking down one of the perps, though not lethally.
Who was more stupid? Anyone confronting a police officer with a weapon is stupid! Asking which ones were more stupid is like asking whether the Hirsute One or you is smarter; not a lot good from which to choose.
Here’s a very sympathetic piece on the darling children who tried to murder the FL officers. Be sure and read the chatter between officers.
The officers in Cleveland did not have to kill Tamir Rice. Their cruiser hadn’t even come to a full stop before they shot him.
Are these differing responses due to Tamir Rice being a “thug” and the darling children in FL being well, darling children mistreated by a flawed foster system. Tamir Rice was zero threat and is dead.
Officers view Blacks, even Black children, as a greater threat than whites and respond consistent with this.
The irascible Mx Dana continues to defend the police killing of 12 yr old Tamir Rice, claiming he could have been 21 and that the officers had no choice but to kill him for being stupid. He bolsters his argument, such as it is, pointing out the officers were not indicted. Officers are rarely indicted for killing Black citizens. But the laws they are a changin’.
In FL, imagine the outrage if they had shot and killed the darling blond child as he walked out, thinking he had a hidden pistol.
In any case, the practical Mx Dana would surely posit, that tragic as it would have been, America would be better off if the officers had slain the 12 yr old male thug and 14 yr old female thug. We’re surprised he hasn’t pointed that out already.
The person who called in the Tamir Rice “threat”, twice said they thought Rice was a juvenile and that the gun might not be real. This information was not relayed to the responding officers for some reason.
The officers in FL responded deliberately and appropriately, and fortunately no one died. Would they have been as sympathetic to Black teenagers who broke into a mansion in a rich white neighborhood?
And why were there readily available shotguns, an AK-47, pistols and thousands of rounds of ammo just lying around an unoccupied mansion? Do most mansions in FL have guns lying around??
Except for a couple of black powder rifles, we keep our guns in two gun safes. Some states have tried to pass laws that would secure firearms when not under the control of the homeowner, but those laws probably won’t apply to toy guns like Tamir Rice was brandishing at the playground.
Rimjob seems disappointed that the police didn’t kill someone.
That’s just sick.
Bwaha! Lolgf
DickBreath is mistaken once again.
We pointed out how unusual it was for police who are fired upon to be so careful with the perpetrators.
In fact the officers didn’t blame the white shooters at all but wondered how society and the juvenile system had let the children down.
“Don’t make me do this. Don’t do this,” the officer is heard saying under his breath…
Oh, now Rimjob brings the racial aspect into play, dipshit that he is.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
DickBreath, cocksucker that he is, ignores racism.
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, sees his own racism in others.
Bwaha! Lolgf
DickBreath, cocksucker that he is, seems surprised that racism is discussed at a white supremacist blog.
Don’t wait for Hypocrite Elwood to explain anything until he checks with his Masters.
Like a typical troll, Elwood P. Dowd is best at name calling when his Masters are shown to be liars.
Bwaha! Lolgf
A pity we have to get this from foreign sources.
Bwaha! Lolgf
First of all I would point out that an AK-47 or any rifle for that matter beyond a .22 will penetrate a tree with the greatest of ease. Hiding behind a tree when rifles is involved is futile other than to prevent yourself from being seen.
Taking cover behind a car is only safe if you use the engine block for cover. A rifle of almost any caliber will penetrate easily both sides of an auto with the greatest of ease and kill you.
It was clear from the sound of the exchange that they were being fired upon by a semi automatic rifle. The police officer is extremely lucky they did not see him in the dark behind said tree or else the ak-47 would have penetrated the tree, perforated his vest and killed or seriously wounded the police officer.
This is why you do not let anyone shoot up the neighborhood. People need to stop watching movies where Rambo is hiding behind a tree that is about a foot thick and thinking that a high powered sniper rifle will not penetrate that tree with ease.
They do. Police and military cannot let people with AK-47’s shoot up neighborhoods because those rounds will penetrate everything in site including neighbor houses and the like possibly hitting gas lines and causing death and destruction to people a 1000 yards away from the center of the fire fight.
Just an FYI Elwood. Hostile situations are to be contained immediately. When you start trying to kill anyone including cops they are going to end it. Sooner rather than later.
Est: … an AK-47 or any rifle for that matter beyond a .22 will penetrate a tree with the greatest of ease. Hiding behind a tree when rifles is involved is futile other than to prevent yourself from being seen.
That seems somewhat a little bit counterintuitive. But the penetration depends on the wood and the thickness of the wood. If you’re behind a 3 foot dia oak or maple it’s highly unlikely a .223 from 100 yds will kill you. Perhaps I just haven’t heard of the occurrence but deer hunters don’t shoot through an oak tree, even with a 30-06 or 7 mm mag.
Mx Est is correct that homes offer little resistance. The same for car doors (in contradistinction to cop shows). We shot up junk cars with 30-06’s and the shots go through and through.
It seems that AK-47s (7.62x39mm) aren’t very beneficial except for shooting at cops and killing innocents en masse, and of course, at war. Are we sure the female thug had an AK-47 and not some AR-15 model?
And that is why we have a Constitutional amendment so that you don’t have to figure why we need or desire a particular firearm. Then your next stupid comment will be about machine guns and those should be legal as well. If the Dems would allow nuts to be put away like in the past, then we would not have as much difficulty. Of course, that would deplete the party. The issue with penetration power of a gun relies on the type of bullet. If the bullet is hardened it will past through many obstacles, cops generally shoot soft bullets (outlawed on the battle field). These bullets are stopped by walls and also stop bad guys.