This should make for some interesting apoplexy in the People’s Republik Of California
U.S. judge overturns California’s ban on assault weapons
A federal judge Friday overturned California’s three-decade-old ban on assault weapons, ruling that it violates the constitutional right to bear arms.
U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez of San Diego ruled that the state’s definition of illegal military-style rifles unlawfully deprives law-abiding Californians of weapons commonly allowed in most other states and by the U.S. Supreme Court.
“Under no level of heightened scrutiny can the law survive,” Benitez said. He issued a permanent injunction against enforcement of the law but stayed it for 30 days to give state Attorney General Rob Bonta time to appeal.
Gov. Gavin Newsom condemned the decision, calling it “a direct threat to public safety and the lives of innocent Californians, period.”
In his 94-page ruling, the judge spoke favorably of modern weapons, said they were overwhelmingly used for legal reasons.
“Like the Swiss Army knife, the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment. Good for both home and battle,” the judge said in his ruling’s introduction.
This has all made Gavin pretty upset, so much so that he won’t give up his own armed protection. And will appeal the ruling
Assault weapons as defined by the law are more dangerous than other firearms and are disproportionately used in crimes, mass shootings and against law enforcement, with more resulting casualties, the state attorney general’s office argued, and barring them “furthers the state’s important public safety interests.â€
They are? Funny how they cannot provide the science on this
Despite California’s ban, there currently are an estimated 185,569 assault weapons registered with the state, the judge said.
“This is an average case about average guns used in average ways for average purposes,” the ruling said. “One is to be forgiven if one is persuaded by news media and others that the nation is awash with murderous AR-15 assault rifles. The facts, however, do not support this hyperbole, and facts matter.”
“In California, murder by knife occurs seven times more often than murder by rifle,” he added.
And how many of those rifles are not scary looking “assault rifles”? Because non scary rifles tend to fire the same rounds.
When will all these celebs give up their own armed security?
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) June 5, 2021
They’re going to wear orange! So Brave.

Oh my! A federal judge who has read and understands the Constitution.

How refreshing!
Bwaha! Lolgf
If Mr Teach is in a shopping mall and is unlucky enough to have a mass killer show up, he should hope the killer is carrying the bottom rifle and not the the top “scary-looking” rifle.
Why do all militaries use the “scary” looking rifles, just with the added ability to switch to burst fire or full auto”?
William Teach knows the reasons. The design has evolved for killing people. Why didn’t the militaries just make the wooden or synthetic stocked “hunting rifles” full auto? They spent billions on rifles that are just “scary looking”?
The “scary looking” rifle is lighter, shorter, improved barrel cooling (more rounds!!), pistol grip, more options/versatile/customizable etc. No respectable mass murderer would use a Win Model 70 with only 4 rounds! He’d need to switch 10 magazines to kill 20 first graders!
William Teach is lying to you when he claims the two rifles are equivalent. They’re not. Does Mr Teach know of anyone with .223 hunting rifle?
That’s why the AR-15 style firearms are de rigueur for militaries and mass murders.
Why did the short, pudgy, litigious ambulance chaser, “Polo Shirt” Mark McCloskey, “guard” his home in St Louis with an AR-15 style rifle when Eek! Negroes! were walking down his street on their way to the Mayor’s house? It made him feel like a man for once. Now he’s using his new-found fame (in far right circles) to run for the US Senate! Disgraced former MO gov Eric Greitens (the married, family values patriot who tied up his “side piece” hair stylist and whipped her) is also running as a Republican. Greitens couldn’t get hard with a mere AR-15 so his commercials featured him shooting a real machine gun!
Don’t get me wrong. It’s ridiculous to think that America will or could ban guns. We must just learn to “live” with dead kids, dead shoppers, dead worshippers, dead theater- and concert-goers as the cost of freedom. We adjusted to 600,000 dead from Covid – we can adjust to mass shootings.
Anyway, if Mr Teach is in a shopping mall and is unlucky enough to have a mass killer show up, he should hope the killer is carrying the bottom rifle and not the the top “scary-looking” rifle.
Rimjob, racist dipshit that he is, cannot seem to help himself as he always brings the racial aspect into his commentary.

Bwaha! Lolgf
He is right to frame this as a race issue. Gun control in the USA has always been about disarming violent black people. It is no coincidence that the cities have the strictest gun control AND the highest percentage of black population. Democrats are pretty ignorant about most things, but they know their own people very well.
All over the world, weapons control has always been linked to protecting the establishment from internal rebellion.
The real question for jeff is why does he hate black people so much that he doesn’t want them to be able to protect themselves from their white liberal oppressors.
DickBreath, racist cocksucker that he is, refuses to recognize racism in his Amerikkka.
William Teach knows the reasons. The design has evolved for killing people. Why didn’t the militaries just make the wooden or synthetic stocked “hunting rifles†full auto? They spent billions on rifles that are just “scary looking�
Elwood doesn’t realize that the military specs on the rifles evolved from weight as well. A rifle with less weight has more advantages than one that is heavier.
Secondly, the issue is not whether the guns are “scary looking,” but rather the left, in their attempt to demonize gun owners, the Constitution and the well established right of defense, use weapons that look like military weapons but are different. We have heard people like Biden claim civilian variants are the same as the military AR-15 variants, all to demonize the weapon based on lies.
Does Mr Teach know of anyone with .223 hunting rifle?
Off hand, and locally, I know of at least 6 people with .223 rifles that are used for hunting. In online groups (not gun or hunting groups) many more people have them. In other words, Elwood’s attempt to say that no one uses the gun for hunting is a blatant attempt to take a position based on a lie or ignorance.
It should be remembered the Elwood and Hairy have said from the beginning of appearing on this blog that they would love to see all weapons banned. That is their goal.
Of course, people like Elwood won’t step up to the plate and dispose of their guns, but that simple shows the hypocrisy of their position.
Once again, any rational thinking person can see that the left hates the freedom and rights of people to defend themselves.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Ya think Rimjob would’ve learned that when he signed up with the Army during the Vietnam War.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Elwood P. Dowd is the biggest lying hypocrite. Stop repeating your Master’s lies. Research and find the truth for yourself. Become an American.
There have been 266 murders so far in Chicago this year; how many were committed by “assault rifles”? There have been 221 murders so far this year in Philadelphia; if any were committed using an AR-15, The Philadelphia Inquirer hasn’t mentioned it.
Perhaps I simply missed it?
As many Negroes as there were, he would have needed that big clip to take out as many as he could if they attacked. Given that it was St Louis, it is easy to understand why he might have been concerned.
79 homicides to date in the Gateway City, with 73 of the victims being black. Of the 33 suspects in those 73 murders, all are also black.
Of course, the distinguished Mr Dowd doesn’t want to talk about that, does he? He doesn’t want to address the issue at all, because it clashes so heavily with his worldview.
I note how the erudite Mr Dowd wrote that, “dead kids, dead shoppers, dead worshippers, dead theater- and concert-goers,” all couched in, dare I say it, middle-class white terms? The guys spilling out their life’s blood on St Louis’ mean streets, while some of them are kids, aren’t really shoppers, worshippers, or theater- and concert-goers, are they?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Buy that judge a beer.
It’s been so long since I have seen a common sense ruling come out of the judiciary that I can’t recall one in recent memory.
RPGs?? Shoukd they be legal? Why/why not?
Too scary looking?
Gun violence is greatest (per capita)in states with highest rate of gun ownership
More guns equals more gun violence
Gun violence is greatest (per capita)in states with highest rate of gun ownership
Maybe you should get out of your mother’s basement and look deeper into that stat.
If a person walks into a store and robs it with a gun, that is considered one case of “gun violence.” If that criminal is shot at by the store owner defending himself, that is considered another case of “gun violence.”
Somehow people on the left have decided that defense of one’s person and family with a weapon is unnecessary and unwanted “gun violence.”
The CDC says that guns are actively used in self defense in 500,000 to 3,000,000 cases a year. That doesn’t include “brandishing” a weapon to scare someone off.
We all get it. You have the idea of people defending themselves. You hate the idea of armed people defending themselves against the very criminals you often give lip service in support.
You hate freedom. You hate the right of self defense.
That’s understandable because all the left has is hate.
The left also has authoritarian control of the population. A population that can fight back cant be tollerated. Anyone who has studied history knows this connection. Its not a right wing (anti-communist, pro freedom) trope. It is observable fact.
Can we haz our RPGs now ?
I am over 70 idiot
You should know that by now
Get out of my mothets basement?
In 1969i left the usa and spent 18 months in S&EAsia
I also spent 6 months in Afhhanistan and Pakistan’s FATA
Where have you ever been?
Dara Adam khel International Arms and Hashish and yku can see a pic I took
Ever wonder where all the AK 47s went after we list the Vietnam (opium) War?
Probably not but some people did
They went to fight the next opium war
By his own admission, Johnnie retard is an over 70 idiot and we should know that.
Thanks for clearing that up.

Bwaha! Lolgf
So as a 70 year old you still live in your mother’s basement?
Sorry, but after all the lies you have told and all of the false stats and inability to read maps, no one believes you.
You hate America, Hairy. Your life is nothing but hate because other than your mother bringing you pizza rolls in her basement, all you have is hate.
gitarcarver has given up making cogent arguments and has assumed the persona of DickBreath, cocksucker that he is, resorting to personal insults.
gitarcarver reminds us of Norman Bates.
It’s a sad to watch the rapid deterioration of the unAmerican right as their Master was exposed as a sociopathic con man.
Much of what nuCons believe to be true, is not. America cannot remain a functioning democracy when so many residents are no longer in touch with reality. RIP.
gitarcarver: The CDC says that guns are actively used in self defense in 500,000 to 3,000,000 cases a year.
And it doesn’t include “brandishing a weapon to scare someone off”. LOL. Just another gitarcarver exaggeration, slippery cunning linguist that he is. The statistic is so “solid” that it has a 6-fold range. Is he serious? Anyway, his compatriots here argue that the CDC can’t even count dead people, so how can they count “tales” from brave Americans protecting themselves. Tell us, please. Are there 500,000 to 3,000,000 police reports to support the claims? Hundreds of hospitalized bad guys?
But that’s understandable because all the right has is dishonesty. And hate. And cruelty. And white supremacy.
As we’ve said repeatedly, the only answer is to ban all guns, BUT THAT Will NEVER HAPPEN IN THE USA.
That horse left the barn long ago. As a nation we just have to accept that gun violence will be with us forever.
Let’s hope the mass murderer you run into has a clumsy hunting rifle with one in the chamber and 3 in the magazine and not an AR-15.
You keep repeating this stupid correlation. As well e have pointed out on guns and the climate, correlation does not lead to causation. In fact, the two are almost never associated. Now, one observation is that the states you refer to have a disproportionate number of the special population. If you look at a sampling of gun deaths, you will find that our special population is almost always involved.. Now, considering this, if you desire to restrict gun ownership, then let us prevent gun ownership by the special population. UnConstitutional you say. Sure, but so is restriction of gun ownership by law abiding people in general.
The Hirsute One wrote:
Really? Then why isn’t Kentucky, where a far greater percentage of the population own firearms, as deadly as Pennsylvania? Why does Lexington, with a slightly higher population than St Louis, in a state in which 42.4% of the population own firearms, have around a fifth as many homicides as St Louis, which is in a state in which only 27.1% own guns?
Image is here if it doesn’t come through.
The top 10 highest homicide rates by state:
1. Louisiana
2. Mississippi
3. Alaska
4. Missouri
5. Maryland
6. S. Carolina
7. New Mexico
8. Arkansas
9. Tennessee
10. Alabama
The list is dominated by red states. Mx Dana cherry picks a couple of states to make his point. Southern rural red states have high homicide rates as do some states with particularly violent cities, housing St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago.
27 states have lower homicide rates than KY, including New York, New Jersey and California.
Note that the majority of states listed have a high special population. Looking up individual stats we see that few deaths are among whites and the majority are among the special population. We have a special population problem, not a gun problem.
136 nations have lower homicide rates than the US, but the US is number one in gun ownership! More guns, less crime!!
With 1.2 guns per person in the US shouldn’t we be the safest nation on Earth? I mean with all those defensive uses of guns? LOL.
We will continue to have guns everywhere. We will continue to have a higher murder rate than any other advanced nation. It’s who we are.
We know, we know, “civilized” Americans need firepower to defend themselves from doogie hoser’s “special population”. We fully understand your primal fear of the “savage beasts”.
Thanks to Rimjob for providing an excellent example.
In the future it shall be referred to as Rimjobism.

Bwaha! Lolgf
DickBreath, cocksucker that he is, makes another strong argument.
The right-wing has adopted the position that the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right of any and all American residents to any and all examples of individual firearms. They advocate for machine guns, armor piercing ammunition, no background checks, universal open carry etc, and they will eventually win their points.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.â€
What happens if the 2nd Amendment is repealed?
The slippery gitarcarver makes the fantastical argument that AR-15s save many more Americans than they kill. Was poseur Mark McCloskey’s front yard antics considered a “defensive use” of a firearm? Since there were 25 people walking down the street, was that 25 “defensive uses”?