Climate change? Nah. Equity? Nope. Equality? Uh huh. Minorities? Nyet. Illegal immigration? Non. Keep going down the list of things Democrats say they care about and none are more important than abortion on demand. It is their number one thing
More Than 220 Democrats in Congress Back Bill to Guarantee Nation-Wide Abortion Access
More than 80 percent of Democrats in the U.S. House and Senate are backing legislation that would block states from adopting strict abortion regulations—an effort abortion rights advocates say is needed before the conservative-leaning U.S. Supreme Court takes its next action on state-level abortion laws.
“Our rights shouldn’t depend on what state we live in at the time,” U.S. Representatives Judy Chu, a California Democrat, told reporters in a briefing on what’s been dubbed the Women’s Health Protection Act. “Today the fight to protect abortion rights for all Americans is more critical than ever.”
That’s insane, and Constitutionally illiterate. There is no right to an abortion in the Constitution. None. Just one of the worst reasoned Supreme Court decisions in the history of the nation. The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, essentially say what duties the Federal government is given and what rights the federal government may not interfere with, and all others are reserved to The People and the States. Henceforth, it’s up to the hands of the states to approve of whether they allow abortion, and to what extent.
The proposal, which is unlikely to pass Congress in the near future, aims to ultimately outlaw several restrictions that have been put on abortion access, largely across the South and the Midwest. It comes as the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take up a Mississippi law that would ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy—a case that’s seen as a possible effort to upend the historic Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.
“It could not only chip away but potentially overrule Roe v. Wade—at the very least do profound damage to it,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, told reporters Tuesday. “It’s needed now more than ever before.” (snip)
If the WHPA were to pass, states wouldn’t be able to require mandatory waiting periods before an abortion could be performed, set restrictions on how late into pregnancy an abortion can be obtained or require counseling to try to discourage women from getting an abortion, among other changes directly targeting laws states have tried to enact.
These insane Democrats, and, interestingly, it seems male Dems are some of the most vocal supporters of abortion on demand, do not want any restrictions. Late term right up to birth? Fine with them. Treating abortion clinics with the same standards, such as cleanliness, as any medical facility? Nope. They do not even want them inspected for standards as a tattoo parlor. Parental rights, not allowing a child to be taken across state borders for an abortion, no federal funding for abortion, allowing doctors to no be forced to perform abortions, and so much more, these are all things Democrats object to. They want zero restrictions. If you offered them tons of firearms restrictions in trade for common sense abortion restrictions, they would give a hard pass.
This really does have no way of passing, so, it says a lot about unhinged Democrats are about abortion on demand that Forty-eight senators and 176 members of the U.S. House have signed on as cosponsors, with zero Republicans.

Still waiting on fed to demand states provide unfettered access to pain killers and anti-biotics.
Teach nowhere in the bible does it say that a fetus is a human being
Abortion is legal in Israel
The bible does say that the penalty for causing a miscarriage is small only 2 shekels payable to the father
I also says that if your slave girl is suspected of becoming pregnant by another man she can be subjected to “the trial by bitter herbs” some sort of poison administered by priests which will cause her to abort if she is carrying another man’s fetus
Should any state be able to force any woman to give birth even in the case of rape ?
As usual, Hairy “knowledge” of any religious subject is the same as his ability to make pizza rolls.
Should any state be able to force any woman to give birth even in the case of rape ?
The number of abortions due to rape is extremely small. This is simply a ridiculous argument. What Hairy is saying is that someone’s life only has value based on the circumstances of conception.
The extension of that thinking is that a child conceived by wealthy parents has more value than one conceived by parents in poverty.
That thinking cannot stand and only leads to the idea that children and life have no value. What a pathetic person makes such a claim? (That’s rhetorical, because we already know.)
The left hates children as evidenced by Hairy’s comments.
Than again, all the left has is hate.
There you go again, trying to interfere in the Democratic party Oppressing or even eliminating blacks in the USA. The Democrats know their own people and know that what is best for them is that they not breed. The only real puzzle is why black Americans go along with this. Maybe it’s because blacks hate blacks too.
I can remember in the 60s that blacks thought birth control was a means to eliminate them and there was big controversy. Now, they go whole hog on abortion, which seems to really eliminate them.