Belief in anthropogenic climate change is pretty much based on pseudo-religious faith, more cult-like
COP26: ‘Faith and Science’ event to highlight efforts against climate crisis
The Holy See Press Office held a press conference on Thursday to present the “Faith and Science: Towards COP26†meeting, which will take place on 4 October.
The event, which is organized by the UK’s and Italy’s Embassies to the Holy See, will see numerous faith leaders and scientists address the theme of climate change and the need for a coordinated effort to protect Creation.
Pope Francis will likely participate in the 4 October event, according to Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States.
Presenting the Holy See’s role in preparing the meeting, the Archbishop said the Pope is very committed to the issue of climate change and that he would be “very surprised if the Holy Father does not participate.â€
Archbishop Gallagher also pointed out that climate change presents an enormous challenge and that faith has a role to play in the solution.
“You’ve got to draw on all of your resources if we’re going to rise to these challenges,†he said, “and that certainly is faith; it is religion and the spiritual dimension of humanity. If we ignore that and think that the only solution is good politics or good science then we’re going to find that we’re not successful.â€
This is a Pope who is more concerned with a slight increase in the world’s temperature over 170 years, something entirely normal during the Holocene, and one which is less than several previous Holocene warm periods, than with things like abortion on demand and violating Catholic principles in the Bible. It really is perfect, though, that they’re dragging faith and religion into the climate crisis scam, because it’s all based on faith in the coming Doom, right? The science used to prop up the climate cult is shoddy, rarely follows scientific principles like the Scientific Method, requires constant changes to data and facts to make their points, computer models which spit out the results they want, changing the data to accord to the hypotheses, and more. These are things pseudo-religions and cults do.
The Archbishop went on to add that the sense of urgency has grown about the need to confront climate change, saying that the pandemic has shown how various economic, social, and alimentary crises affect all people on the planet.
As the Pope has said, “everything is connectedâ€, and so these challenges must be dealt with together, which is an aspect that people of religion can contribute to in a unique fashion, said Archbishop Gallagher.
This isn’t about climate, is it.
Biden Policies Would Help Unwind Destructive Forces of Inequality, Climate Change, Yellen Says
The U.S. economy needs ambitious fiscal policy to help unwind destructive forces, such as racial inequality and climate change, that have kept prosperity out of reach for millions of Americans, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told lawmakers Wednesday.
Ms. Yellen, who testified before the Senate Finance Committee, defended the Biden administration’s $6 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2022 in prepared testimony, calling for policies such as paid family leave, modernizing infrastructure, reducing emissions and making housing and education more affordable. The private sector doesn’t make enough of these investments to reverse long-term, structural economic challenges, such as falling labor-force participation and wage inequality, Ms. Yellen said.
“We need to make these investments at some point, and now is fiscally the most strategic time to make them,†she said.
The climate crisis (scam) is a platform to implement all their far left (technically, per the Politics 101 scale of political ideologies, these are way to the right into the Authoritarian/Fascism scales) policies of governmental control of citizens, private entities, freedom, and choice.

William Teach ignores that Western religions have a long history of involvement in social movements.
While the Abrahamic religions of antiquity supported slavery, sexual slavery, multiple wives, concubines, child abuse and human sacrifice, modern interpretations (often in concert with secular social movements) oppose these abuses (except for some ultra-conservative sects).
Science supports that global warming is a looming threat to billions of world citizens, so why WOULDN’T religions, including the Roman Catholic church, take a position?
That organized religion aligns with science and/or a social movement doesn’t make science or social movements a religion, or Teach’s favorite slur, a cult.
Teach has had to repeatedly change his story over the years – first he insisted that the Earth wasn’t warmimg, then that the warming ended in after 1998, that CO2 wasn’t involved, then that it is but only a little… To his credit, new data has persuaded him to change his mind. Now he seldom argues the science of global warming, focusing solely on the possible remediation, i.e., carbon taxes, electric vehicles etc.
Might want to look up the term “scientism”.

But, being the dipshit you are, you probably won’t.
Bwaha! Lolgf
No one is threatened by climate change induced by humans. You never provided a bit of evidence. Then you refuse to tell us how a tax and global communism will help. Everyone hear knows you lie, even if a truth would support your position, then you act like a grade school child and desire to be taken serious on your pet projects. You are mentally ill.
Doogie Hose DC, like his hero TEACH, doesn’t understand that global warming is a threat.
The US far-right has lost touch with reality.
Funny-“doesn’t understand that gw is a threat……and I can’t tell you why allegedly it is a threat….â€.
As I have said, you are mentally ill.
“Science supports that global warming is a looming threat to billions of world citizens…†No, it doesn’t. “Science†can’t be in support of something that hasn’t happened and may never happen. Those are called predictions.
Our esteemed host wrote:
This is a Pope who is more concerned with a slight increase in the world’s temperature over 170 years, something entirely normal during the Holocene, and one which is less than several previous Holocene warm periods, than with things like abortion on demand and violating Catholic principles in the Bible.
As the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is about to take up a proposal ro say that bishops should ban pro-abortion politicians from receiving the Eucharist, a Vatican priest who is “close” to His Holiness the Pope sent a message to the bishops ‘suggesting’ that such a measure should not be passed.
The measure would require a 2/3 majority to pass, and would have to be ratified by the Pope, unless it was passed unanimously. It is regarded as unlikely to meet the 2/3 threshold.
However, any bishop heading his diocese can ban the subordinate priests in his diocese from giving the Eucharist to abortion-supporting politicians.
Why does William Teach claim this Pope is not concerned about abortion? Does he suspect that this Pope is listening to Catholic worshipers?
The majority of US Catholics support access to abortion. The majority of women obtaining abortions identify as Christian, with 24% being Catholic, 17% mainline Protestant and 13% as evangelical Protestant.
The “slight” increase in the mean global surface temperature to which Teach refers is the greatest temperature excursion since the beginning of the Holocene. How can that be “something entirely normal”? Teach states his opinions as fact.
Perhaps Rimjob should learn the meaning of the word “excursion” and how to use the term properly in a sentence.

But, being the dipshit that he is, one doubts he ever will.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
William Teach is a dipshit.
Perhaps DickBreath could lift his head out of his Master’s lap long enough to consult a dictionary.
Kinda like the “propensity” of the evidence…?
Hey Rimjob?
Remember that one?
You still used the term incorrectly.
Bwaha! Lolgfy