I actually do not support this as written
Republican Rep. Warren Davidson introduces bill to ban vaccine passports
Rep. Warren Davidson is introducing a bill Thursday to ban the federal government from issuing vaccine passports, severely restrict states from doing so and ban private businesses from requiring proof of COVID vaccination, arguing that such requirements represent “an inherent violation of civil liberties.”
“They’re not really providing a rational basis for discriminatory activity – they’re busy separating healthy people from other healthy people on the presumption that people without a vaccine are not healthy,” Davidson, R-Ohio, said of vaccine requirements in an interview with Fox News. “It’s a violation of civil liberties.”
The Vaccine Passport Prevention Act, first obtained by Fox News, would bar the federal government from issuing any form of vaccine passport; ban states from doing the same as a condition of receiving federal funds; and bar businesses connected to interstate commerce from requiring “any patron or customer to provide any documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination, or post-transmission recovery, as a condition” of service.
This goes significantly further than bills introduced earlier this year, including by Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., that would only prevent the federal government from issuing vaccine passports. It is highly unlikely to pass the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives or ever become law. But it does represent growing opposition from Republicans to vaccine passports that’s been reflected in similar bans in several states.
It has zero chance of making it to the House floor for a vote. Most like it will be tabled in committee. The problem here is that Los Federales should have no business in telling private companies and states that they cannot have a passport, which would most likely, knowing the way bills are written, ban private companies from even asking a person’s vaccination status. They can couch it as it being an attempt to stop discrimination, but, really, there is a 10th Amendment, and any power to ban passports and such is for the states. Los Federales can only stop them if they are traveling across state or federal borders. Which is how they involve themselves in private business, which is a disturbing use of federal power.
Of course, you see that the feds have power because so many states, counties, cities, and even private companies receive federal money. Too much power. And Davidson should be pointing out that Democrats want ID for vaccine status but not for voting.
They really should just stick with banning the federal government from requiring them, along with not allowing federal employees to be fired for not getting vaccinated. And perhaps set national standards for any vaccine passport which prohibits the use of personal data beyond what is actually on a COVID vaccination card. Keep them from expanding.
Meanwhile, scaremongering?
Delta Covid variant has a new mutation called ‘delta plus’: Here’s what you need to know
The “delta variant†has come to dominate headlines, having been discovered in India where it provoked an extreme surge in Covid-19 cases before spreading around the world.
But now a mutation of that variant has emerged, called “delta plus,†which is starting to worry global experts.
Is this scaremongering, or simply information? It’s hard to tell at this point, because there was so much scaremongering since February 2020 that it’s hard to tell the difference anymore.

One thing we do not yet know is what foreign countries are going to require for entrance, and it could work out that some sort of federal form is necessary for entry into another country. The vaccination cards we received when we got the needle do have the CDC’s logo on them, so they might be acceptable in certain places, but who knows? It’s worth asking the question: would this bill prevent the shot cards we receive from being issued with the CDC logo?
William Teach: It’s hard to tell at this point, because there was so much scaremongering since February 2020 that it’s hard to tell the difference anymore.
Hundreds of thousands have died, just in the U.S. Millions have died worldwide. And the pandemic continues to rampage among unvaccinated populations.
No, Delta Plus is not scare mongering. Granted, the “Plus” is actually two sub-variants, AY1 and AY2, but Plus appears to be even more infectious than Delta, which is considerably more infectious than Alpha (B1.117, the UK variant), and Alpha is 70% more infectious than the original virus. Alpha took over the UK in about 2 1/2 months. Delta took over the UK in about 5 weeks, going from 0% to more than 80% of all new cases. Alpha became dominant in the US in less than 90 days. Delta is already in the US. So is Plus; there are actually more cases of Plus here than in India. For all we know it originated in one of our Desi communities.
Is Delta or Plus any more deadly than any other strain? Maybe, maybe not. Vaccination seems somewhat less effective against these variants. Indeed, numbers from the UK show that a significantly larger percentage of the deaths from Delta/Plus are people who are vaccinated, compared to people who are not vaccinated.
The good news: Ivermectin works against Delta and Plus. Now just try getting some from your US doctors even if you have the virus. Good luck trying to get some for prophylactic use if you don’t.
Liquid 1% Agri-mectin taken orally? It worked in Peru and Bolivia.
I am against any kind of vaccine passport anywhere. It’s a really stupid and shortsighted idea. First, nothing can stop a viral spread. Nothing. Next, the entire concept is wrong: a) These vaccinations may not work so great anyway, b) Acquired or natural immunity to the virus is at least as good as what the vaccines claim to provide, and c) provable prophylactic use of hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin provides a much higher degree of protection than any vaccine out there (ivermectin is best), and both will actually cure you of the illness in the early stages, which the vaccines will not do. So if you must have a passport, even though it’s a stupid idea, enlarge the concept to include immunity (which can be proven with the T-cell test), or proof of prophylaxis.
The Z’s are a group of high school kids in a debate club. At first I thought they were hear to test out their arguments, but instead I have observed that they pump people for references. In other words, if you respond to them, you are doing their home work. Plus, they are obnoxious as hell and have millennial virtue syndrome.
It used to be the Democrats who were champions of medical privacy… back when it was just AIDS and abortions. They never looked ahead and wondered if their principles would change under other circumstances. Good thing for democrats they never had any principles that they couldn’t change whenever convenient.
Professor Hale: It used to be the Democrats who were champions of medical privacy… back when it was just AIDS and abortions.
Medical information is still protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). However, there is nothing in the law which prevents someone from sharing their information. Nor is it unreasonable for society to put in place restrictions to limit the spread of a contagious and potentially deadly disease. Proof vaccination has long been required for international travel or attendance at schools.
Zach is Elwood when Elwood doesn’t feel like calling people names. Their syntax, word usage and grammatical structure are almost identical.
Basically the left is beginning the new argument for another 50 million votes to be mailed out for the 2022 midterms realizing this is their last shot at turning America into a socialist hell-hole.
This is what happens in America when you pass a law. Obama said it best after Obamacare was passed when asked about the right trying to dismantle it in the courts.
Good luck with that. He laughed. He knew. When a law hits the books of any consequence it is impossible to rid us of the scourge it might bring.
It is why the Democrats for Decades have used the Legislate, Litigate process to slowly erode America’s institutions with the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Education.
They will litigate and legislate this nation into economic and social ruin. It has always been their plan and brother Zach up their shows how in favor of it he really is by not questioning anything about the government demanding accountability.
In the USA we are vaccinated against many diseases while in Central and South America they are NOT. Yet the left does not demand they show their vaccination card when they arrive.
Because vaccinations mostly work. So you and I are mostly protected from the great unwashed masses sneaking over the border. In the future it will be White people sneaking over the borders, seeking a new life in a country that has not lost its sanity.
It will be white people paying Coyote’s to take us on long trips away from the persecution of Communist democrats in America.
est1950: Zach is Elwood
Zachriel never posts under another name.
est1950: When a law hits the books of any consequence it is impossible to rid us of the scourge it might bring.
Repeal takes the same form as other laws or amendments; for example, the 21st Amendment.
est1950: Yet the left does not demand they show their vaccination card when they arrive.
Actually, activists on the political left have been pushing for vaccinations for undocumented immigrants.
est1950: They will litigate and legislate this nation into economic and social ruin. It has always been their plan and brother Zach up their shows how in favor of it he really is by not questioning anything about the government demanding accountability.
Not sure how requiring proof vaccination for access to public areas will “legislate this nation into economic and social ruin.”
“Proof vaccination has long been required for international travel or attendance at schools.”
Unless you are trying to enter the USA… which Is where I live. I have done quite a bit of international travel and have never been required to show my shot records. Ever. Even public schools don’t check immigrant shot records because that would discriminate against illegal kids who don’t get shots and don’t keep records.
The Covid isn’t smallpox. Check the record. All forms of quarantine, including social distancing, totally failed to slow the spread. And this was predictable.
I really feel sorry for Black people. According to Democrats, they are too stupid to get picture ID cards. I can only imagine how hard it is for them to maintain shot records. Looks liek they won’t be doing any traveling.
However, there is nothing in the law which prevents someone from sharing their information.
That is correct. HIPAA does not prevent people from sharing medical information.
However, covered entities, such as government agencies and companies are not allowed to demand identifiable medical information.
We all appreciate you bringing up the very law that destroys your own point.
gitarcarver: However, covered entities, such as government agencies and companies are not allowed to demand identifiable medical information.
HIPAA only applies to covered entities – healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses – and their business associates. Your employer can ask for proof of vaccination. You don’t have to answer, but the employer can require vaccination.
The scariest thing I have seen in decades in this country is the DOJ suing Georgia over passing an election law it does not like.
The Constitution is clear that the states are empowered with conducting elections. The democrats tried to ram through HR-1 which ceded election authority to the US government.
Remember one thing. It matters not who is president or who has a majority in the House and the Senate. If a bill like HR-1 would have passed it would take on a life of its own, run by shadowy government officials, un-elected and unaccountable.
This is the lefts plan and IF the DOJ wins this case which of course it will end up in the supreme court because they will file it in such a way as to run into a progressive appeals court, then it is left up to a supreme court to defeat this lunacy.
If they fail then the Supreme court has ceded one more power to the federal government that is quite clearly the role of the states. Here is where the line will be drawn and the battle will begin.
Secession will be the last course of action against an out of control federal government run by unelected lunatics bought and paid for by the left.
The right has been asleep at the wheel for decades while the left has been proactive and revolutionary. Nowhere is this more apparent than the XXX VARIANT of COVID…trying to scare people into staying home and voting by mail and when they cant?
You guessed it……The states are impeding the right of the people to a fair vote and must step in and squelch the states and show them the boot heel.
est1950: The Constitution is clear that the states are empowered with conducting elections.
The U.S. Constitution is clear: Congress has the power to regulate federal elections. See Article I, Section 4, Clause 1; also Amendments Fourteen and Fifteen.