How many of you are surprised at all that the Paper Of Record would find a way to crap on the flag and the nation on Independence Day? Many news outlets are finding ways to get a bit moonbat for July 4th, because they are leftist America haters, such as the Washington Post, which trots out
Readers tell how they will choose to celebrate or ignore the Fourth of July
The NY Times takes the cake for major media outlets with this
A Fourth of July Symbol of Unity That May No Longer Unite
The American flag flies in paint on the side of Peter Treiber Jr.’s potato truck, a local landmark parked permanently on County Route 48, doing little more, he thought, than drawing attention to his family’s farm.
Until he tried to sell his produce.
At a local greenmarket where he sells things like wild bergamot, honey and sunflowers, he had trouble striking a deal until, he said, he let his liberal leanings slip out in conversation with a customer.
“She said, ‘Oh, whew. You know, I wasn’t so sure about you, I thought you were some flag-waving something-or-other,’†Mr. Treiber, 32, recalled the woman saying and citing his potato truck display. “That’s why she was apprehensive of interacting with me.â€
He paused: “It was a little sad to me. It shows the dichotomy of the country that a flag can mean that. That I had to think, ‘Do I need to reconsider having that out there?’â€
If you don’t like the flag, a major symbol of our nation, why are you here? Leave.
Politicians of both parties have long sought to wrap themselves in the flag. But something may be changing: Today, flying the flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue, albeit an imperfect one, to a person’s political affiliation in a deeply divided nation.
What party affiliation does it denote?
Supporters of former President Donald J. Trump have embraced the flag so fervently — at his rallies, across conservative media and even during the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol — that many liberals like Mr. Treiber worry that the left has all but ceded the national emblem to the right.
What was once a unifying symbol — there is a star on it for each state, after all — is now alienating to some, its stripes now fault lines between people who kneel while “The Star-Spangled Banner†plays and those for whom not pledging allegiance is an affront.
Conservatives aren’t embracing the flag any more than normal. We respect the flag, we love the flag, and we love what the flag stands for, the federal republic of the United States Of America. It stands for freedom, liberty, a “can do!” attitude, for a country that rose from breaking away from the British empire and becoming the most powerful nation on Earth within less than 200 years, one of the few which truly guarantees Free Speech, Religion, Protest, and Petitioning for Redress Of Grievance. Yes, America has flaws and problems, just like ever person, city, and nation.
It’s Democrats who seem to hate the flag, because they hate America. At lest the unhinged, barking moonbat base is in apoplexy. But, the standard, “I’m just a Democrat” voter is becoming more and more anti-flag as time goes on, and are willing to tell you so.
And it has made the celebration of the Fourth of July, of patriotic bunting and cakes with blueberries and strawberries arranged into Old Glory, into another cleft in a country that seems no longer quite so indivisible, under a flag threatening to fray.
So leave. Don’t let the red, white, and blue door hit you in the ass on the way out.
About 70 percent of Americans say the flag makes them feel proud, according to a recent survey by YouGov, a global public opinion and data research firm, and NBCLX, a mobile information platform. The sentiment was shared by about 80 percent of white Americans, just under 70 percent of Hispanic Americans and slightly less than 60 percent of Black Americans.
While the Times attempts to tell us just how darned controversial the American flag is, the poll shows it isn’t that bad. From that poll
About seven in 10 (72%) Americans say the American flag makes them feel proud. Americans under 35 (56%) are less likely than those who are 35-to-54 years old (71%) or 55 and older (67%) to say the flag makes them feel proud.
There are also differences when it comes to race: most white Americans (79%) say the flag makes them feel proud, while fewer Hispanic Americans (67%) and Black Americans (59%) feel the same way.
Similarly, Americans who are white are more likely than Black and Hispanic Americans to say they feel comfortable walking through a neighborhood with a lot of American flags displayed. While 56% of white people say they are very comfortable with this, fewer Hispanic people (39%) and Black people (26%) feel as comfortable doing so.
I’m 100% comfortable with walking in a neighborhood with tons of American flags. The poll does not break that part down by Party affiliation.
Republicans are considerably more likely than Democrats to associate the American flag with the adjectives patriotic (77% vs 54%), proud (67% vs 46%), and normal (49% vs 32%).
So, just 54% of Democrats find the flag to be patriotic. Let that sink in. Take the poll in a few years, especially when a Democrat isn’t in the White House, and see if that drops.

Don’t think that the NYT takes the cake, not until you’ve seen The Philadelphia Inquirer.
BIRTHPLACE OF FREEDOM — AND INEQUALITY: Together as Philadelphians, we must reconcile the inequity of our origins as inconsistent with who we say we are and want to be. A more perfect union is not out of reach.
Here’s their headline illustration.
There are other articles, like “I’m a Philly teacher and I’m not scared of Critical Race Theory,” and ”
Roger Taney’s statue will be ousted from U.S. Capitol. Next: Renaming the Philly street | Opinion,” but I can’t just pile up links in a comment.
Meanwhile, in Lexington, the Democrats who run the city are opposed to integration, at least opposed to whites moving into ‘traditionally’ black neighborhoods.
could someone publish a list of the nyt’s subscribers? asking for a friend
Making a hit list, patriot?
That list would include me. Since I use newspapers as my primary blogging source, I have paid
subscriptions to The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer and the Lexington Herald-
LiberalLeader.The list used to be smaller, and I could get a couple of free articles on each before they disappeared behind a paywall. Mrs Pico got tired of seeing me logging out of my WiFi so I could use my phone and my tablet — which has its own phone number — getting the articles so that I could manually type in what I needed, and told me to just get the d(arned) subscriptions.
Contrary to nuCon dogma, America is not perfect (we know, we know, you blame {the Blacks, the Gays etc). NuCons are white christians terrified of the future, afraid of losing their white christian advantages and privileges, fearful of change. Trump and the feckless Republicans who still fear his wrath have harmed and continue to harm our Democratic Republic. They are desperate to remain relevant.
Teach’s Dogma: If you’re displeased with America, leave. If you think America has been unfair to minorities, leave. If you criticize wealth and income inequality, please leave.
Perhaps you might consider pursuing America living up to her ideals. America was founded upon an idea, not mainly for power or privilege but to a set of principles. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
As a nation we have not always lived up to these ideals but pointing this out is not sedition, but is necessary and healthy.
Inarguably, American minorities have been disadvantaged from the nation’s founding and laws and policies continue to enforce this. Pointing this out and proposing potential solutions is not communism or anti-American. As the American middle/working class continues to be ignored, if not exploited, the nation becomes more unstable. The long-term solution is to start working for all Americans or to enact an authoritarian police-state (aka trumpism) to keep the peasants from revolting. There are no other options.
Just leave. The country is better off without your kind.

Smarter too.
Bwaha! Lolgf
It seems Teach and his acolytes have problems with most Americans and are fighting mightily to keep their advantages. If they are so unhappy, why don’t THEY leave? Doogie Hoser DC keeps floating the idea of Red State secession to form a new America based on conservative “principles”. Do it!
State christianity! Unlimited firearms! Fewer laws and regulations! No welfare state! No EPA! No NASA! Social Darwinism – only the strong survive! No abortion, no contraception! Blacks, gays, Hispanics, Jews, gender confused and Muslims will self-deport to Blue America. Statues to American freedoms to honor heroes such as Lee, Jefferson Davis, Reagan, Forrest, trump, Duke, Rush etc.
Our fragile democratic republic is at a cross-roads.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
If we have advantages, why wouldn’t we want to preserve them?
Seriously: those of us white Christians have white children, and if I am already past the stage of life in which being white is an economic advantage, why wouldn’t I want my white children to have whatever advantages accrue to being white?
And it was written by a white man, who didn’t include women in all of that, and who owned slaves. He was eventually elected President, when the franchise was limited to white male property owners.
The thing is, all men are not created equal; we all have disparate skills, talents, strengths and weaknesses, and intelligence. We can hold that “all men are created equal” as something which should be true under the law, and I support that.
And that must mean holding all men to the same standards under the law, and if that means that black Americans wind up in jail at greater rates, because they break the law in disproportionate percentages, I’m fine with that.
The Framers who wrote and ratified our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution were civilized white men, and they anticipated a civilized society based on the ideas of the enlightenment. But when we have the urban black subculture infesting — and yes, that word was deliberately chosen — our cities, we have areas in which civilized society has broken down. 95 of your fellow citizens of St Louis have been murdered so far this year, 88 of whom have been black. Of the 39 known perpetrators of those 88 murders, all 39 are black.
Simply put, you have an urban black subculture in your home town that is not civilized by any standards which even you would normally consider civilized. Mr Teach did not put those (probably illegally owned) weapons in their hands, nor did Mr Puppies, nor me, nor anyone else who comments on this site, yet you would blame everybody else but the actual criminals.
We thank the honorable Mx Dana for supporting our point. He is more polite than more most, but has the same ideology, well put.
Just curious about this “we” Rimjob keeps using in response.

Could it be all those spooky voices rattling around in his little dipshit brain?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Schizos hear voices. They have groups of people in their heads. The guy is nutty as a fruit cake.
I wish you all a wonderful 4th of July and may God Bless America. May Allah Bless America and may The Great Buddah himself bless America. And if you don’t believe in God? Well do what it is you do. I know plenty of cultist who love America, and are atheists and agnostics. Some like StyxHexxenhammer666…….a great blogger by the way… can find him on YouTube, is into the Occult.
It takes all kinds to make the world go round.
LOL. Teach decries the NYTimes pointing out American disunity then types:
Note the new nuCon talking point that America is not a Democratic Republic but is a “federal republic”. “Voting? We don’t need no stinking voting!”
Anyway, the gospel according to Teach (as a trump follower) is that “Conservatives” love America but “Democrats” hate America. And that the NYTimes is crap for pointing that out.
What a unifying Independence Day toast from Teach.
People from all over comment here. They all get along and exchange ideas and observations all seem to get along and respect each other except for you. John has different views but he mostly thinks it cute to try and get folks upset, for whatever reason. Z is a collection of not very well educated children who think they are liberals. But you come here and call every person a name and try to be as unpleasant as possible. You define yourself as a liberal and certainly act like the people we see in the news and talk shows. There is zero common ground with you. No one has been able to establish a meaningful dialogue. So I would say that your hostility and ignorance are the issues we face on a national spectrum. And we can not be unified with people like you.
As to your comment on voting, I know that is your usual attempt to just be unpleasant, but also highlights your ignorance of our history, especially how voting has become a problem with Dems committing fraud on a regular basis.
So look in the mirror to see the problem with our country.
Since when has any “nuCon” as you so stupidly refer to them ever stated “Voting? We don’t need no stinking voting”? So it to us! We honor and respect voting what we don’t like is massive cheating and a refusal to see it and ignorant refusal to investigate it when it happens.
BTW, America was always a Federal Republic and NEVER a democracy. The word democracy appears nowhere in any of our Founding documents because the Founders realized (what you obviously don’t) that democracy is a form of Tyranny. And that was even before demofascists elevated voting to an art form.
Furthermore, your “Anyway, the gospel according to Teach (as a trump follower) is that “Conservatives†love America but “Democrats†hate America.” statement proves our point.
State that you love America and always have. I do.
I have been asking you for over a year “Why do you hate America” and I’ve received crickets as a reply. So once again:
Why do do hate America?
Why do you hate White people?
Why do you hate Christians?
Why do you hate Jews?
All you leftists have is hate Elwood, rotting, seething hate for all that is good and moral and
ingratitude for what this Republic have given you…..FREEDOM!
You’re so full of it that it’s coming out of your ears.
Were you part of the Patriot Front demonstration in Philly today? The Patriot Front is “a white supremacist group claiming their ancestors conquered America and bequeathed it to them alone.” You and Mx Dana make this same claim. They are American nationalists who are focused on preserving America’s identity as a European-American identity.
Why do you hate Americans?
Why don’t you understand America?
Why do you hate non-christians?
Why do you hate non-whites?
America will not survive as a white christianist, nationalist country unless your plans of a police state come to pass. And then we’ll no longer be America. You want license for yourself but not freedom for all.
All you white nationalists have is hate Kye, rotting, seething hate for all that is good and moral and fair. I’ve stated more than once how grateful I am for being born a white man in the US. Like you, it’s pure dumb luck that a sperm and an egg combined that I’m here and not scratching for grubs in the tropics. You magically believe that you somehow earned or deserved your station.
I know, I know… but, but BLM, Hunter Biden, black on black crime, commies…
That comment is definitely nuts.
All that bullshit and you still haven’t explained why you hate White people, why you hat Christians, why you hate Jews and why you hat America.
It may be “dumb luck” you were born here but you are staying because you want to.
Every time you make a stupid comment like this one you lower the IQ of the entire blog. You seem to think that because we were lucky enough to be born her we DO NOT deserve or have earned our station. That’s like saying a lottery winner doesn’t deserve the money it’s just plain stupid.
You represent everything wrong with our great country. Why don’t you go somewhere you “earned and deserve” to live and leave us alone?
So why do you hate White people?
We only “hat” two things, willful ignorance and wanton cruelty, twin hallmarks of nuConservatism (aka trumpism).
You should be grateful of your good fortune, your dumb luck. You think lottery winners “earned” their money?
You represent everything wrong with our great country.
Why do you hate Americans?
Why do you love falsehoods?
Doogie Hoser DC imagines that he gets along with everyone here. LOL.
He mocks any and all that disagree with his white supremacy doctrine. Every true American should be “unpleasant” when it comes to white supremacy and white, christian nationalism.
He has shown that he’s ill-informed on most issues and has many beliefs shown to be be false, for example, wide-spread voter fraud.
Doogie Hoser DC is nutz.
No one respects America like a trump.
That boy’s not right…
“American minorities are disadvantaged…laws and policies enforce this….â€. Shocker-another wild assertion without evidence..
And no one respects Democratic wimps…