Now, why would anyone be concerned about creeping Fascism?
HHS’ @XavierBecerra on Biden's controversial door-to-door vaccination program: “The federal government has spent trillions of dollars to keep Americans alive during this pandemic. So it is absolutely the government’s business” to know if you’ve been vaccinated.
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 8, 2021

Would they mean the same government that used to hold these simple truths as self evident, that all men are created as equal with inalienable right to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Or do they mean the illegitimate cabal of democrats currently assigned to offices they do not deserve nor were elected to hold? I ask because one of these governments lacks the power to do so, and the other is evil.
Becerra is a communist. He used to be a Congressman from California, then jumped ship once the Awan scandal broke. Wound up getting the AG job in California, and now this. POS deluxe.
My vaccination card has a CDC logo on it, so, odds are, it was reported to the Gestapo that I was vaccinated.
As the Biden Administration is trying to encourage more people to get vaccinated, does anyone really thing that threats to send the Impfstoffabteilung door-to-door or Señor Becerra telling everybody that the government has a right to know if you’ve been vaccinated is going to be a great selling point?
Who could have possibly imagined that a virus could mutate to be even more contagious?
I don’t care how much money the government spent; it doesn’t mean I have any duty or obligation to go along with their goals. Becerra’s argument is idiotic at best, evil at worst.
And that doesn’t even begin to deconstruct what he said … has the government really spent this money (our tax money, BTW, not its or his money) to save American lives? If that were the case, wouldn’t it have been better spent on hydroxychloroquine or ivermection treatments? Is this incompletely-tested “vaccine” really going to “save” lives? It already seems to have a pretty high adverse reaction/mortality rate for vaccines.
[…] a compare-and-contrast thought. On one hand, you have HHS Secretary Becerra stating, explicitly, that the government has the right to know who has had The Jab because it’s spent trillions (bolding […]