My goodness, these people just don’t give up, eh? They’re utterly fine with BLM/Antifa firebombing buildings, including federal justice centers, assaulting people, including federal employees and law enforcement, looting, property destruction, creating their own little “autonomous zones”, and so forth. But, a few people became a bit crazy and mostly wandered around the Capital Building (owned by the People of the U.S.) and took selfies after someone opened the door, then left. Which caused Democrats to build all sorts of walls (walls work?) and pour tons of National Guard units (which Dems treated like crap) into D.C. like a third world hell hole. But
Investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection will resurrect democracy
On July 4, we celebrated the dawn of American democracy. This past Tuesday, July 6, marked the half-year anniversary of the U.S. Capitol insurrection, which many mourned as the democracy’s sunset.
Would this be the same Independence Day that so many Democrats offered lots of hate for? Hate for the nation, hate for the Flag?
It was democracy itself, not simply the Capitol, that was under siege. People who faithfully remember Independence Day should never forget the day that our Capitol — the people’s House — was taken over by an angry mob.
People who remember Independence Day remember what the people of that time did to break away from England. The mob actions taken. Taking up arms and fighting for Freedom.
If it had been solely up to Republicans, we likely would have already forgotten the onslaught against the democratic process or dismissed it as the behavior of unruly tourists. But Democrats and democracy prevailed.
These are the same people who equate what happened with 9/11, when the only person killed, Ashli Babbitt, was shot by a police officer, and Democrats will not allow anyone to know the details. It will be interesting to see how Democrats try and block that information during the nutbag hearings?
The House committee should get clear answers to the complicated questions that surround the assault. Inquiring minds want to know what led to the insurrection and, more importantly, prevent anything like it from happening in the future.
Prevent? The Founders were all for insurrection for when the Government became tyranical and stopped listening to the Citizens. We are not here for Government. It’s the reverse.
As pro-Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, McCarthy called the president, who, according to one account, said, “I guess those people are more upset about the election than you are.â€
Well, yes. All these months later there are still tons of things that do not make sense.
The democratic experiment that started on July 4, 1776, is still a work in progress after 245 years. Americans have reformed the system over that time to make the political process truly democratic and inclusive, but we still have a long way to go.
Hopefully, the House inquiry and public reaction against the insurrection will stimulate a resurrection of American democracy.
What process is this supposed to fix? Blowing past the stupid “democracy” thing, no need for that discussion yet again, is it that Democrats want to restrict free speech? How about protesting? Petitioning for redress of grievance?

Teach gaslights that a handful of tourists were allowed into the Capitol Building, took a few selfies and left, forgetting the objective of the mob – to block the Constitutional certification of the Presidential vote. But then Teach is true believer in the tRump “Big Lie”.
“Fascism will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a bible.â€
~ Sinclair Lewis
Nu”cons” such as Teach hate today’s America and desire a return to the white christian nation they so loved.
This is a constitutional republic, not a democracy is the nu”Cons” new battle cry. White votes matter!
Teach has been warning us about skyrocketing energy costs for 10 years
Hasn’t happened yet
New nuclear power would cost 2 or 3_times as much as offshore wind liKe in Vineyard wind
Since 2012more nuke construction has gone into bankruptcy than completed
Capitalists won’t fund them should BIG GOVERNMENT??
Over 500 arrested do far
125 law enforcement injured
Lady with “don’t tread on me” flag trampled to death my mostly peaceful rioters
And the big lie IT WAS ANTIFA now a joke
Antifa riots-over 700 officers injured, 25 dead, and 1-2 billion dollars in damages. And it continues…
— Charles Austin Beard and Mary Austin Beard
Eat it, Rimjob, dipshit that you are.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I read the two fascist anti American comments above by the resident assholes and determined them to be unworthy of a response. People that hateful and ignorant of our history should be ignored by decent people. I have decided not to respond to stupid and ignorant and hateful comments by our resident fascists. If they ever clear the propaganda from their brains I may honor them with my comments. At this point I will not soil my reputation by acknowledging their opinions.
Why do they hate White Christian Americans, the very Founders of our Great REPUBLIC so much?
Promises! Promises! LOL.
Like Rimjob and Johnnie Retard, Joey just can’t help himself.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Consider the bio line of the author:
Emphasis mine.
The Democrats want to lock up the Capitol kerfufflers for twenty, thirty, forty years, but, so far, haven’t gotten to do anything of the sort. The one woman sentenced got three years probation, and the second person to plead guilty faces a maximum of six months.
The Union captured Confederate President Jefferson Davis, who led an actual revolution, and they kept him in prison for two years, without a trial, and that was all the time he spent in jail. He did break bail and fled to Canada, but returned after the pardon. General Robert E Lee was charged, but never tried, and never spent a day in prison. On Christmas Day of 1868, all former Confederates were pardoned. Yet, if I remember my history correctly, almost a million people, soldiers and civilians, lost their lives in four long years of the Civil War.
[…] Also see: Good News: Jan 6th Investigations Will Resurrect Democracy! […]
One day the lying fascists tell us we’ll need F-15’s and nukes to take over the government and the next they’re crying like little girls that housewives and old men carrying American flags were an “insurrection”. What a bunch of lying shitbags.
Maybe we can get an honest election or are the lefties too afraid of the American people.
William Teach: But, a few people became a bit crazy and mostly wandered around the Capital Building (owned by the People of the U.S.) and took selfies after someone opened the door, then left.
There was an organized cadre who forcibly stormed the Capitol who were intent on overturning the election and threatening to kill members of Congress.
William Teach: Would this be the same Independence Day that so many Democrats offered lots of hate for?
Did you hear the news?
The master is free!
Well, hallelujah!
{Not everyone is enamored of the events of 1776.}
William Teach: The Founders were all for insurrection for when the Government became tyranical and stopped listening to the Citizens.
Merely saying you have a just cause for rebellion doesn’t a just cause make. Washington put down a rebellion as a sitting president.
William Teach: All these months later there are still tons of things that do not make sense.
Multiple investigations have upheld the election results.
William Teach: How about protesting? Petitioning for redress of grievance?
Those are protected rights. Storming the capital and setting up gallows are not.
Who set up gallows and where? Show us a photo.
“Multiple investigations have upheld the election results.”
That is a propaganda lie fostered by CNN. There have been no major investigations of improprieties. We all saw the video o0f the Repubs being put out of a polling place then the windows covered up. Was that investigated? we all saw the video of the Repubs being thrown out of a counting place then boxes of new ballots removed from under counters. Was that investigated? We’ve all read about hundreds of notarized affidavits testifying to vote fraud. Have they been investigated? We all heard testimony backed by sworn statements of unfolded ballots supposedly mailed and other ballots with no return addresses, no signatures and no down votes just Biden. We all witnessed the “ballot dump” in the wee hours in the morning in four key states only yet that was not investigated.
You lying Nazi’s spent 2 years and $40 million tax payer dollars chasing after Hillary’s “Russia” lie and ended up with ZERO!!! Yet you refuse to have an actual investigation of the fraud and shenanigans of the last election because you know you’ll loose.
Zachriel, if there actually had/has been a real investigation it would have been SPLATTERED ALL OVER THE MEDIA FOR DAYS, WEEKS EVEN!!!! Point out the headlines if you will. And I’m not talking some tidbit about an old lady voting twice.
You Nazi’s and communists think you can lie your way out of anything because the media keeps covering your lying asses.
BTW, no self respecting American left or right supports “storming the Capitol”. The difference is we on the right also don’t support burning an looting cities, killing unarmed women or holding citizens in jail without bail or a trial for 6 months (projected to be until Sept 2022) That’s bullshit and you know it Zachriel and if you refuse to admit it you’re no better than Elwood and Hairy.
Why do you hate working class Americans and housewives so much? Don’t they deserve to know their vote is secure or is that only for stupid joggers who you seem to think are too dumb to get ID’s?
Kye: Who set up gallows and where?
This wouldn’t be so problematic if they hadn’t also stormed the capitol screaming for Pelosi and Pence.
Kye: There have been no major investigations of improprieties.
Of course there has. For instance, people questioned the machine count, so the state hand counted every ballot. When people questioned the signature matching, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation audited signatures.
More particularly, the Trump campaign had ample opportunity to raise any issues in court, but they failed to find evidence of any significant fraud.
Kye: We all saw the video o0f the Repubs being put out of a polling place then the windows covered up. Was that investigated? we all saw the video of the Repubs being thrown out of a counting place then boxes of new ballots removed from under counters. Was that investigated?
Yes, that was all investigated, and no significant irregularities were found.
Kye: if there actually had/has been a real investigation it would have been SPLATTERED ALL OVER THE MEDIA FOR DAYS
It was.
And yet R’s showed up in record numbers to vote. Trump got 13m more votes than in 2016, 10m more than Clinton got! As election night dragged on, four critical swing states (and only those states) went dark at midnight.
Yeah, there were no irregularities.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Zachriel wrote:
Yet the vast majority of those arrested and charged have been charged with simple trespassing. Jefferson Davis led a Confederacy, the rebellion of which wound up with almost a million military and civilian deaths, yet, other than two years of captivity without a trial, he wasn’t punished. Robert E Lee never spent a day in jail.
But today’s left, they think a kerfuffle less organized than the Beer Hall Putsch is somehow a great threat to our country.
Dana: Yet the vast majority of those arrested and charged have been charged with simple trespassing.
Of the 500 or so arrested, over 150 have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees, including 50 charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer. Forty have been charged with conspiracy. Hundreds more have yet to be brought to justice.
Dana: Jefferson Davis led a Confederacy, the rebellion of which wound up with almost a million military and civilian deaths, yet, other than two years of captivity without a trial, he wasn’t punished. Robert E Lee never spent a day in jail.
Justice would deem Davis would have been hanged, but it may have led to even more violence. As it was, blacks were subjected to oppression for generations after the conflict.
Dana: a great threat to our country.
Try to be somewhat objective. What the world sees is the greatest shrine to democracy being overrun by a mob, not unlike what happens in developing countries during coups.
Funny reading the Kiddiez drone on about justice while already finding people um… , “charged” with some made up offense, guilty before they’ve even had a hearing. Some have even been denied real legal representation or bail.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Zachriel wrote:
The United States was in no rush to hang Mr Davis. He was indicted for treason, but released on bail in 1867. On December 1868, President Andrew Johnson pardoned the last few Confederate leaders still under legal threat, which included President Davis.
From May of 1865 to December of 1868, 3½ years, the United States has the ability to bring Mr Davis to trial, and though the ‘radical Republicans’ in Congress wanted it done, nothing ever happened. Remember; President Johnson had retained President Lincoln’s cabinet, and the Attorney General was Mr Lincoln’s appointee.
Robert E Lee was indicted, but somehow that just vanished.
What the world saw was an out of control keg party, which lasted only a few hours, without a single shot fired by any of the rowdy partiers.
The wisest thing President Biden could do now is to simply grant blanket amnesty to the kerfufflers.
Dana: From May of 1865 to December of 1868, 3½ years, the United States has the ability to bring Mr Davis to trial, and though the ‘radical Republicans’ in Congress wanted it done, nothing ever happened.
Davis was indicted for treason, made bail, and fled to Canada until his pardon.
Dana: What the world saw was an out of control keg party, which lasted only a few hours, without a single shot fired by any of the rowdy partiers.
You can minimize their actions, but there was clearly a concerted effort to prevent the peaceful transfer of presidential power, and if they had been able to, the insurrectionists would have captured or injured members of Congress. However, individuals should only be judged by their own actions. Those that committed violent attacks or conspired to obstruct Congress should be held to account. Those that committed lesser offenses will almost certainly be given little if any jail time.
Kiddiez: …but there was clearly a concerted effort to prevent the peaceful transfer of presidential power, …

Um, clear to whom, Kiddiez?
Bwaha! Lolgf
There is no doubt that Biden seized the presidency through fraud.
But I would caution you about commenting with the Z people. They are a high school debate club and only intent on getting you to do their home work. I addition, they are a bunch of privileged children who are not as well educated as would be expected. Note the millennial pathos on slavery and the poor plight of the special people. As well as how 1776 can be canceled as not everyone thinks it is that great. Basically you waste your time dealing with them.
david7134: There is no doubt that Biden seized the presidency through fraud.
There is no evidence of any extensive fraud sufficient to affect the outcome of the election, which audits, recounts, and investigations have shown.
The Kiddiez don’t produce any valid proof only slanted conjecture.
But what else is new?

Bwaha! Lolgf
All you lack is evidence to support your claims about the election. A “belief” is not the same as a fact. But you know that. The trumpist mind is so corrupted that they can no longer tell truth from fiction. Trumpists are a threat to our democratic republic.
And Rimjob is just a dipshit looking for attention.

Don’t go through life being an attention whore, son.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Kye: Who set up a gallows and where? Show us a photo.
Kye must be kidding. There are hundreds of photos and videos. Denial is more than a river in Egypt!×0/filters:quality(100)/
Yes, there have been many, many recounts and investigations of the election results. It seems the AZ GOPhers aren’t liking what the Cyber Ninjas are finding and are calling for new investigations. The claim that Italian satellites changed votes on voting machines was just one of several outrageous claims.
Stamping one’s feet in a tantrum and crying that the election was stolen is not evidence.
Grifter Kye has fallen and can’t get up. His mind is so melted that it may never recover.
Kye: no self respecting American left or right supports “storming the Capitolâ€
Yet, that is exactly what happened on Jan 6, 2021.
Oh my! The Daily Show!
C’mon Rimjob, dipshit that you are, can’t you come up with anything better than that?
Bwaha! Lolgf
I think his real reference is The View.
Well at least that’s the promoted propaganda by the Dems except y’all left out the part where the Capitol police opened the doors and let everyone in. (It’s all on tape.)
But you KiddieZ always tend to revise history.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The organized cadre were antifa, already been substantiated. The whole thing was a set up.
Yep, they ignore that part too.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Would you be so kind to reveal the “substantiated” evidence? Thanks. Some on the right are now claiming the FBI set it all up. Is it your “belief” that the FBI coordinated with antifa to fake storm the Capitol using Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, 3 Percenters and tRumpists? Doesn’t that seem illogical to you?
Anyway, could you reveal your “substantiated” evidence? That would settle the argument. Thanks.
You see, I read a number of items, you read raw story. Therefore my conclusion is pure fraud on Biden’s part. Or would you prefer the idea that 81 million Americans were stupid enough to vote for him.
david7134: You see, I read a number of items
You didn’t substantiate your claim. Indeed, public records show that Trump supporters constituted the cadre of people who stormed the Capitol.
So tRumpists want an election re-investigated and re-investigated because they lost, but resist an investigation of the storming of the US Capitol?
C’mon Rimjob, dipshit that you are, can’t you come up with anything more substantial than that?

That’s some weak bullshit, son.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Why would Biden The Lost announce to the world that he committed voter fraud?
Doogie Hoser lies again, claiming that President Biden announced he committed voter fraud. Even a chiropractor like Doogie, who believes cancer is caused by bad “humors”, is not so dumb to believe that.
Where’s the “substantiation”, Doogie? We’ll wait.
Biden The Lost said he committed fraud, look it up. Remember, I tell the truth, you lie and act like a child.
Jokes on you. We did look it up. He did not announce or admit committing voter fraud.
You can’t be this stupid. We prefer to think you’re just horribly dishonest.
We understand why you lie about it though, since the truth rarely supports your beliefs.
Dan Pfeiffer, former communications advisor to former President Barack Obama, asked what Biden would say to people who haven’t voted yet or don’t have a plan to vote. In response, Biden gave a three-part answer.
We’re forced to conclude you have no “substantiation” to your claims that tRump won.
We’re hardly surprised since tRump lost by millions of votes, and recount after recount confirms that fact.