Democrats love calling everyone they disagree with Nazis, Literally Hitler, Fascists. But, Democrats get very upset when you call them Fascist, authoritarian, repressive. Because they totally love them some freedom! And you’re a Nazi if you disagree! And it’s totally not Big Government if they do this
Democrats are pressuring companies to censor text messages about Biden’s pandemic response
Allies of President Joe Biden are pressuring phone companies to censor text messages that might carry disinformation about the administration’s response to the pandemic.
The Biden administration is taking more aggressive actions against what they consider to be disinformation from critics on their right, according to the Politico report.
Left-wing groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are planning to also engage fact-checkers to fight back against dissenting voices.
From the Politico piece, 7th paragraph
Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages. The goal is to ensure that people who may have difficulty getting a vaccination because of issues like transportation see those barriers lessened or removed entirely.
Hmm, that sounds like censorship. That sounds like these Progressive (nice Fascist) groups are applying pressure for companies to censor private messages sent through a private network from private individuals/groups to other private individuals/groups, who have paid to be provided a network without company interference.
The Biden administration is casting conservative opponents of its Covid-19 vaccine campaign as dangerous and extreme, adopting a more aggressive political posture in an attempt to maneuver through the public health conundrum.
The White House has decided to hit back harder on misinformation and scare tactics after Republican lawmakers and conservative activists pledged to fight the administration’s stated plans to go “door-to-door†to increase vaccination rates. The pushback will include directly calling out social media platforms and conservative news shows that promote such tactics.
So the White House is going to call out people engaged in Free Speech? Surprise!

More fact checkers… scary!

Bwaha! Lolgf
[…] news shows’ which question the efficacy and safety of the various COVID-19 vaccines. Our good friend William Teach noted an article from Politico, a site I don’t normally […]
The totalitarians wrote:
SMS carriers are text messaging services. Rather than being open, public fora like Facebook or Twitter or The Pirate’s Cove, they are meant for computer-to-person or phone-to-phone text messages, sent to specific individuals or small groups. In effect, the Biden Administration want to monitor your text messages, without a warrant, for WrongThink.
The greatest threat of death from COVID-19 hasn’t been to individuals, but to our constitutional rights.
The American left, being totally paranoid due to their stealing an election as well as 5 years of general lying about everything, is also working on ways to “fact check” (ie censor) Indian smoke signals and sign language so the Apache and the mutes cannot become the “truth whisperers” of 2021. They have also infiltrated the Khoisan speaking peoples in an attempt to stop that infernal “insurrectionist” clicking.
[…] DNC, Other Democrats Applying Pressure To Get Phone Companies To Censor Text Messages […]
The FBI is informing people, especially KIDS to squeal on their family and Friends. In Germany and in Russia the exact same things happened.
Adolph Hitler burnt down his own parliament building, blamed the opposition and then demanded more restrictive control over the nation which was ceeded to him.
For the first time in my long life I am afraid of the FBI. They literally have taken upon themselves the role of arresting people and making up charges later. You can now be arrested in this country for crimes that do not exist. IE Think Thought Police.
“We (the democratic machine) have developed the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of the USA…..JOE BIDEN while running for President in 2020. These words are on camera.
The FBI is encouraging you to squeal on family and friends over political positions. THE NSA is spying on the PRESS and Americans and then OUTTING THEM….IE Tucker Carlson was outted by the NSA and this is a crime and against the law and the Patriot Act’s most sacred promise to American’s in order to be passed into law.
America is fast becoming a fascist state crashing headlong into communism and PEOPLE within the sound of my voice.
YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE WHERE THIS ENDS UP….first they come for the people you don’t like…Hurrah you shout….THEN THEY COME FOR YOU!!!!!!! WTF you shout as you family is dragged away.
Freedom guarantees liberty and right now forces INSIDE and OUTSIDE THE USA are working to destroy this country and YOU might just be helping them.
And we all know who the “YOU” est150 is referring to.
The nuGOP (all of whom ARE vaccinated) are urging their devotees to risk death and shutdowns to help keep THEM in office.
We suspect most brave commenters have received vaccinations, too.
How did obtaining vaccinations become such a political and religious football.