Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my big fishtank is slowly coming back to life (had old tank syndrome). This pinup is by Henning Ludvigsen, with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- Zero Hedge notes COVID surge in countries that are most vaccinated
- neo-neocon covers masks now and forever
- Pacific Pundit highlights three Texas Dem fleebaggers getting Covid
- Powerline discusses the return of the Misery Index
- Sonoran Conservative tries to define “woman”
- The First Street Journal covers the racism of white liberals
- The Gateway Pundit notes there are more Covid vaccine deaths than Covid deaths
- The Lid covers Democrats fighting against One Man One Vote
- The People’s Cube discusses Dems ceding US sovereignty to the UN
- The Political Hat calculates how much the website is killing Gaia (mine is worse than 80% of webpages, despite the server running on sustainable energy (Dreamhost is a green host))
- The Right Scoop covers the NFL playing the “black national anthem” before every game
- Weasel Zippers highlights how bad the new China Lebron James Space Jam movie is
- No Tricks Zone covers authorities failing to heed flood warnings
- American Elephants notes the huge number of overdose deaths during lockdown
- And last, but not least, American Greatness highlights many of the findings, so far, of the Arizona audit
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.
- The Daley Gator has Daley Babe. And more Daley Babe. And Daily Pics. And more during the week.
- Maggies Farm has Saturday Links. And Friday links. And does this all during the week.
- Doug Ross has Saturday’s Larwyn’s Linx. And Friday’s Larwyn’s Linx.
- The Other McCain has Rule 5 Sunday. And has in the mailbox.
- Theo Spark has your cartoon roundup. And more during the week
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies.
- A View From The Beach features Rule 5 Saturday. And Palm Sunday. And a Electiongate.
- The Chive has babe break.
- AcidCow has Acid pic dump.
- Grouchy Old Cripple has Happy 4th boobage (slightly NSFW).
- Caveman Circus a few photos to remind you that life is beautiful.
- Izismile has weekend pic dump.
- The Right Way has Friday Babe. And Linkorama.
- Don Surber: American distrust rises.
- 357 Magnum has Saturday links. And Friday Links. And aspiring rapper is a dangerous occupation.
- The Feral Irishman has Friday Femme Fatale, and lots more stuff during the week.
- Knuckledraggin My Life Away has women who are surely taken. And has a big GIF dump. And has more fun all week long. (last weeks, wirecutter dared to take a long vacation)
- Evil Blogger Lady has Rule 5 MAGA. And Rule 5 Opera. And more during the week.
- By Other Means has cosplay Friday. And seeing red. And plenty more hotness during the week.
- Bookworm Room has the Bookworm Beat.
- This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week.
- Irons In The Fire has some babeage, and more during the week.
- Sonoran Conservative has babeage. And fun all week.
- Animal Magnestism has Saturday Gingermageddon. And Rule 5 Friday. And more during the week.
- Flopping Aces has the Sunday Funnies. And the week in radical leftism. FA also has a cool new layout and banner graphic.
- Diogenes’ Middle Finger has a Good Monday Morning.
- Vlad Tepes has readers links.
- Woodsterman has Rule 5 Woodsterman Style.
- Bunkerville has passel of potpourri linkage.
- 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny has hot pick. And girls with guns. And morning mistress. And way more of all three during the week.
- Victory Girls Blog: Little League First Pitch by Ron DeSantis Triggers Libs.
- And ending with the always awesome Proof Positive with the Best Of The Web Linkaround. And quote du jour.
Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Teach, who rarely cites The Gateway Pudendum, once again cites The Gateway Pudendum, who continues to spread disinformation regarding Covid vaccinations.
“The vaccinations are killing more Americans than Covid itself!!!”, the odious jimhoft screams.
He bases this stupidly false claim on the CDC VAERS database where health care professionals document EVERY adverse event following vaccination. This includes those dying from heart attack, cancer, pneumonia, COPD, diabetes, car crashes, suicide, falling off a ladder etc. Some 8,000 Americans die every day from all causes. There have been few if any deaths attributed to the vaccines.
The other cohort in the certifiable epidemiologists odious jimhoft and Teach, that is, was Americans who died from Covid. OK, note they’re comparing ALL deaths in one group vs Covid deaths in the other group.
Now, imagine you compare ALL deaths after vaccination against ALL deaths in the unvaccinated group. Recall, over 50,000 Americans die in the US every week from ALL causes.
The odious jimhoft is a propagandist and liar. Teach should know better and should be embarrassed to lend credence to cretin known as the “stupidest man on the internet”.
“Why is the not being widely reported?!?”, the odious jimhoft screams. Because it’s a lie, that’s why. Of course it will be widely reported by right-wing lie sites, and then to facebook, tweeter, etc.
Given that the distinguished Mr Dowd used the formulation the “odious jimhoft” four times, one wonders: does he have one of his function keys programmed to produce it? Being the nice guy that I am, I went to thesaurus.com, to find some synonyms for erudite Mr Dowd to use.
You’re welcome.
“He bases this stupidly false claim on the CDC VAERS database where health care professionals document EVERY adverse event following vaccination. This includes those dying from heart attack, cancer, pneumonia, COPD, diabetes, car crashes, suicide, falling off a ladder etc. Some 8,000 Americans die every day from all causes. There have been few if any deaths attributed to the vaccines.”
So now you are triggered bigly because the VAERS database is doing with vaccine deaths EXACTLY what the CDC database did with Wuhan deaths, attribute every death even remotely connected to the disease?
And then you have the unmitigated audacity to call someone else a liar when you have shown to be King of the Liars!
Your self awareness needs fukin shock therapy.
Aw, take it easy on Rimjob, dipshit that he is.

He still believes Putin colluded with Trump to win the 2016 election.
By the way, where’s Hunter?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Here’s some interesting data from England.. https://twitter.com/skrased85/status/1416914491112136706?s=21
[…] as always to The Other McCain, Whores and Ale, Pirate’s Cove and Bacon Time for the Rule Five […]