Well, of course it is, because ever problem is linked to the climate crisis scam. That’s what a cult does. So, despite people have illegally come across the border for decades and decades, despite Democrats pushing policies that incentivize people to cross the border illegally/simply show up and expect free money, housing, jobs, clothing, healthcare, and citizenship. Biden’s policies have skyrocketed this, like a store running a buy one at 50% off get 5 for free.
It’s Not a Border Crisis. It’s a Climate Change Crisis.
There was a time when rural Guatemalans never left home. But back to back hurricanes, failed crops and extreme poverty are driving them to make the dangerous trek north to the U.S. border.
See, hurricanes never happened before the last few decades. Crops never failed. Poverty never happened. The cult screed starts out with some sisters from Guatemala, then
Both sisters tried to reach the U.S. southern border in December 2019, but were apprehended by Mexican law enforcement mid-way in Mexico and sent back home. Since then, they’ve lost their crops to last year’s hurricanes and are bracing for more widespread crop failure. And, now, more than a year and a half after their first attempt, they’re ready to try again.
“God must know why we didn’t make it,†Miriam, 29, says while Irma, 40, listens as she nods and flattens the dough for the tortillas. “But it’s our dream. We want to better ourselves. And there’s no way to make money here. It’s only getting harder.â€
There was a time here in Xucup — and in other neighboring villages — where people rarely, if ever, talked about leaving. Most have lived here for generations. Few left home. But that’s changing.
Now, like the Cuc Cac sisters, thousands of rural Guatemalans — as well as Salvadorans and Hondurans in agrarian areas — increasingly are leaving their communities. These days, migration — including the record number of unaccompanied children — is on the rise in rural areas, as an increasing portion of the country’s land and population faces the fallout from climate change.
Well, perhaps they should be looking to their government for pissing away all the aid money that came from the U.S., and not be a 2nd world nation bordering on 3rd world shithole.
And it’s not just climate change acting alone. It’s food insecurity. Malnutrition. Poverty. It all ties together.
And all due to you taking fossil fueled trips to work. Shame on you!
Guatemalan migrants have been apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border more than 153,000 times this year, according to Customs and Border Protection figures. Exact numbers are hard to know: The majority of those migrants were kicked out of the country, and, separately, thousands of migrants slip undetected over the border each year.
But as the Biden administration navigates the puzzle that is the U.S. immigration system, there’s another far-reaching challenge it faces: climate change. It’s impossible to know the motives of migrants — and it’s rarely just one reason — but U.S. and Guatemalan officials, regional experts and civil society leaders say climate-fueled displacement is a likely factor for thousands who’ve decided to strike out from home and head to the U.S.
So they’re mostly talking to not the migrants/illegal aliens about their motivations? But the people who have a vested interest in making this about the climate emergency scam?
In Alta Verapaz and Huehuetenango, a mountainous region close to the Guatemala-Mexico border, in 15 percent of households displaced by the hurricanes here, at least one family member migrated or attempted to migrate in the last five years, according to a survey conducted by the International Organization for Migration. One of their top five motives, the survey found: fleeing from natural disasters and climate change.
You don’t see many Americans fleeing from coastal areas because of hurricanes. Perhaps if Colorado was offering all sorts of free stuff they’d leave New Orleans.
Climate change, in the coming years, will only continue to exacerbate an already dire situation for millions of Guatemalans, analysts say. In the long term, the number of people in the region displaced by climate change is only expected to grow dramatically — leading many to migrate to more urban areas in Guatemala or head north to Mexico or the U.S. in search of jobs, money and security.
This is all meant to reframe the issue to create a Reason to bring in millions of uneducated people with few viable skills who would not only be essentially wards of the federal government, but vote Democrat. Also, to force through legislation that increases the power of the government while getting more tax money and fees from citizens.

“…millions of uneducated people with few viable skills who would not only be essentially wards of the federal government, but vote Democrat”.
Just like what COVID relief payments did. Everywhere I go, I see “help wanted” signs up and I see the impacts of insufficient labor at every level. A LOT of people simply don’t want to go back to work, and with COVID money, they don’t have to.
Teach weren’t alot of those governments in Central America instLked by DC
Matbd the USA should be sending water pumps and solar panels instead of war material
In the words of economics genius Joe Biden, “Just pay them more”.