I’m pretty sure they are doing more on ‘climate change’, building more and more coal fired plants and not caring what the world thinks, because they provide so many products and hold so much of the world’s debt. Presupposing that anthropogenic climate change is real, of course. Which it’s not
Climate change: US pushes China to make faster carbon cuts
US climate envoy John Kerry has called on China to increase the speed and depth of its efforts to cut carbon.
Without sufficient emissions reductions by China, Mr Kerry said, the global goal of keeping temperatures under 1.5C was “essentially impossible”.
Mr Kerry said he was convinced that China could do more and the US was willing to work closely to secure a reasonable climate future.
Every major economy must now commit to meaningful reductions by 2030, he said.
Mr Kerry was speaking at Kew Gardens in London, ahead of a G20 environment ministers meeting in Italy later this week.
Cool, another long fossil fueled flight for Kerry, who could have done this by Zoom or some other video conference method.
Mr Kerry paid special attention to the efforts of China, saying the country was now “the largest driver of climate change”.
China has promised to peak emissions by 2030 – but the US diplomat said that was not good enough.
“If China sticks with its current plant and does not peak its emissions until 2030, then the entire rest of the world must go to zero by 2040 or even 2035,” he warned.
“There is simply no alternative because without sufficient reduction by China, the goal of 1.5C is essentially impossible. China’s partnership and leadership on this issue of extraordinary international consequence is essential.”
Yeah, well, good luck with that. China will only talk the talk, not walk the walk. Rather like the way Kerry talks the talk and doesn’t walk the walk. This all does make one wonder if this all has anything to do with why Biden was so weak on China
Biden’s fury at Chinese cyberattacks prompts him to … issue a statement (Seriously)
China’s in trouble now: President Joe Biden is angry — really, really angry — about its cyberattacks. So angry that the White House on Monday issued a condemnation that actually cited China by name. Oooooh!
Beijing must be quaking in its boots: If officials there don’t shape up, who knows? Biden might castigate them a second time.
Yup, a strongly worded message! That is it. When it was Russia, Biden slapped them with lots of sanctions. China? Nothing. Despite China having done a heck of a lot worse. Not too mention the repression by the Chinese govt, forced slavery and killings of Uyghurs, treatement of Tibet and Hong Kong, human rights violations, and so much more. See, Joe and Kerry want climate crisis scam agreements, which seem more important to them.

Time to fire the Maytag man*.
*Business school aphorism meant to convey that if you have a repairman for a product that never breaks, you don’t need to keep him on the payroll. Same would apply to everyone involved in accomplishing an expensive and “essentially impossible” task.