Why would this be necessary? I thought most New Yorkers were Democrats, and Democrats were gung ho to take the vaccine? No? Anyway, first
Vaccinated Pelosi and Biden aides test positive for COVID
The Pelosi aide had contact with the delegation of fleeing Texas Democrats that contracted COVID-19
Huh. Good job, Fleebaggers. More locally
In fairness, people who get COVID after having one of the shots have very mild symptoms.
New York to Require Vaccination or Weekly Testing for City Health Workers
For months, Mayor Bill de Blasio has been reluctant to make coronavirus vaccinations mandatory for anyone, hoping that encouragement, convenience and persuasion would be enough.
But with two million adult New Yorkers still unvaccinated — including a high percentage of employees in the public hospital system — and the Delta variant threatening the city with a third wave of cases, City Hall is trying out a new tactic: requiring workers in city-run hospitals and health clinics to get vaccinated or else get tested on a weekly basis, the mayor’s spokesman said Tuesday.
Only around 60 percent of health workers are vaccinated. You’d think the people who were in the trenches during the big outbreaks would want to be protected. Perhaps they know something about the vaccines? I’m not against them, I took it, and I’ll take the booster if they think it is a good idea. I hate being sick.
The new policy, which will be announced by Mr. de Blasio on Wednesday and goes into effect at the beginning of August, goes nowhere near as far as San Francisco’s announcement last month that it would eventually require all municipal employees to get vaccinated. Still, it is Mr. de Blasio’s first move to require any city employee to show proof of vaccination or a recent negative coronavirus test as a condition of showing up to work, city officials said. It will apply to more than 10 percent of the well over 300,000 people who work for city government.
It remains unclear whether City Hall intends to expand this approach to other city employees — police officers, teachers, clerical workers — or will limit this to those who work in hospitals and clinics.
Expect that they will expand it. And then there’s the Washington Post
Opinion: Stop pleading with anti-vaxxers and start mandating vaccinations
This is by super serious Conservative Max Boot. Because all Conservatives would mandate government doing this, right? The article is behind the Washington Post’s now super-serious paywall (I can’t even copy to Pocket anymore), but, it is available in full here. And here’s MarketWatch
Over at NBC
Vaccine mandates more likely once FDA grants full approvals, health experts say
The United States could see a wave of Covid-19 vaccine mandates as soon as the Food and Drug Administration grants full approval to one or more of the shots, public health experts predicted. (snip)
But as the pace of vaccinations lags and concerns about the highly-contagious delta variant grow, the official regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier for businesses and government agencies that want to require vaccinations for their employees and customers, former health officials from the Biden and the Obama administrations said.
“I think once the vaccines go through full FDA approval, everything should be on the table, and I think that everything will be on the table at the level of municipalities, states, employers, venues, government agencies,†said Andy Slavitt, who stepped down as President Joe Biden’s Covid response coordinator last month and remains in close contact with administration officials.
That could get ugly.

Yes Teach most New Yorkers voted Dem in the last election, just like most other Americans did vote Dem
And most New Yorkers have gotten vaccinated, just like most other Americans have been vaccinated like yourself
Vaccination is very very effective,not 100%
If you thought it was 100% you were misinformed, again.
Not everyone in NY is Dem 37% voted for Trump
Pdrhaps a lot of the unvaccinated are Trump voters?
40 percent of those vaccinated have gotten Covid-19 again.
The UK is relatively transparent with their results.
The UK has recorded a total of 117 deaths in people with the Delta coronavirus variant.
Fifty were among people who’d taken two doses of vaccines — a reminder that the shots are imperfect.
No fully vaccinated people under 50 died, and the overall death rate was 0.13%.
The problematic issue with the vaccine is that roughly 40 percent of people dying from the virus are those who have been vaccinated with both shots. There are no clear numbers coming from countries but it seems a high percentage of people who have been vaccinated have had one or both shots.
From the UK health ministry: Eight people under the age of 50 died after getting the Delta variant, the data showed. None was fully vaccinated, while two had received one dose of the vaccine.
As of June 21, 92,029 cases of Delta have been confirmed by Public Health England, of which 117 ended in death.
92,000 cases and only 117 died. Those were once again high risk people. Only two under the age of 50 died vaccinated or VACCINATED.
COVID-19 is here with us the rest of mankind. Sorry but it is going to lead to a new DARK AGE for Mankind that will make the dark ages where some of the most common diseases were dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, chicken pox, measles and black plague to name a few.
Even today in China there are outbreaks of many extinct diseases and when the healthcare system breaks down, chaos will ensue. Mankind is on the brink. Folks. Not from covid-19 but from the reaction to covid-19 and the leaders allowing themselves to CASH IN at the expense of the world.
It will be the worlds reaction to Covid and not covid itself. Mark my words. We are following a similar trajectory of the 400-500’s where mankind tried to die off because of lunacy by the masses.
I am used to a fact checker working for me when I do my job and occassionally I goof up.
40 percent of those vaccinated is in error. I mean to write that 40 percent of those who died have been vaccinated in the UK of the Delta variant.
est1950: 40 percent of those who died have been vaccinated in the UK of the Delta variant.
That’s to be expected in populations with high rates of vaccination, such as the elderly in the U.K. Consider if every person in the U.K. were vaccinated. Some people, especially the frail, would still get sick and die from COVID-19, because the vaccine isn’t perfect. Yet 100% of those who died would be fully vaccinated.
Since COVID and resisting COVID are non partisan issues, I find it amusing that the three amigos here are lock step in support of vaccinations and defending it at every turn, as if there is some sort of order from the Democratic party HQ telling them to do that. And not one word of thanks to Trump for making them possible. Their ability to compartmentalize their talking points is astonishing.
Professor Hale: Since COVID and resisting COVID are non partisan issues, I find it amusing that the three amigos here are lock step in support of vaccinations and defending it at every turn
Because vaccination is the best way to end the pandemic and to have some return to normalcy.
There’s an interesting TV show set in the 1960s, The Indian Doctor. The second season concerns a smallpox outbreak in a small town in Wales. The similarities to the current pandemic are instructive. You might think it was produced in 2020 in response to the current pandemic, but it was actually produced in 2012.
• masks
• 6-foot distancing
• staying at home
• closing pubs, stores, churches
• medical volunteers going door-to-door to encourage vaccination
• vaccine fear
• shortages
• not being able to visit the sick
• people dying alone
• spread of misinformation
• vilification of expert opinion
• xenophobia
• defiance of social policies, including having church services
• mass vaccination allows life to return to normal
• a poster that says “Diphtheria costs lives, immunization cost nothing”
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
Thank you for that really great response that totally missed the point. I see reading comprehension is not your strong point.
Professor Hale: Thank you for that really great response that totally missed the point.
You said that COVID is a non-partisan issue so you thought it “amusing” that people (including the vast majority of the medical community) support vaccination. Is it also amusing that so many people say the Earth is round, almost as if they were coordinating their statements?
Sorry Kiddiez, y’all missed it again!

Did y’all misread again like when y’all posted Denmark was a net exporter of electricity?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Wow! Now the KiddieZ are conflating a fictional movie with real-life.
What next Kiddiez?
Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged or
Sergei Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin maybe.
Like the good professor noted, your ability to compartmentalize your talking points really is astonishing.

Bwaha! Lolgf
You use a TV program to make a point. We know you are in high school, at least act like you have some sense. Better yet don’t sit here telling a group of 60 to 70 year old men anything as you know nothing.
david7134: You use a TV program to make a point.
The story is based on an actual event, a smallpox outbreak in Wales. More particularly, it shows the historical knowledge of disease outbreaks. As noted, the show wasn’t produced in 2020, but in 2012, yet closely parallels the societal response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Everything you see in mass media is to shape your mind. There is little historic value in mass media
david7134: Everything you see in mass media is to shape your mind. There is little historic value in mass media
As already pointed out, the story was based on an actual disease outbreak, and vaccination was the key to a return to normalcy.
We listed more than a dozen points of comparison. Lucky guess?
One of the Three Stooges wonders why reasonable people support Covid vaccinations. Widespread vaccination is the best way to stop the pandemic, so why do so many nuCons oppose it. We think it’s virtue signaling so everyone knows they’re a trumpist nuCon. We get it.
The hoax has killed well over 600,000 Americans. Why do nuCons hate Americans?
The real question for Elwood is why does the left hate the world.
They want to end fossil fuels. End air Conditioning. End Heating. End Cows, pig, chickens. Make us eat bugs. They are actively killing small businesses around the world at a staggering rate using the fear of dying…..015 percent chance of that. Hell you have a greater chance of dying by living then you do from Covid-19.
They want to end Gun ownership so the general public is brow beaten by criminals with guns.
Speaking of guns. The LEFT wants to DEFUND the police, The left wants to stop cutting down trees and fishing in the sea. The left wants to end experimental research on lab rats and monkeys to save humans.
The real question is why does the LEFT HATE THE WORLD and everyone in it including themselves.
The left wants to raise inflation to staggering levels so that no one can afford to BUY ANYTHING. They want to end automobiles and trucking and planes, trains and buses.
The left wants to end consumerism period in an effort to kill off half the planet the poorest of which will suffer the most.
Did I mention the left wants to get rid of Fertilizers too so we can’t even grow our own gardens.
The world is on a collision course with stupid and the LEFT is in a race head long to see who can out stupid each other.
So the real question Elwood as the midterms come up and Democrats flee to DC decrying the right for not getting vaccinated and then become a super spreader event themselves because the very people decrying non vaccinations are not vaccinated themselves. The real question Elwood is why the left hates the world and when will they start do as they do not as they say.
mr est changes the subject.
I present nothing but facts. Lies are too easy to expose.
Elwood changes the subject when he gets busted for making stuff up without any evidence or facts to support it.
I listed things the left wants to do and have claimed openly and outwardly that they want to do these things.
Elwood lists things he thinks the right is doing and perhaps some are but it is certainly not the agenda he thinks it is.
Elwood changes the subject. Just to be clear because he can’t defend his own post. I will debate you with facts anytime you want. You see I have at least a dozen people that will pile on you with non GOOGLE, MSNBC, CNN, WAPO, NYT etc. information from reliable sources such as the CIA, FBI, NSA, Mossad, Governments around the world.
Anytime you want to slug it out with facts I’m ready to go.
The topic was vaccinations and mr est typed a Gish Gallop of grievances against progressives.
Please, one lie at a time.
Seems Elwood just can’t stop lying for fear of losing an argument. None of us “wonders why reasonable people support Covid vaccinations”. None, YOU LIE. We do wonder why you don’t support the ability of a Free people THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE what goes into their bodies.
I think we can agree that wide spread vaccinations are the best known way to combat a pandemic and we all thank President Trump for helping us with his plan to speed the vaccine. Sadly, liars like Elwood muddy the waters of information by burying the truth in mountains of partisan propaganda and lies.
We can understand encouraging vaccinations so why can’t you Elwood understand SOME PEOPLE DON”T WANT THEM AND LEAVE THEM ALONE? Why do you fascist insist that either EVERYONE bow to your desires and commands or be broken? Why do you insist on a Mengelesque solution to an unproven drug that can have DEADLY side effects? What is the hurry? To vaccinate against a flu? A flu with a 98% recovery rate?
And until you have the actual number of people who ACTUALLY DIED FROM WUHAN ALONE stop repeating the other fascist lie about “600,000 Americans” dying from the Wuhan. It didn’t happen and we all know it didn’t unless you include hundreds of thousands that dies WHILE having Wuhan but not FROM Wuhan.
The problem you nuCommies have is you lie about everything so we now believe you about NOTHING.
BTW, 600,000 Americans are murdered every year by YOUR abortion policies. Do something about that first. Why is it when you’re killin babies it’s “my body my choice” but when some guy refuses an experimental drug suddenly neither his body nor his choice matters any more to you? LIAR!
Why do nuCommies hate Americans? (Try and come up with your own original catch phrase stupid)
mr Kye changes the subject and then lies. OK.
Be wary of Pfizer.
In theory, those who are vaccinated, if they do contract the virus, will have far milder symptoms, or be asymptomatic. So, when I read in the Lexington Herald-Leader that 19.5% of new COVID cases occurred in fully vaccinated people, it raised an obvious question in my mind: since fully vaccinated people are unlikely to bother getting tested, unless they are actually sick, just what percentage of the vaccinated are actually contracting the virus?
Covid-19 is here to stay. I was listening to a medical briefing yesterday on Covid.
The problem appears to be that the effectiveness of the vaccines is only months. Not lifetimes because of the massive numbers of variants that are hop scotching the world. Not because people are not wanting a vaccine but because they can’t make them fast enough to give 7.5 billion people doses.
In reality. There are about 30 variants of the virus now. Even the Novavax which I personally had such high hopes in is now only 57 percent effective against the Delta variant, 74 percent against the UK variant and 96 percent effective against the original variant.
And there are discussions, though unsubstantiated, that there is a variant in South America that is completely immune to the Vaccines period.
The cultural dark ages are upon us. Not because of Covid-19 but because of the way in which The societies on the planet are dealing with this. A death rate of .015 percent and yet we are panicked into submission by a class of politicians using this to punish us all for consuming.
Honestly there are two gigantic competing events happening in the world at the same time. The Great Reset which has been helped and is now being hindered by Covid-19. Trust me the Great Reset want this to end. They understand one important fact. They must still rely upon consumerism to survive themselves and they are butting heads with the other major event.
The second great competing event is Cultural revolution which is helped and hindered by Covid-19. They secretly thought the virus would be cured with the vaccines and by the time it was they would have such an entrenched foot hold on this planet that they would be unstoppable.
Covid is not going away. Period. We can vaccinate the world and twenty to thirty percent of the world is going to have covid-19 at any given time with current vaccinations.
Dana: In theory, those who are vaccinated, if they do contract the virus, will have far milder symptoms, or be asymptomatic. So, when I read in the Lexington Herald-Leader that 19.5% of new COVID cases occurred in fully vaccinated people, it raised an obvious question in my mind: since fully vaccinated people are unlikely to bother getting tested, unless they are actually sick, just what percentage of the vaccinated are actually contracting the virus?
Note that as vaccination increase, a larger percentage of people who acquire COVID-19 will have been vaccinated. That’s because the protection from vaccination is not perfect. Consider a population where every adult has been vaccinated. Children will still act as a reservoir, so adults will still occasionally become infected. And that means 100% of adult infections will be in those vaccinated. However, the number of infections will be far fewer than otherwise, and milder.
Dana: A death rate of .015 percent
The infection fatality rate is considerably higher than that. Per the CDC:
U.S. deaths/infections = Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
624983/71362000 = 0.88%
In addition, the number of hospitalizations is about four times that number, with some people having long-term effects from the infection.
Decimals and percentages.
To write .015 as a percent have to remember that 1 equal 100% and that what you need to do is just to multiply the number by 100 and add at the end symbol % . .015 * 100 = 1.5%. And finally we have: .015 as a percent equals 1.5%.
Therefore Zach.
So 0.88 x 1 = 0.88
And if 1 = 100 / 100
=> 0.88 x 1 = 0.88 x 100 / 100
And 100 / 100 = 100%
=> 0.88 x 1 = 0.88 x 100%
Let’s multiply each side of the equality sign
=> 0.88 = 88%
Then we can say 0.88 is equal to 88%
So your claiming the death rate is 88 percent. Even if you meant to say.088 that is still 8.8 percent so I do not know where the heck you came up with this number because I am assuming you are quoting the CDC and if they are saying the death rate is 88 percent on their website then the level of their incompetence is mind blowing.
And if you meant to say .0088 that is less that .015 which is the correct percent based not upon the CDC but the UK ministry of health, so either way you cut it your in error with your math. Which is fine but still Its a pet peeve of mine, since I have fact checkers check my math 90 percent of the time.
Z: 624983/71362000 = 0.88%
est1950: So your claiming the death rate is 88 percent.
Uh, 0.88%, about 1 in 114.
Here’s the maths. Deaths are 624,983. Infections per the link above is 71,362,000.
est1950: A death rate of .015 percent
Maybe you meant 0.15%, but that’s still too low.
The crude fatality rate alone is 624,000 / 330,000,000 = 0.19%. But we know not everyone in the U.S. has been infected—because people are still getting sick and dying. The infection fatality rate is 0.88%, and the case fatality rate is 1.78%.
Learn math Zach and stop trying to debate me on how to write decimals as a percent. You and your google link are in error. Do you believe everything you read on the internet including Google?
What is 88 percent as a decimal? – 88% as a decimal equals 0.88.
What is .015 as a percent? 0.015 × 100
Write in percentage notation: 1.5%
I give up Zach I don’t want to embarrass you anymore as you try to defend you erroneous math. You remind me of the engineers who sent a probe to mars and forgot to convert their programing from US to metric and the probe disappeared.
est1950: You and your google link are in error.
Gee whiz.
est1950: What is 88 percent as a decimal? – 88% as a decimal equals 0.88.
That’s right, or just less than one. What we said, though, was 0.88%, which is a bit less than 1%.
est1950: What is .015 as a percent? 0.015 × 100. Write in percentage notation: 1.5%
That’s right, but that’s not what you or Dana wrote. You wrote “.015 percent,” which would be 0.00015. Perhaps it was a typo. In any case, with that modification, 1.5%, that is about the case fatality rate.
BINGO. There’s the money shot. The national news media has been lying to the American people about everything for so long that they have squandered any credibility they might have otherwise had. They have become just another activist agency for the Democratic party, as evidenced by their four year long (and continuing) campaign against the Trump administration. So naturally, anything they say about COVID, or anything else, will be seen by the public in that context.
We already know they lie to us about literally everything. Why would any rational person trust them with something important like their health?
Professor Hale: Why would any rational person trust them with something important like their health?
You don’t have to trust them. The scientific data shows that hundreds of thousands have died—just in the U.S., and also shows that modern vaccines are highly effective at reducing the chance of infection and the severity of infection.
Oh do they? Really?
Thanks Kiddiez!

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Again Elwood, your “scientific data” is promoted by WHO, CDC and other “medical” outlets which have spent the last 11/2 years lying, gaslighting, obfuscating, changing their stories on everything from the efficacy of masks to the number of Americans who actually died of Wuhan and not other diseases aggravated by Wuhan. Big difference.
When “experts” like Fauci, et al have lied to our faces ON VIDEO then reversed themselves 180 degrees only to reverse themselves again their credibility has sunk to zero.
When (specifically leftist) politicians have denied life saving drugs or treatments just because Trump recommended them, had Facebook and other social media sources either block or completely eliminate any opinions other than their “approved” points of view then we have a severe credibility gap that at this point seems insurmountable.
The left and their political sycophants need to either start telling the truth even if they don’t like it’s “politics” or learn how to apologize and take responsibility instead of pushing it off on others. But that would be like asking demofascists to hold fair elections, not throw old people and housewives into political prisons, not murder unarmed women for entering “their House” and stop murdering babies. It ain’t gonna happen.
Kye: Again Elwood, your “scientific data†is promoted by WHO, CDC and other “medical†outlets which have spent the last 11/2 years lying, gaslighting, obfuscating, changing their stories on everything from the efficacy of masks to the number of Americans who actually died of Wuhan and not other diseases aggravated by Wuhan.
The infection and morbidity of COVID-19 has been seen all over the world, by different scientists in different countries, and under different political systems. There’s no reasonable scientific doubt about the dangers of COVID-19.
Kye: When (specifically leftist) politicians have denied life saving drugs or treatments just because Trump recommended them,
Make up your mind. If I don’t have to trust them, then the “scientific data” that they are reporting is untrustworthy too. Follow the breadcrumbs of your own logic.
The fact is, unless you work in a lab that originates data, you depend on someone else to tell you what it is. If whoever that person is has lost credibility by acting like a political activist and propagandist, then the data they are showing you is also not credible.
The fact is, the death rate from all causes is pretty close to where it is every year. So we don’t know if COVID is doing it or some other cause. We have no rational ability to predict the outcome from alternate universes where different strategies were tried and compare the numbers.
Fact: During the height of COVID, funeral homes were not overflowing with the dead. Hospitals were not overwhelmed. The health care system did not collapse. Health care workers did not get COVID in large numbers and die with their patients.
Fact: it is a near certainty that there is a real virus that we call COVID and that that virus is responsible for some number of unnecessary deaths among people who would have likely lived longer if there had not been COVID.
Fact: We don’t really know how many people died of COVID. No one counted them. The reports were inconsistent and the causes of death were often presumed, not proven. In the early COVID period, there were no COVID tests. Mid way into COVID, the only tests were proven to be highly unreliable. We don’t know and likely never will. 600,000 is an estimate, not a count.
See what I did there? I showed critical thinking and healthy skepticism. I admitted what I know and what I don’t know and I leave room for different outcomes if what I know changes. What you are doing is just activism and repeating talking points.
COVID is not polio. It’s not even measles.
But… but … but political beliefs > facts or something.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Professor Hale: If I don’t have to trust them, then the “scientific data†that they are reporting is untrustworthy too.
Can’t you keep track of your own claims? The “them” in your original statement was the media, not the scientific community. Scientists from different countries, different cultures, different political systems, have all confirmed the basic data.
Professor Hale: The fact is, unless you work in a lab that originates data, you depend on someone else to tell you what it is.
Scientists publish their findings in scientific journals.
Professor Hale: The fact is, the death rate from all causes is pretty close to where it is every year.
That is incorrect. Excess deaths are close to the COVID death count, so that is two separate and independent measures giving the same result. And this is true when you look at subsets of the data, or at data from multiple countries.
The left wants to do away with fossil fuels.
The sharpened tone includes former Vice President Joe Biden’s promise to “take action against fossil fuel companies,” as well as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ charge that the businesses committed “criminal activity” by knowingly producing the greenhouse gases that worsen climate change. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is proposing legislation that could pave the way for lawsuits against the companies, while Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has accused fossil fuel producers of “killing people” and New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand wants to create a fossil fuel “excise tax.”
The Green New Deal will convert the old, gray economy into a new, sustainable economy that is environmentally sound, economically viable and socially responsible. It seeks to solve the climate crisis by combining quick action to get to net- zero greenhouse gas emissions and 100% renewable energy by 2030 along with an “Economic Bill of Rights†– the right to single-payer healthcare, a guaranteed job at a living wage, affordable housing and free college education.
President Biden…. https://joebiden.com/climate-plan/ By 2050 he wants to be 100 percent fossil fuel free… His words.
VP Harris…..Jan 29, 2019 · Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) on Monday endorsed the “Green New Deal,” a proposal that sets a goal of getting 100 percent of U.S. electricity from renewable energy. “I support a Green New Deal,”…
Sunrise Movement has now coalesced 45 members of Congress to back a “Green New Deal” proposal by Ocasio-Cortez that calls for 100 percent renewable electricity within 10 years and investments in clean energy jobs, among other things.
Biden kills the XL pipeline.
Biden Executive Order Can Help U.S. End Fossil Fuel …
Jan 28, 2021 · Diplomatic Efforts to End Global Fossil Fuel Financing: Across several U.S. departments and agencies (State, Treasury, Energy, Exim, DFC, and others), the …
The USA is stopping the funding of fossil fuels overseas coming from the Democrats and Biden.
GREENPEACE…….. Sep 20, 2018 · To phase out fossil fuel cars faster it’s necessary to stop advertising and promoting them; or at minimum, give other forms of transport including electric cars equal advertising and promotion. In Australia we see almost no advertising of electric cars.
The European Union(Leftist holdovers from an ever increasing right leaning Europe) on Wednesday proposed an effective ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2035, aiming to speed up the switch to zero-emission electric vehicles (EVs) as part of a broad package of measures to combat global warming.
“By my plan, by 2045 we will have basically zero emission vehicles only,†California Sen. Kamala Harris said during the town hall. “100 percent by 2045.â€
A ban on gas-powered cars? 2020 Democrats embrace what once was a California fantasy
I could go on and on and on.
the Left quite clearly want to eliminate fossil fuels. Lie number one? NOT a LIE…..Bzzzzztttt you lose Elwood.
I could go on for days listing 1000’s of leftists saying we have to end fossil fuels.
mr est once again wants to change the subject from vaccines to almost anything else. Why?
We suspect that he is so much smarter than us, with proof-readers and fact-checkers at his disposal, that he gets bored with our pedestrian efforts to resolve one issue at a time.
Yikes. From the nation of Israel:
Do you think Israel is prepping their citizens for sheepleness and control or are they concerned about another pandemic spike? Is Israel and commie/lib/fascist/nazi regime like unCons believe America is becoming?
So now Rimjob, dipshit that he is, is actually proving that the vaccines are not working as he and others previously claimed. Imagine that.
Also Israel will do what’s best for Israel.
Wish Americans could say the same about the Biden Junta.

Bwaha! Lolgf
So now Bungholio, bunghole licker that he is, neglected to actually read the cited article.
Reich-wingers just invent their own reality!
Have you ever been to Israel, Elwood. Its a lovely place. I am not going into the history of Israel since you don’t give a flying FF.
However let me point you to a blog that has a few pictures of some people walking the streets in Israel.
If your interested in why they are armed like this read a bit of the blogs article to understand why Israel is heavily armed and is willing to accept an authoritarian style of government in order to keep itself alive in a era in which the entire world wants it to die a horrible and painful death.
Hint its not very political and even a bit critical of the USA arms policy as is almost every citizen of the world. People around the world cannot fathom the USA’s gun policy and quite honestly neither can I but because it is a Constitutional right it is what it is and I will defend it.
Israel has a good reason for its strict, authoritarian type of citizen control. Hint. They allow Muslims to live in their country, hold seats in their government and have a say in local politics. In fact muslims can be and are citizens of the country and are now JOINING THE IDF.
Israeli people are great people. Some of the best in the world.
mr est again insists on changing the subject.
My point is that I believe the best way to beat the Red Chinese Flu is the vaccine but the left including Junta Joe MUST stop using it for political purposes. When they do that millions of people don’t believe them.
Same thing with masks. We were told, and rightfully so, that once there was a vaccine there would be no need for masks yet right now the idiots in charge of local, state and federal governments keep tossing our the renewed idea of “mask mandates”. If vaccines really work as advertised why on earth would I care if you wear a mask if I’m vaccinated? Screw you, go die I’m safe! They say if I’m vaccinated and get the Wuhan at worst I’ll have “bad cold” symptoms. So what? I’ll sit home a couple days, drink gallons of OJ watch The Price Is Right and get better. No big deal. If they’re telling the truth!
One thing of note: the CDC should not be waiting for the fake president to decide these things. The fake president should take is medical orders from the CDC and they alone should be held accountable.
That said, I still don’t believe the Amish, Mennonites and Friends should be dragged from their homes and farms and vaccinated against their will. That is NOT the American way and above all I’m an American.
Vaccines only work when used. Some Red States have about a 30% vaccination rate. Masks reduce the transmission of the virus.
We know of no plans to force vaccines on the Amish, Mennonites and Quakers.
Pfizer is claiming their vaccine is 88 percent effective against the Delta variant.
Those receiving only one dose of the Pfizer vaccine had protection that was substantially lower: The vaccine was only 30.7% effective against delta for those who received just one shot, the report said.
The same study also examined the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is used in Britain. That product was found to be 67% effective against the delta variant and 74.55% effective against the alpha variant, the report said. This shows why the UK has such a high rate of infection and are most likely going to need a booster in short order.
The Pfizer findings matched those of an earlier study by Public Health England, which also showed two doses to provide 88% protection against delta. But Israel’s Health Ministry claimed earlier this month that Pfizer provided just 64% protection against delta, according to its observations.
Now that Israel is disputing the Pfizer numbers Elwood does that mean you now don’t like Israel again after using them as a prop for your recent post?
What is the truth? Who the FF knows anymore.
mr est gets back on topic. I cited the haaretz article reporting the 40% efficacy of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant. If you had read the article you would see the officials also added numerous caveats.
The smart thing to do would be what Israel recommends…
In the US, new infections are up 53%, hospitalizations up 32% and deaths up 19%. Those of us who can be vaccinated have a moral obligation to protect those that can’t.