I know a lot of people treat Lauren Boebert as a bit crazy, and, at times, she gets a little wonky, but, she tends to be right. And she’s 100% correct on this
A group of Republican lawmakers led by freshmen Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado are demanding that the Biden administration explain the alleged unequal treatment of Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters, many of whom have never spent a night in jail, and those who have been incarcerated for months following the Jan. 6 Capitol breach.
In a letter, Boebert and 10 other House Republicans asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to address “the apparent inconsistent application of the law with respect to rioters across the country,†according to the Washington Times.
“The foundation of our criminal justice system requires that all defendants are treated equally before the law, but the Biden regime is not living up to this solemn obligation,†said Boebert, in a statement.
The lawmakers say that prosecutors in Oregon have signed off on at least 12 “deferred resolution agreements in federal felony cases†resulting from clashes during last year’s protests in Portland, while some rioters from Jan. 6 are being held in solitary confinement.
“Reports are circulating that the Biden regime has held January 6th rioters in solitary confinement, while at the same time, they are letting BLM rioters that attacked federal buildings off with just a few hours of community service,†Boebert said.
It’s surprising that the lawyers for the 1/6 defendants aren’t arguing this more, that their clients are being treated very differently from those who attacked federal buildings, trying to set them on fire (since there were people inside, isn’t that attempted murder?), attacking federal employees, damaging the buildings, and so forth, things that are much worse than what the Capitol protesters did. Yet, there is a vast difference in the way they are being treated.
How can anyone trust the federal justice system? Hillary and her Comrades weren’t even sent to a trial for gross violations of federal law, including national security laws. Hunter Biden is let off the hook for lying on his firearm application. How does anyone trust it? The Constitution demands equal treatment under the law, and, does the treatment of the 1/6 protesters not violate the 8th Amendment? “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”

Everyone is treated equally under the law… except actual terrorists.
Note the difference:

Bwaha! Lolgf
Boebert: the apparent inconsistent application of the law with respect to rioters across the country
Is that accurate? What is the data supporting the claim?
Federal prosecutors hold protesters for months pretrial
You do realize that pretrial detention has to go before a judge, which considers several factors, including whether the person is a flight risk, or a continuing danger to the public.
Ah, the Kiddiez continue to annoy with their incipient gaslighting.
Keep trying Kiddiez!

Bwaha! Lolgf
If Rep Boebert is correct in her assertions (evidence please?), this all happened during the Trump “Regime”, right? And why are all the federal judges appointed by trump keeping the Jan 6 attackers locked up?
From Zachriel’s linked article, referencing the BLM protests:
Rep Boebert (Q-CO) is a political bomb thrower and is the perfect spokesperson for the increasingly reactionary alt-right driven GOP.
Anyhoo… Teach may recall that the Jan 6 assault on the US Capitol while Congress was attempting to certify the 2020 Presidential election results was intended to halt that Constitutional process, in effect, to have Trump declared president. We know, we know… trump is recorded saying it was nothing but love and there was nothing but “hugs and kisses” between the invaders and the Capitol Police. And yes, the possibilities that trump’s shock troops would be successful were slim, but after all, the wave of assaults WAS led by the then President of the United States of America, crazy as he might be. But stupidity and the remoteness of success does not excuse sedition.
We fully understand the motives of the reactionary right’s dismissal of the storming of the US Capitol to halt the Constitutional process and the false equivalency between the Jan 6 event and BLM protests.
Aha, the second of TheThreeBlindMice has arrived using the other’s tactics.

But it’s Rimjob, dipshit that he is, so it’s expected.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Our esteemed host wrote:
That’s just it: the attorneys for the Capitol Kerfufflers have been making these arguments, but the judges are shutting them down and the credentialed media aren’t reporting it.
There are accused murderers being released on bail, but the Feds are denying bail for several of the supposed ringleaders of the kerfufflers . . . as though there was any leadership at all.
We’ve had three of the kerfufflers actually sentenced so far: one got probation, one got six months, but since they’d denied him bail, he was released at time served, and one eight months. The first two were misdemeanor convictions, the third a felony to which he should never have pleaded.
The next Republican President should, on January 20, 2025, pardon evey last one of the kerfufflers.
Obviously, the trial IS the punishment. Just listen to remarks made by the judges: These guys are guilty of very serious crimes so no bail.
It is widely known that no republican can get a fair trial in the DC area. This goes back before the scooty Libby Trial when jurors admitted they found him guilty because they couldn’t get Rumsfeld.
This is what “above the law looks like”. One party totally controls the entire judicial process from law enforcement to prosecutors to judges and juries. One party will never come to trial and the other will be found guilty even without evidence. No Conservative and certainly no one who supports Trump should ever visit the DC area without fear of being unjustly prosecuted.