I’ve mentioned this already, but, this throws a bit of confusion in how this is all working
Health care workers to canvass Wake neighborhoods for door-to-door vaccines
The Wake County Health Department is expanding its effort to bring COVID-19 vaccines directly to families by administering vaccinations in select areas.
Healthcare workers with WakeMed Physician Practices are now on standby to administer free shots to eligible residents who would like one. With COVID-19 cases on the rise in the state and throughout the country, WakeMed teams are trying to increase the vaccination rate by canvassing neighborhoods to administer first and second doses right at home.
The program uses Census tract data to find areas in the county where vaccination rates are low. Healthcare experts will be available to talk to residents and answer questions they have about the vaccine.
So, are there certain areas with lower vaccination rates? But, how did they get that information to start with? The only way to know is to compare the roll of those in Wake County who got the vaccine with those who didn’t. Under what legal authority is this being done, considering these are private medical records being combed and shared. Or is Wake County just assuming low rates in certain neighborhoods? Did WRAL bother doing any reporting?
(CBS17) Frustrated with some segments of the population not getting the COVID-19 vaccines, Wake County is now expanding its efforts to get shots to more people. (snip)
But, even getting people to come to the pop-up neighborhood clinics can be frustrating. So this week, Wake County began sending what it calls “strike teams†to neighborhoods bringing the vaccines door-to-door.
At Kingsborough Estates in southeast Raleigh crews found it no easy task to convince folks to take the shot. (snip)
The neighborhood is in an area where vaccination rates are hovering around 30 percent compared to elsewhere in the county where the rate is between 70 to 80 percent.
How do they know this data? Who gave them the authority to do this? How about giving it to the people who are coming door to door? Or, are they just assuming a low rate in a Latino dominated area?
(News and Observer) Wake County is using census tract data to identify neighborhoods with low vaccination rates, then sending canvassers who go door-to-door to ask people if they want to get the vaccine.
They offer first and second doses of the Pfizer vaccine.
If the person agrees to a first dose, the team will schedule their next shot in three weeks.
Does this violate privacy laws and HIPAA? Where’s the legal authority? Maybe they have it. Perhaps they are simply comparing captured address data, rather than looking at personal data, and just going to every door. We don’t know. Personally, I think everyone who can get the shot should get it. That’s my opinion. Why? Because if I get COVID it will, most likely, be mild
Vaccinated people make up 75% of recent COVID-19 cases in Singapore, but few fall ill
Vaccinated individuals accounted for three-quarters of Singapore’s COVID-19 infections in the last four weeks, but they were not falling seriously ill, government data showed, as a rapid ramp-up in inoculations leaves fewer people unvaccinated.
While the data shows that vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe cases, it also underscores the risk that even those inoculated could be contagious, so that inoculation alone may not suffice to halt transmission.
Of Singapore’s 1,096 locally transmitted infections in the last 28 days, 484, or about 44%, were in fully vaccinated people, while 30% were partially vaccinated and just over 25% were unvaccinated, Thursday’s data showed.
Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain, but still provides strong protection against severe illness and hospitalization, according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry.
The efficacy figure, which is based on an unspecified number of people between June 20 and July 17, is down from an earlier estimate of 64% two weeks ago and conflicts with data out of the U.K. that found the shot was 88% effective against symptomatic disease caused by the variant.
However, the two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data published Thursday.
Those stories are repeated all over the place, including here in the States. People with the vaccine getting infected, but, most are not getting that sick. Not all, mind you. There have been plenty of deaths, but, for me, it’s worth it to avoid getting COVID/not getting sicker than a mild cold. Remember, I signed up immediately after it was announced that essential workers were eligible, and had my first shot within a week.
Some actual journalism would be nice, though.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I imagine that soon folks who don’t want the vax will be prosecuted as “terrorist’s”, The left is gambling the vast majority will be (R)’s so it won’t matter. Gotta have a (D) or go to jail in the nuLeft American Junta utopia.
“While they said there was an ongoing investigation in New Jersey, the DOJ said, after looking at further information and talking to the states, they would not be investigating as to the other states, not even New York with all the evidence that exists about the cover-up and lies from the Cuomo team.
Now, I’ve been reporting on this since May of last year, when we were one of the first to cover that Cuomo had changed the way they were counting deaths to obscure how many were dying in nursing homes after the March order.
I didn’t think that anything would be done about it under Joe Biden. Cynic me. Nothing was ever prosecuted about all the scandals under Barack Obama. But still, it’s shocking that they could be so cavalier about thousands of people dying and really not give a darn. One more instance where the magical “D†after your name shields you.”
I took the double dose of vaccine with zero side effects. A friend wasn’t so lucky. He ended up very sick with blood clots in both legs. Fortunately he has since recovered. But the idea that all who refuse the experimental and sometimes deadly vac should be treated as domestic terrorists while their actual murderers of the elderly be scot free is compelling. After all what better way to kill off the Trump fanatics?
The Democrats will need another fabricated national security ‘emergency’ to enable them to install their planned tyranny and the Left will keep pushing the ‘right wing extremist mob’ narrative until they can incite — or fabricate — a push-back from ordinary American patriots, and then the real repression will begin. I predict an event right before the 2022 election.
It’s interesting that NOW the government can track down “unvaccinated” people with impunity but can’t quite find any of the millions of illegal aliens living here in the U.S.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Do you also imagine the Jan 6 insurrection to stop the certification of President elect Joe Biden to be ANTIFA organized ?
The scandals of Obama??? If they were real why weren’t they prosecuted when Trump was POTUS? He appointed every
US Attorney General in every state, why no prosecutions?
Not a smidgen of corruption, hey Johnnie?
The short list:
Back to your rice pudding, retard.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
“Do you also imagine the Jan 6 insurrection to stop the certification of President elect Joe Biden to be ANTIFA organized ?”
No I do not. Do you imagine with all the evidence of corruption Senile Joe won an election from his basement?
“The scandals of Obama??? If they were real why weren’t they prosecuted when Trump was POTUS? He appointed every
US Attorney General in every state, why no prosecutions?”
You really don’t get it do you? YOUR PARTY IS CORRUPT!!!! That’s why there were no prosecutions then and while Hunter Biden can lie on an FFL application, use and sell drugs, use his father to obtain jobs in industries he has zero experience in an sell presidential influence via bullshit artwork, it’s why the democrat Texas legislators can fly on planes with no masks, why Cuomo won’t get prosecuted for (at the very least criminal incomitance) but an UNARMED Ashli Babbitt was murdered and around 400 Patriots arrested during a demonstration about fair elections and Nazi’s like you think it’s all just fine and dandy. If Ashli had a (D) after her name instead of a Trump flag on her back the fukin cop would be in jail now instead of 400 political prisoners. And you know it.
BTW, as I mentioned at the time I KNOW Antifa agitators were there because my son was too and he saw them. Right up in front hitting cops and other protestors. You don’t think it was a bunch of old guys and women who were causing a ruckus, do you? But I don’t think Antifa planned the riot part I think it was planned and executed by the FBI.
Sometimes I think your comments are derived from a retarded 5 year old then I remember you get your savvy political insight from CNN and it all fits together.
Kye: Do you imagine with all the evidence of corruption Senile Joe won an election from his basement?
There’s no evidence that the election was significantly tainted by fraud. The evidence strongly supports the official results.
Kye: You really don’t get it do you?
You didn’t answer the question. Trump had power for four years. Why were there were no prosecutions for the “scandals of Obama.” For instance, Congress conducted multiple investigations of Benghazi, but found no evidence of wrong-doing, though it did find evidence that better security and less risk-taking might have saved lives.
Kye: as I mentioned at the time I KNOW Antifa agitators were there because my son was too and he saw them.
There are thousands of images available of the insurrection. There has been widespread crowd-sourcing of the people involved. Hundreds of Trump supporters have been implicated. Please provide specific evidence of antifa hitting cops.
So the KiddieZ admit the election was tainted just not significantly whatever that means.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
I’m not going through the evidence for each of The Three Blind Mice. When you make a ridiculous statement like “There’s no evidence that the election was significantly tainted by fraud. The evidence strongly supports the official results.” you show you see nor read anything but your corrupt party line. I have pasted here on this very blog at least six times dozens of verified instances of voter fraud from the November election including videos and affidavits by the score. THAT is election fraud but without audits there can be no definitive verdict as to how “significant” it all amounts to.
I get tired of repeating myself every week because you leftists refuse to accept the shenanigans and anomalies which were done in plain sight from using unfolded “mail-in ballots” to videos of boxes of ballots being drawn from under tables where they were hidden as reasonable cause to investigate. I guarantee if the tables were reversed the trials would already be over, the culprits in prison and Biden the actual (instead of illegitimate) president. I also think a political party that has the balls to call 100 million Americans stupid and insurrectionists because they demand a fair election has lost their morality.
“You didn’t answer the question. Trump had power for four years. Why were there were no prosecutions for the “scandals of Obama.â€
I did answer the question you just don’t like the answer. The federal bureaucracy has over the last 20-25 years been completely overtaken (93% vote D) by the democrat party. That is the same party which has been taken over by profascist and pro communist politicians. The DOJ is the worst of the worst. They have corrupted the law, the courts, the police and they exist for two reasons: first to perpetuate themselves and keep their power, second to operate as the legal arm of the Democrat Party. Here’s an example:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E7AvS0lWYAYh2_R?format=png&name=360×360
Communist spies released because they would make their political and industrial contacts in the US look bad. What happened to Diane Feinstein’ commie “assistant” and Eric “The Farts” Falwell’s commie fuk? They were permitted to escape. It does not matter who is president or even who are the AG’s, the mid level bureaucrats run the fuking show. You may be too young to understand how that works. So that’s why prosecutions under Trump amounted to zip. The same reason when he tried to pull the troops out of Afghanistan nothing happened. The bureaucrats run the show and nowadays they’re almost all Harvard commies.
And now the most childlike and naïve of your responses: “There are thousands of images available of the insurrection. There has been widespread crowd-sourcing of the people involved. Hundreds of Trump supporters have been implicated. Please provide specific evidence of antifa hitting cops.”
There are thousands of images of a protest, not an insurrection. If you begin by calling it an insurrection your objectivity is shit. So you’ve already tried and convicted everyone there that day (including my son). Thanks, very American of you. Please provide specific evidence of crowd sourcing which shows “an insurrection”. If you say they were there to overthrow the government it’s up to you to prove it, not me. I say they were there to protest what they believe to be a crooked election and there is zero proof the vast majority were there for anything else. If you believe the government (that’s a real laugh) then why won’t they turn over the 16,000 hours of closed circuit video they have? Why won’t they name the cop who murdered Ashli Babbitt? Why won’t they give the hundreds of political prisoners a just and speedy trial and instead torture them AND THEIR FAMILIES by keeping them not only without bail but in solitary? Why is it when people the demofascist agree with burn down cities, loot and murder people they are called “a mostly peaceful protest” and released but if you are on the other side your protest (no burning, no looting, not graffiti, no murders “except by your team”) we are branded an insurrection like we blew up Ft. Sumpter or raided Harpers Ferry?
Your inability to see the other side belies your total submission to the leftist propaganda you’ve been spoon fed since infancy. Wake up and just look at the other side once in a while. You may learn something (like don’t believe the government so much).
Kye: I have pasted here on this very blog at least six times dozens of verified instances of voter fraud from the November election including videos and affidavits by the score.
And they were all unsubstantiated.
Kye: unfolded “mail-in ballotsâ€
If you are referring to Georgia, there is no evidence to support the claim. Multiple audits and recounts have verified the election results.
Kye: to videos of boxes of ballots being drawn from under tables where they were hidden
A full review of the video showed the ballot were properly stored in official containers, then retrieved according to the rules.
Kye: The federal bureaucracy has over the last 20-25 years been completely overtaken (93% vote D) by the democrat party.
States run elections, not the federal government. In Georgia, Republicans control all the organs of government, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation even oversaw the signature matching audit.
Kye: There are thousands of images of a protest, not an insurrection.
It was obstruction of Congress to prevent the certification of the constitutional transfer of power.
Didn’t see your evidence that Antifa assaulted police on 1/6.
Kye: Why won’t they give the hundreds of political prisoners a just and speedy trial and instead torture them AND THEIR FAMILIES by keeping them not only without bail but in solitary?
The accused have a right to a bail hearing. Most have been released on bail.
Unsure of what you are imying but it sounds Ike you are saying that the Federal prosecutors appointed by ex President Trump were corrupted?
Was that it ?
As far as the undocumented Obama deported more than Trump
Nothing was implied, Retard.
You claimed that the scandals under Obama weren’t real because the weren’t prosecuted and
being a reasonable fella I provided a list that even a retard could look up.
John L. Ryan aka Hairy aka John from Queens, you should be thanking me for clearing up your confusion.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Get back to your rice pudding.
William Teach: So, are there certain areas with lower vaccination rates? But, how did they get that information to start with? The only way to know is to compare the roll of those in Wake County who got the vaccine with those who didn’t. Under what legal authority is this being done, considering these are private medical records being combed and shared.
We already responded to this on the previous thread. Aggregating data is not covered by HIPAA as long as the data is anonymized. How else did you think they collected data on, say, incidences of cancer?
William Teach: Does this violate privacy laws and HIPAA?
William Teach: “Vaccinated individuals accounted for three-quarters of Singapore’s COVID-19 infections in the last four weeks”
That’s the expected result when most people are vaccinated. Consider if every adult were vaccinated. Children would still act as a reservoir, and, because the vaccine is not perfect, some adults would become infected. That would mean that 100% of infected adults would have been vaccinated. However, overall infections will be much lower, and those that become infected will be less likely to suffer severe effects.
Love how the KiddieZ keep spouting the party line with the uh, “data being anonymized so it’s okay, really” but they know the exact areas where these people are.
How do you think the Jews were rounded up in Germany?

Bwaha! Lolgfy
“It was obstruction of Congress to prevent the certification of the constitutional transfer of power.”
Thanks for agreeing. That’s exactly what it was but it was not an insurrection. Insurrections are not made by unarmed housewives and old men carrying American and Trump flags. That used to be called “political protests” until an unelected despotic Junta was illegally appointed as president. These Patriotic protestors had tried every other peaceful means to stop the illegal certification of a fascist usurper and were ignored. They are still being ignored, insulted, called names and threatened with everything from loss of employment, to censorship to imprisonment for voicing their beliefs.
If anyone were guilty of an insurrection BTW, it would be Antifa/BLM for setting up an “Autonomous state” which is literally succession which is in fact an insurrection. So where is your fuking outrage and patriotic desire to save the republic?
All you had to do from the start was recognize all the shenanigans and audit the states involved. But you couldn’t do that because as we’ve just seen in Arizona it would have proved massive fraud by democrap operatives. Now you wallow in your deceit and lies and think if you keep repeating the same bull shit it will become truth. You use the same Nazi tactics with Wuhan, Agw, guns, blacks, White supremacy and energy all while your comrades in the media and social media cover your lying asses.
I’ve seen you operate before and I’m not going around and around with you. You never admit defeat (just like your party) and I feel like I’m having a battle of wits with a defenseless man.
Kye: That’s exactly what it was but it was not an insurrection.
Obstructing the lawful transfer of power can rightly be called insurrection.
Kye: These Patriotic protestors had tried every other peaceful means to stop the illegal certification of a fascist usurper and were ignored.
So they were attempting to stop the lawful and constitutional transfer of power; insurrection, in other words.
Kye: All you had to do from the start was recognize all the shenanigans and audit the states involved.
All states already have audit and recount systems in place. Georgia, for instance, hand re-counted every ballot. The entire process is under judicial review, and at no time did the Trump campaign provide evidence of any substantial fraud or irregularity.
There’s that undefined qualifier “substantial” that the KiddieZ are so fond of using.

One remembers from not so long ago the KiddieZ argued that there was “substantial” evidence that Trump colluded with Putin to get elected.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
I told you I’m not going around and around with you on this. When you say something as stupid as “Obstructing the lawful transfer of power can rightly be called insurrection” you are arguing semantics, not law. If the people did not believe that transfer to be lawful then it becomes an act of Patriotism. But burning cities, murdering 25 citizens and police, tearing down statues, looting people’ businesses and declaring areas “autonomous” are okay with you?
I could never provide enough “evidence” to convince you to even look at the voting let alone believe what your own eyes can see: blatant voter fraud. You see the videos and still deny the need for an audit.
When you say “Georgia, for instance, hand re-counted every ballot.” you show your ignorance. Re-counting every ballot does nothing because a recount actually recounts the fraudulent ballots. We need a non-partisan and heavily overseen AUDIT to see where and how many false ballots the demofascists got counted.
We want the truth, you hide behind lies.
America First!!!
Kye: “Obstructing the lawful transfer of power can rightly be called insurrection†you are arguing semantics, not law.
When people say they were insurrectionists, they are using the dictionary term: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. The rioters intended to stop the lawful certification of the transfer of power in a democracy. Gee whiz. Some were calling to hang Mike Pence who was in the building at the time.
Kye: you are arguing semantics, not law.
Actually, that is YOU who is arguing semantics. The word stings. But if you prefer, they were there to forcibly obstruct the lawful transfer of power in a democracy. More words, but means much the same.
Kye: If the people did not believe that transfer to be lawful then it becomes an act of Patriotism.
Tell it to the judge. (Belief in conspiracy theories does not absolve someone for their criminal actions.)
Kye: But burning cities, murdering 25 citizens and police, tearing down statues, looting people’ businesses and declaring areas “autonomous†are okay with you?
Nope. And it’s not okay with those responsible for enforcing the laws, over 50 charged with felonies just in Madison.
Kye: I could never provide enough “evidence†to convince you to even look at the voting let alone believe what your own eyes can see: blatant voter fraud. You see the videos and still deny the need for an audit.
Well, you could try providing evidence then responding in kind. Waving in the general direction is not evidence. You mentioned the ballots stored under a table, but that video was hours long. The ballots were stored in an official container, no one tampered with them in the interim, then they were opened again when counting resumed, all according to the rules.
Kye: When you say “Georgia, for instance, hand re-counted every ballot.†you show your ignorance. Re-counting every ballot does nothing because a recount actually recounts the fraudulent ballots.
What fraudulent ballots? Again, you’re just waving your hands. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation even oversaw an audit of signatures on mail-in ballots.
Just ask the Kiddiez about their incorrect claim that Denmark “is” an net exporter of electricity because of their offshore windmills.

Go ahead ask them.
Bwaha! Lolgf