Politifact tries to cover for Dementia Joe
.@HouseGOP said @JoeBiden "wants to ban handguns."
He doesn't. He wants to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Neither would touch the most popular handguns.https://t.co/Ro3WOpJcZn pic.twitter.com/K7gdpvg1oL
— PolitiFact (@PolitiFact) July 22, 2021
From their Protecting The Precious screed
When President Joe Biden was asked in his Ohio town hall what he plans to do about rising homicides, House Republicans were quick to fire off a tweet to their followers.
“President Biden says he wants to ban handguns,” the House GOP account tweeted July 21.
The tweet included a video clip from the CNN town hall-style event where Biden was speaking. That clip doesn’t back up the GOP tweet, and the full transcript goes further to sink this claim. (snip)
“The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it’s a 9-millimeter pistol or whether it’s a rifle, is ridiculous,” Biden said. “I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things.”
Those numbers Biden used apply to assault-style firearms and high-capacity magazines. As recently as June, when Biden rolled out his strategy to bring down murders, he said he wants to ban both.
Um, those lines from the transcript actually back up what the GOP stated, Politifact just showed that Joe said what the GOP said
THE PRESIDENT: Now, I’m not being a wise guy. There’s no reason you should — have you seen my gun violence legislation I’ve introduced? As you know — because you’re so involved — actually, crime is down; gun violence and murder rates are up. Guns. I’m the only guy that ever got passed legislation, when I was a senator, that made sure we eliminated assault weapons. The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon — whether it’s a — whether it’s a 9-millimeter pistol or whether it’s a rifle — is ridiculous.
I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things, but I’m not likely to get that done in the near term. So here’s what I’ve done: The people who, in fact, are using those weapons are acquiring them illegally — illegally. And so what happens is, I’ve gotten ATF — Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms — I have them increase their budget and increase their capacity, along with the Justice Department, to go after the gun shops that are not abiding by the law of doing background checks. (Applause.) For real. That’s number one.
Is this a case of Joe’s dementia shining through, his inability to think before speaking, or does he mean it? Because he sure mentioned a 9mm pistol or rifle (without distinguishing what type of rifle) as things he is going to continue to push to eliminate. And you can bet he’s going to work to drive firearms dealers out of business by investigating the hell out of them, because the vast, vast majority, probably 99%, do background checks for every gun they are supposed to done for. Rather than going after the criminals who have the guns illegally, the gang bangers and wanna-be’s, the “aspiring rappers”, and so forth, because Joe and the Dems do not want to cause problems in the high crime communities which tend to vote Democrat.