Poll after poll show a lack of faith in Sleepy Joe and his administration when it comes to economic matters, along with concerns about the state of the economy and the recovery. And in comes the NY Times
Will the Delta Variant Wreck the Recovery?
The good economic news, when it comes to the ascendant Delta variant of the coronavirus, is that it puts the economy at risk in only two ways. The bad news: They are supply and demand.
So far, the recovery remains robust by most available data. Real-time indicators of business activity show little evidence that Americans are pulling back their economic activity in any meaningful way.
But while there is no reason to expect a repeat of the huge disruption of 2020, the new variant puts at risk the kind of rapid recovery that has been underway for months. Just as major parts of the economy were figuring out how to return to full functioning, this may amount to throwing sand in the gears.
The emergence of the variant has already caused several wobbly days on Wall Street. And the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, is likely to face questions about the economic implications of Delta in a news conference Wednesday afternoon after a meeting of the Fed’s policy committee.
At the White House, officials are monitoring the variant closely, but see no evidence that it is hurting the recovery — or that policymakers will need to inject another dose of short-term fiscal stimulus anytime soon.
So, at the moment, there’s no widespread concern from the Delta variant seriously disrupting the economy. But, they are putting it out there in case they need to flip to protect Biden from his crappy handling of the economy. However
As economists and policymakers game out the nature of those risks, what stands out is not the chance of a major shutdown. Instead, the concerns are the constraints on the availability of workers and on the supply and demand for many services.
This gives Democrats a chance to push for significantly raising the minimum wage, and for more government control of the economy.
On the supply side, there are already severe disruptions in many supply chains, especially those that rely on goods imported from Asia. These create ripple effects for the United States, such as a shortage of computer chips that is in turn hindering automobile production and contributing to high inflation.
Shockingly, some people still don’t know this. They show up and are like “where are all the new and used cars? Why do I have to put a deposit down and wait for the new car I want?” It gets tedious explaining this.
All of that means that the policy response to the Delta variant, as for Covid all along, relies more heavily on getting the best possible public health outcomes, with conventional economic policy a secondary concern.
Just when it seemed that the pandemic policy story was finally winding down, in other words, it is starting to repeat itself.
And there you have it. The ending is showing that the economy might go south again, and all this is meant to protect Biden from criticism. And, let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be all his fault, just like it wasn’t Trump’s fault. Trump wasn’t mandating this and that, locking people down, saying they couldn’t buy seeds for the garden or go out and exercise. He wanted the economy moving. Most was done at the state level. Joe seems to be mandating and pushing at the federal level. So, he bears more responsibility, and his economic recovery plans have not been working.

The economy will never fully recover as long as Joey keeps paying people not to work.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach the time to best control covid transmission was in the earliest stages back when both you and Trump were calling it “fake news”
Teach if we didn’t have strict lock downs how many people do you think might have died? Esse remember during the time NYC had 3000 deaths per day no masks were available for ordinary people not really even enough for fro to line workers
“Teach the time to best control covid transmission was in the earliest stages back when both you and Trump were calling it “fake news—
Bullshit!! Nobody knew what we were dealing with and I’m not sure they do now. And Trump called it a “hoax”. Which it is. Any disease that has a 98% survival rate that is treated with such panic and hysteria is a hoax. First, you don’t “lockdown” healthy people you “quarantine” the sick and infected. Second you don’t eliminate therapeutic drugs because the president supports them and you hate the president. Neither Trump, nor Fauchi, nor you nor anyone knew what the Chinese Flu was. You fuking leftists were so in denial and so determined to use the flu against Trump you wouldn’t even call it what it is THE RED CHINESE FLU.
Since almost all of the ACTUAL deaths were the elderly or other ages with preexisting conditions had it not been for lockdowns more people would have achieved herd immunity sooner and possibly saved lives. Plus, if the leftists hadn’t poisoned the well HCQ and other drugs could have been used to save lives. Also if the liars at the CDC given cover by their commie friends in the media didn’t include pneumonia cases, regular flu, heart attacks, cancer, COPD, emphysema, car accidents and suicides we may actually have an honest count of actual Wuhan deaths.
You fascists counted Wuhan deaths like you counted votes last November, according to your desired outcome.
Notice too the Covid emergent behavior, where the CDC says Vaccinated should wear masks again because they are spreading COVID as much as the non-vaccinated, while saying at the same time saying that the unvaccinated are solely to blame for the spread of Covid. Add this to the efficacy of the Vaccines being at about 6 months, and any 100 IQ person who has not ben touched by the social hysteria would come to the correct conclusion. No facts or statistics are going to change their minds, as there is no endgame anymore that lets the powers that be keep face from crushing embarrassment.
You lied about the virus, you are now lying about the vaccine. Falsus in uno; falsus in omnibus– false in one thing, false in all things.
Kye: First, you don’t “lockdown†healthy people you “quarantine†the sick and infected.
Actually, the very word “quarantine” comes from preemptive isolation. Ships in harbor were kept isolated for 40 days before being allowed into port regardless of evidence of disease. Indeed, it has been standard procedure to lock down entire towns when there has been an outbreak of infectious disease.
Kye: Second you don’t eliminate therapeutic drugs because the president supports them and you hate the president.
No. The CDC recommends against injecting disinfectant because it is dangerous and ineffective.
Kye: Since almost all of the ACTUAL deaths were the elderly or other ages with preexisting conditions had it not been for lockdowns more people would have achieved herd immunity sooner and possibly saved lives.
That makes little sense. About 100 million Americans have had COVID-19. Of those, 5% were hospitalized and 0.6% died. Exposing an additional 100 million Americans would only mean more hospitalizations and deaths. Instead, the vaccine allows the benefit of exposure, but without the high risk of hospitalizations and death.
Kye: Plus, if the leftists hadn’t poisoned the well HCQ and other drugs could have been used to save lives.
The CDC pulled HCQ because it was ineffective.
“Actually, the very word “quarantine†comes from preemptive isolation.”
I don’t care where the word comes from, I care what it means toady and today we don’t (or didn’t) quarantine healthy people. Where have you been since 1775? And just because superstitious people of the past thought something was a good idea does not mean you should. Nor our medical community, nor politicians etc.
“No. The CDC recommends against injecting disinfectant because it is dangerous and ineffective.”
Exactly where do therapeutic drugs translate into “disinfectant” except in leftist propaganda? BTW, the CDC has recommended a lot of things over the last 18 months we now know to be wrong.
Are you stating the most deaths and the most vulnerable to Red Chinese Flu were NOT the elderly and those with comorbidities? Because you are wrong (so are your figures. Where did you get them the CNN website?).
“The CDC pulled HCQ because it was ineffective.”
The CDC did not “pull” HCQ whatever that means. It’s still in use and still on the market. HCQ along with I think Zinc have been used successfully in Europe and Asia against Covid. Stop repeating MSNBC false propaganda!!! Just because some leftist you agree with says it does not make it true.
In the U.S., there are about 60 thousand new cases a day, with about 300 deaths per day.
Ain’t because of unvaccinated Americans, KiddieZ.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
The only thing that will slow the growth/recovery are the morons that are running the country right now.