I was going to do something else, but, there is too much Bat Soup Virus news, let’s start with the LA Times editorial board, which fails to say whether the LA Times is requiring employees to be vaccinated or be fired
Editorial: Bring on the crackdown. The unvaccinated must be held accountable
The Delta variant is spreading rapidly in California and nationwide, but happily so are crackdowns by public and private employers aimed at limiting the ability of their unvaccinated workers to infect others with COVID-19.
On Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced new rules requiring vaccination or regular testing and masking for the 246,000 state government employees; the rules will apply as well to workers at both private and public healthcare and long-term care facilities. Similar workforce rules have popped up around the nation, including in the city of Los Angeles.
On Thursday, President Biden said civilian federal workers and on-site contractors, too, would need to receive COVID-19 vaccination or submit to regular testing and other infection-control restrictions to remain on the job. Meanwhile, Google, Facebook and a number of other tech companies say they will require employees to be vaccinated in order to return to their desks when their offices eventually reopen.
Hooray. It’s time the stubbornly unvaccinated are held to account for their part in the resurgence of COVID-19.
Is anyone surprised that a progressive organization would push government power and tyranny? If this is all on the unvaccinated, then why
U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is recommending that fully vaccinated individuals wear face masks outdoors to protect the unvaccinated. Murthy made the suggestion during an appearance on MSNBC, where he said fully vaccinated individuals wearing masks indoors and outdoors was an “extra step” of protection to unvaccinated people.
Look, if you do not want to get vaccinated, that’s on you. Your choice, regardless of how you came to it.
Gov. Cooper asks NC agencies, private businesses to make unvaccinated workers wear a mask
Gov. Roy Cooper is asking for state government agencies and private businesses to have unvaccinated workers wear a mask and be tested for COVID-19 as the delta variant rages in North Carolina.
Though COVID-19 cases are rising quickly, he did not issue a statewide mandate for people to wear masks.
“Don’t wait until we run out of hospital beds. Don’t wait until skyrocketing numbers threaten to shut businesses or cancel sports. Don’t wait until you infect somebody you love,†Cooper said while pleading for unvaccinated people to get the shot.
A new executive order from Cooper directs state government cabinet agencies to verify whether their employees are vaccinated. Unvaccinated employees will be tested at least once a week and be required to wear a mask.
Even suggestions can like this can influence private companies to comply. They just don’t want to deal with the problems of harrassment from government and Credentialed Media outlets, because you know if the news gets wind of a company refusing to Comply, they’ll slap them up on TV.
And, they’re already ready for when the Delta variant of China Flu burns out
Another coronavirus variant has reached Florida. Here’s what you need to know.
A coronavirus variant discovered in Colombia is showing up among patients in South Florida, increasing infections and putting health officials on alert as calls grow louder for unvaccinated individuals to get inoculated.
Carlos Migoya, CEO of Jackson Health System, told WPLG in Miami earlier this week that the B.1.621 variant has accounted for about 10% of coronavirus patients, trailing behind delta, the now dominant variant in the United States that’s been ravaging the nation’s unvaccinated, and the gamma variant. B.1.621 has yet to receive a Greek-letter designation as more prominent variants have.
One professor thinks the China Flu will become endemic, meaning it will be around forever. And the Progressives (nice Fascists) will continue to use it to empower government.

Our esteemed host wrote:
Perhaps, but they are still part of freedom of speech rights. I cannot complain about others, even government officials, exercising their First Amendment rights.
This part is horribly wrong: the Governor is ordering state agencies to intrude into their employees’ medical records. If it is illegal for the government to inquire as to someone’s status when it comes to mental health or diabetes or heart disease or sexual orientation, then it is concomitantly illegal to inquire about their vaccination status.
Dana: This part is horribly wrong: the Governor is ordering state agencies to intrude into their employees’ medical records.
They will be required to show their vaccination record. This is nothing unusual. Most school systems require children’s vaccination records before admittance.
Dana: If it is illegal for the government to inquire as to someone’s status when it comes to mental health or diabetes or heart disease or sexual orientation, then it is concomitantly illegal to inquire about their vaccination status.
They can’t ask about health conditions that are irrelevant to the job. On the other hand, if you want to be a fighter pilot, then health conditions can be raised as an issue.
Elwood/Zach you believe to know a lot about the future. If you give any government an inch well they will demand 2 inches.
Your example is a poor one:
If you want to be a fighter pilot you CONSENT to giving your health records to the military in order to judge you physically worthy. YOU CONSENT. NO ONE FORCES YOU to become a fighter pilot.
est1950: If you want to be a fighter pilot you CONSENT to giving your health records to the military in order to judge you physically worthy.
Now you got it! If you want to work in areas with other people, then you have to CONSENT to provide your vaccination status. NO ONE FORCES YOU to work there.
” NO ONE FORCES YOU to work there.”
Sure they do by eliminating your options. There’s a great difference in being a fighter pilot and a average working guy. You think you’re slick but you’re just a little Kapo.
How long do you plan on living your life afraid of catching a flu? You gonna run around like a little girl forever or just act paranoid and in panic until some asshole bureaucrat tells you it’s okay? Or is haphephobia your “new normal”?
Afraid to touch other people, even those you know. Or go out without some useless face diaper because the Stasi tells you to? Not socialize, not communicate personally, not live like a well adjusted human but hide in fear like a coward?
You leftists disgust me. You have no personal thought but are led around like sheep by politicians, the media and half assed “experts” who are almost uniformly wrong most of the time.
You have no idea what being a Free American is all about.
Kye: Sure they do by eliminating your options.
Dana had claimed it was illegal to ask.
In any case, during a pandemic, you are not qualified for working with others, so yes, you are eliminating your own options by your own choice. Be a farmer out standing in his field.
Kye: How long do you plan on living your life afraid of catching a flu?
It’s not a flu. It’s a coronavirus which is several times as deadly and transmissible as the flu.
Kye: You have no idea what being a Free American is all about.
Your freedom ends at someone else’s nose. Deeply rooted in common law is that you’re not free to risk the health of others.
Mr Z wrote:
How is your vaccination status relevant to your job?
Here is Nazi Pelousy about vaccinations ONE YEAR AGO. Is there anything these fascists won’t lie about for power?
Dana: How is your vaccination status relevant to your job?
Your vaccination status can be important if you work around other people.
Not if they’re vaccinated. Unless they’ve been LYING to us!!!!
Just for shits and giggles:
Kye: Not if they’re vaccinated.
Huh? That’s the point. Whether or not they are vaccinated is important for the well-being of other employees. So, it is prudent for an employer to ask for vaccination status.
William Teach: One professor thinks the China Flu will become endemic, meaning it will be around forever.
It likely will. However, people will have developed a generalized immune response, either through vaccination or infection. Vaccination is far preferable as it will result in far fewer deaths, hospitalizations, long term health problems—and economic damage. It will also limit the evolutionary potential of the virus. For instance, the 1918 H1N1 influenza, which killed millions of people, still circulates and evolves.
For instance, the 1918 H1N1 influenza, which killed millions of people, still circulates and evolves.
Actually you are in error. Again.
FROM CDC’s own website.
The virus’ unique severity puzzled researchers for decades, and prompted several questions, such as “Why was the 1918 virus so deadly?â€, “Where did the virus originate from?â€, and “What can the public health community learn from the 1918 virus to better prepare for and defend against future pandemics?†These questions drove an expert group of researchers and virus hunters to search for the lost 1918 virus, sequence its genome, recreate the virus in a highly safe and regulated laboratory setting at CDC, and ultimately study its secrets to better prepare for future pandemics. The following is a historical recounting of these efforts, complete with references and descriptions of the contributions made by all of the remarkable men and women involved.
H1N1 influenza A disappeared from the planet. Until scientists exhumed a burial site of Alaskan Inuits 72 of a village of 80 who died from the Spanish Flu.
Just imagine if you will when you read the CDC’s account and massive desire to recreate the Spanish flu and then in 2009 ANOTHER H1N1 was released on the world. If that wasn’t enough then we got Sars and then MERS and Now Covid-19 all in the matter of 10 years and all originating from China funded by Dr. WHO??????
I hope you got your family protected cause these dumb arsed motherfudders are gonna kill us all.
est1950: H1N1 influenza A disappeared from the planet.
“In the spring of 2009, a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus emerged.”
“The impact of this pandemic was not limited to 1918–1919. All influenza A pandemics since that time, and indeed almost all cases of influenza A worldwide (excepting human infections from avian viruses such as H5N1 and H7N7), have been caused by descendants of the 1918 virus, including “drifted” H1N1 viruses and reassorted H2N2 and H3N2 viruses. The latter are composed of key genes from the 1918 virus, updated by subsequently incorporated avian influenza genes that code for novel surface proteins, making the 1918 virus indeed the ‘mother’ of all pandemics.”
Oops. Wrong link. Try this:
From your own Link Elwood. and confirm that the 1918 virus is the likely ancestor of all 4 of the human and swine H1N1 and H3N2 lineages, as well as the “extinct” H2N2 lineage.
And all of these occurred under Dr. WHO? paid for NI What? And occurred after the Spanish flu was exhumed and studied in a SECURE LAB.
Funny that, given there are hundreds of reports of the Chinese making off with biological samples from the United States, not to mention cowardly scientists selling US funded secrets for a blow job and some money.
That is the science you put your faith in. As we see our secretary of state showing up with an eye shield and face mask, fully vaccinated.
Awesome. The people in charge don’t believe in the science. Why should we?
est1950: From your own Link
So, you were wrong when you said “H1N1 influenza A disappeared from the planet.”
est1950: And occurred after the Spanish flu was exhumed and studied in a SECURE LAB.
The science indicates that circulating influenza is the result of natural evolution. That’s how flu vaccines are developed.
Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Unified School District plans on physically assaulting every student and employee, every week.
Have you ever had a COVID-19 test? I have, and it’s a very unpleasant experience. Basically, a nurse sticks a long, stick-mounted cotton swab — think of an eight-inch-long Q-Tip — up your nose to obtain the ‘material’ to be tested. In every state in the union, if you have not consented to this, it would be considered an assault. Does the Los Angeles Unified School District plan on making public education, something required by state law, to be contingent on consenting to be assaulted?
Really? The LAUSD employees are unionized. Have the District gotten the OK from the employees’ unions for this? What union is going to approve of this kind of employment condition?
If some parents are concerned about the safety of the vaccines, why would they bother with getting their children vaccinated if they will still be subjected to weekly testing, and all of the other COVID-19 restrictions?
And since the vaccines have not yet been approved for children 11-years-old and younger, that means almost every student through the fifth grade will be unvaccinated. Even if the LAUSD changes its mind, and allows vaccinated students and employees to skip the weekly testing, the District are still planning on physically assaulting every student from pre-school through the fifth grade.
Dana: The LAUSD employees are unionized. Have the District gotten the OK from the employees’ unions for this?
Yes. Employees will be paid for their time; 2 hours for COVID-19 testing and 3 hours if for getting vaccinated.
KiddieZ be lying again.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Thanks again KiddieZ.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dana you probably had the earlier swab test
I actually refused mine and gave a blood test
However the new test is in fact self administered and does not go in nearly as deep
I just hot certified to administer the newer test. No discomfort at all
[…] Also see: LA Times: Let’s Bring On The COVID Cracksdowns! […]
When will this bullshit end? I know after the demofascist acquire one party rule!
Kye: Here’s a picture of the fUILy vAcCinAteD U.S. Secretary of Defense.
Masking is required under Philippine law, which is where that picture was taken.
He wasn’t just wearing a mask you bootlicker, he was wearing enough shit to work in the Wuhan lab.
Open your eyes, it’s a fukin hoax. It not science, it’s science fiction!
Kye: He wasn’t just wearing a mask
Mask and shield are required in the Philippines.
Then he shouldn’t visit the Philippines, they are insane. BTW, so is social distancing yet he bumped fists two feet away. You panicked little girls need to get a fukin life.
Just for you and the other Blind Mice:
These are the Nazi fukin liars you guys rely on for your “information” and this is only an example of one incident. Now multiply this by how many things these assholes tell you and you may realize why WE DON’T BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU SAY ANY MORE!!!
Kye: Then he shouldn’t visit the Philippines, they are insane.
The U.S. has a long-standing relationship with the Philippines. China is expansionist in the area. It’s in America’s interest to have a strong relationship with the Philippines.