If only your ancestors had forgone the Industrial Revolution and chosen to live like it was 799
The oldest tree in eastern US survived millennia – but rising seas could kill it
A wizened eastern bald cypress dwells in an expanse of North Carolina’s wetlands.
It lives among a cluster of eastern bald cypress trees in the state’s Black River, some with origins dating back a millennium. But this singular tree has witnessed more than its comrades; a 2019 study found it’s been alive since at least 605BCE. It’s the oldest-known living tree in eastern North America and the fifth-oldest living non-clonal tree species in the world.
If these ancient trees could talk, they might wail a warning – a message about the coalescing threats to their continued survival. What we can learn from a 2,624-year-old bald cypress may help piece together how humanity can best mitigate and adapt to the unprecedented impacts of the climate crisis.
“They have personality,†said Julie Moore, a retired botanist and former coordinator at the US Fish and Wildlife service. “I’ve mapped wetlands for years, so every big swamp in the United States in the south, I’ve seen. But when I see these trees, I know they’re different.â€
A personality!
A little over six feet of elevation stands between the oldest-known cypress and the Atlantic Ocean. While sea level rise is increasing by two inches a decade now, it’s accelerating at a rapid pace. Sea levels are “all but certain†to rise by at least 20ft over the next 100 to 200 years. In a worst-case scenario, the world’s oldest bald cypress may already be underwater by 2080.
First, the location is about 35 miles northwest of Wilmington, NC, and the Atlantic ocean. One of the closest towns is Kelly, NC, with an elevation of 23 feet above sea level (it’s pretty darned flat down in SE NC). So, even if we got 20 feet, still not going to be enough. Second, the tide gauge in Wilmington shows “relative sea level trend is 2.56 millimeters/year with a 95% confidence interval of +/- 0.35 mm/yr based on monthly mean sea level data from 1935 to 2020 which is equivalent to a change of 0.84 feet in 100 years.” That’s getting nowhere close to 20 feet.
But, hey, a cult always has to be Doomy. Gotta keep the scares going and the funding flowing.

The Sky Is Falling Chicken Little GIF from Theskyisfalling GIFs
The Sky Is Falling!
Teach: If only your ancestors had forgone the Industrial Revolution and chosen to live like it was 799
Teach blames everyone else, takes no responsibility, but assumes the role of aggrieved victim. Our ancestors didn’t know what we no know. Altheough Arrhenius calculated the potential impact of atmospheric CO2 on temperature in 1896, few could have imagined the explosive growth of coal and oil use and the residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere.
And who cares about bald cypress trees in NC anyway?
Even Arrhenius admitted later that his calculations were wrong.
Learn something Rimjob, dipshit that you are.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Bungholio, shitslurper that it is, is also a persistent liar.
125 years ago, Professor Arrhenius predicted that atmospheric CO2 was a determinant of atmospheric temperature.
And he was right – but only partly. Water vapor, over which we have just about zero control, has a much larger GH effect. CO2 is negligible in comparison.
Why are you obsessed with 125 year-old predictions? Do you check with Nostradamus every day as well?
Teach blames everyone else, takes no responsibility, but assumes the role of aggrieved victim.
This a priceless tidbit there Elwood.
You mean like BLM?
Democratic voters who appear unable to get their own PICTURE ID.
Blue states?
I mean seriously Elwood your quote should be enshrined as a byline by the DNC and Immortalized for eternity to the hypocrisy that comes not only from you but is a mainstay of the leftists position on EVERYTHING.
But WhatAbout BLM, blah, blah, blah… heard it all before, est.
Teach’s tiresome tidbit is “The Earth is warming because you ate a hamburger.” Those mean old environmentalists don’t honor you enough. You poor, poor aggrieved victims. LOL.
You have no clues, child. Blaming people’s actions for something – especially undeservedly – has nothing to do with “honoring” them.
Teach’s tiresome tidbit is “The Earth is warming because you ate a hamburger.†Those mean old environmentalists don’t honor you enough. You poor, poor aggrieved victims. LOL.
The truth hurts doesn’t it? The left is the supporter of victims, but only victims you can control. You are here because it irks the shit out of you that you can’t control the thought process of people who do not trust a government to control their lives.
Why are you not screaming at AOC for not including a sea wall around the USA if the seas are going to rise 20 feet in the next 100 plus years? We have to begin now.
You see your actions do not reflect the level of fear mongering you throw on the world. Greta the Great sails on an environmentally safe boat across the Atlantic to give a speech BUT no one bothers to mention the CREW had to fly from the USA to Europe to boat her across the Atlantic.
Al Gore, John Kerry jet sets the world in co2 belching aircraft but we are going to die from co2. etc. etc.
Until you walk the walk. As Saul Alinsky says, make them live up to their own ideals. You want gun control and then admit you own many guns. You want to end fossil fuels while using heating and AC where ever you live. You consume. Yet you want consumption abolished.
Until you stop consuming, end your fossil fuel use(YOU is a collective for the AGW) then The OP of this blog has every right to make fun of YOU, because none of YOU are really that serious and are using AGW as a RED HERRING for your real agenda.
Too funny-I guess they want to ignore this and several other finds of ancient tree lines higher in elevation than they are now, which would mean a warmer climate back then. The tree line moving north would of course would mean more trees… https://notrickszone.com/2019/08/26/a-1000-year-old-forest-buried-under-alaskas-mendenhall-glacier-uncovers-a-warm-medieval-period/
Funny how the sea rises faster on some places.
It’s a good thing we all Know that the land masses are and have always been stable or some people might think the dirt is getting lower.
Folks, the Only constant
Is Change.
Some changes make survival harder
Some make it easier.
And the ones lefties are pushing will make it harder.
Are you aware that the ocean does in fact sometimes actually rise above “sea level”
Or that the ocean sea level has been rising at different rates in different areas ? Your “overhyped rainstorm Sandy” hit lower Manhattan with a 14 foot storm surge
It’s a good thing we all Know that the land masses are and have always been stable or some people might think the dirt is getting lower.
Folks, the Only constant
Is Change.
Some changes make survival harder
Some make it easier.
And the ones lefties are pushing will make it harder.
You can always tell that the leftist politicians do NOT BELIEVE IN AGW. And they certainly do not believe in sea level rise.
IF SO…..This infrastructure bill would include a MOAT around Manhattan that was at least 25 feet high. LIKE JAPAN built a moat around much of its coast line to deal with Tsunami’s.
No moat around Manhattan? No wonder they want you to live in high rises in NYC.
But I digress. Every politician drives a gas guzzlers, flies in co2 belching jets and lives in an expensive house that eats co2 like a fly eats Sheet. Al GORE uses the equivalent of 13 homes to light up his mansion yet tells us all were going to die from co2.
On and on the charade goes. Politicians are cashing in. The left has two agendas that keep them in power. AGW scaremongering and RACIST scaremongering. Other than that they have no solutions or policies that do not required humongous sacrifice for the masses for the COLLECTIVE.
Something that might fly in the EU but is fiercely anti-American and goes against the very nature of not only the people who live here but those sneaking in for an opportunity to have a personal DREAM not a commie boot heel shoved up their asses.
But this singular tree has witnessed more than its comrades; a 2019 study found it’s been alive since at least 605BCE.
IOW, the tree has already survived the Roman Climate Optimum and the Medieval Warm Period, and is in no danger now.