That type of private jet uses a lot of fossil fuels
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 7, 2021
A Gulfstream Aerospace has an hourly cost of operation around $4700, and uses a lot of jet fuel. He couldn’t have take a little prop plane to Martha’s Vineyard? Also
Obama just had tons of people at his party. Maskless. No vaxx mandate.
They are laughing at you.
— Jack Poso ???????? (@JackPosobiec) August 7, 2021

Wonder if Joey showed up.

Bwaha! Lolgf
AS I have said repeatedly the left does not act as if the worlds doomed or gonna end in the next 50-100 years because of climate change.
If they were as terrified as they pretend they would be building moats around NYC, putting houses on stilts, demanding every house withstand category 5 tornadoes and building pipelines all across the fruited plain to transfer water from those that have to those that have not.
But no they want to create living wages, build hi rises and move everyone from the burbs to the big cities and then make them dependent upon a fascist/Communist government. They want to end trains, planes and automobiles while China takes over the world.
Nothing to see here. This is just one more billionaire jet setting the globe cashing in on the fear mongering of AGW.
The world survived 1500ppm of co2 and thrived. I am sure it will survive 700-800 ppm before we run out of fossil fuels. So says the AGW puppet masters…so say we all…Amen.
Anyone seen pictures of Obama’s Pad in Martha’s Vineyard? IT must be like 8 feet above sea level for his property. He’s gonna drown man. I mean like the oceans rising like 40 feet by 2100 which means his property will be worthless in about 20 years.
I can tell he is terrified as he pushes the AGW agenda, while making millions off his status as ex-president.
It is at about q5 feet above sea level on Great zpond
The UN says worst probable case is 3 foot sea-level by 2100
Obama will be 140 years old in 2100
Mr 1950 wrote:
The elites certainly don’t, yet they wonder why so many people aren’t buying what they are selling.
The picture above is from the Martha’s Vineyard Topo Map in Dukes County MA. Our 44th President’s home is on the Edgartown Great Pond, and you might notice that the area around the Pond had an elevation of 10′ to 20′ above sea level. The great Chicago community organizer certainly organized himself right out of the Windy City, but, then again, who wouldn’t these days? Still, buying an $11.75 million mansion in a coastal flood area, when you think that
global warmingclimatechangeemergency is going to flood the coastal lowlands hardly seems wise . . . unless that isn’t what you think at all.An important question: why do we have to depend on a British tabloid to report things The New York Times does not find to be News That’s Fit to Print?
Obama is 60 years old
Realistically he is not so worried prrsonally about things 20 years off
Are you?
Sure he’s worried, it’s his money. Wouldn’t you be? If not for him then for his daughters.
With your vapid desire to defend the DEPORTER IN CHIEF you do realize that you are making the case as to why no one listens to you and the AGW Nazi’s.
Why worry it won’t happen in your lifetime and YET….the fear mongering continues night and day, 24x7x365.
Which is it Hairy? Were all gonna die in 10 years or were not? Since everyone knows this is a crock of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The powers that be just cash in on fear mongering to improve the size of their billfolds.
After all if the world thrived with 1500 PPM of CO2 then I am sure it will be just fine with 700-800 before we end all fossil fuel use naturally as the markets adjust in a peaceful and intelligent transfer from fossil fuels to alternatives without people like the AGW NAZI’s, which should be put on a terrorist watch list by every nation on earth, brow beating and fear mongering us into making stupid decisions based UPON FEAR.
When did humans live with 1500 ppm CO2?
Our genera is no more than a few million years old, our species perhaps 300,000 years and our civilizations hardly more than 10-15 thousand years.
CO2 today is higher than the past 1 million years, probably higher than the past 10 million years.
Our Homo habilis ancestors were unlikely to have had many coastal cities.
In fact, when the CO2 levels were 500-1000 ppm (about 20-50 million yrs ago), the Earth was 5 to 10C warmner than now.
Speaking of fear, aren’t you afraid the brown immigrants will kill us all with Covid Delta before global warming does?
Elwood actually I am afraid of AGW Nazi’s trying to end the world by ending our ability to feed people.
I am afraid of riots beyond your imagination. I can imagine what will happen when 7 billion people become fuking hungry.
I am afraid of the NAZI’s in sheeples clothing who would turn out the lights euthanize cows, pigs and chickens and tell us to eat bugs because they can.
That is what I fear. I am sure the brown immigrants fear the same thing. Covid is just a minor inconvience to your Nazi agenda of taking over the world by fear mongering people into submission.
Just as you keep trying to push off on us fear after fear after fear.
Do you believe that global warming itself is a long-term threat to human civilizations?
On what do you base your fear that the Earth can no longer feed the 10 billion humans possible by 2060 or so?
Many of the immigrants from Central America claim they’re coming because of repeated crop failures.
Do you really think that people who understand the threat of global warming want to end the world?
“When did humans live with 1500ppm� The Mn. Dept. of Health, for instance, sets workplace standards of 10,000ppm for an 8 hour period. Anyway, are humans living better at 410ppm as in the present or at 280ppm as it was much earlier?
OSHA says 5000 ppm for 8 hrs, but that’s not the point, is it?
CO2 in the atmosphere is causing the Earth to warm to levels that human civilizations have not had to deal with.
Do you believe that global warming itself is a long-term threat to human civilizations?
NO I do not. I believe it has always been a communist Chinese plot to over throw the west. The Chinese have infiltrated every college on the planet and 1000’s of professors are now on the payroll of Beijing. It does not take a lot of extrapolation to reach certain conclusions.
On what do you base your fear that the Earth can no longer feed the 10 billion humans possible by 2060 or so?
I base my fear upon the inability to MASS produce food which is currently made capable by the internal combustion engine. In a world in which the LEFTISTs have rid the world of fossil fuels it will not be possible to run tractors, trains, planes, giant ships and everything under the sun on BATTERIES. The ECO AGN NAZI’s have not thought this through very well because I do realize their goal is to end consumption. Fine. But when you take away peoples ability to simply EAT, then you have shit in your mess kit.
Many of the immigrants from Central America claim they’re coming because of repeated crop failures.
I am sure many of them would say many different things. Crop failures in Central America. All the more reason why taking away the ability of advanced nations to continue to grow more and more food is what is the most insane aspect of the NAZI AGW movement. But not to worry those in Central America can eat bugs….literally that is what the left AGW movement is now advocating.
Do you really think that people who understand the threat of global warming want to end the world?
YES I DO. Why? Because they are being paid by the Communist Chinese to destroy the WESTS ability to push back against an expansionist Communist Nation with 1.5 billion residents spreading across the globe like the tendrils of a giant oak.
YES I DO. The left is being played like a fiddle. WOKISM, BLM, ANTIFA, AGW. All WERE USED BY MAO in CHINA DURING HIS CULTURAL REVOLUTION. YES. I. DO and you would too if you even bothered to open your eyes and looked beyond the borders of the USA and beyond the pages and video clips of MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the CORPORATE SHILLS who are just doing what they are told to do to MAKE MONEY.
Thank you.
[…] of living on the pretense that it will somehow improve the weather, characteristically arrived by private jet. The location of Obama’s seaside mansion confirms that our rulers do not believe their own […]