The lastest UN IPCC doom piece is being released, so we get
- Major U.N. climate report warns of “extreme” and “unprecedented” impacts
- U.N. releases blistering assessment on the state of climate change
- Climate-related changes to Earth’s ice and oceans are now ‘irreversible for centuries to millennia,’ a new report says
There are plenty more doomy articles across the Credentialed Media outlets. Did you know that the seas were about 3 meters higher than today about 5,000 years ago? Darned citizens of Atlantis driving fossil fueled vehicles. Anyhow, doom
They've been saying this for 30+ years
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 9, 2021
From the screed
The world is getting “dangerously close” to running out of time to avert catastrophic climate change, Cop26 President Alok Sharma has said.
Mr Sharma – who is tasked with making a success of the upcoming climate talks in Glasgow – said failing to limit warming to 1.5C would be “catastrophic”.
In an interview with the Guardian, Mr Sharma said a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, due to be published on Monday, would be the “starkest warning yet” about what the future could hold.
“You’re seeing on a daily basis what is happening across the world. Last year was the hottest on record, the last decade the hottest decade on record,” he said.
He said Cop26 “has to be the moment we get this right”, adding: “We can’t afford to wait two years, five years, 10 years – this is the moment.”
None of this proves anthropogenic causation, just that members of a cult are invested in their cult and want to scare people into giving up their money and freedom to government. They’ve been saying this stuff for 30+ years, and really, almost none of their prognostications have come to fruition.
The former business secretary came under fire this week for the volume of flights he has taken since new year in a bid to hash out a deal with countries dragging their feet on emissions targets.
But despite cries of “hypocrite” from political rivals, green groups refused to condemn him and the Government was robust in his defence.
Mr Sharma told the Guardian: “I have every week a large number of virtual meetings, but I can tell you that having in-person meetings with individual ministers is incredibly vital and actually impactful.
See, it’s fine for high ranking poobahs in the climate cult to use lots of fossil fuels, which really should make everyone else think “if they aren’t willing to modify their own lives to accord with the beliefs they say government should implement, why should I even believe this is real?”

Cults always have a Supreme Leader
Who leads the imate cukt?
Ronald Reagan ( teaches fav prez)
Was the first American president to warm us about carbon pollution
Way back when Teach was a teenager
LooksimeRrgan was right on that one, like trying to bsn assault rifles or almost doubling the zfederal workforce
How many ‘tipping points’ have we already passed?
We should deal with whatever
global warmingclimatechangeemergency brings us, as it happens, so we can see what we are actually up against, rather than the speculations ofactivistsexperts as to what might or might not happen a hundred years from now.So what’s his solution? Ban all the stuff? Or the more traditional “send more money”?
“I have every week a large number of virtual meetings, but I can tell you that having in-person meetings with individual ministers is incredibly vital and actually impactful.
= you can’t be treated like royalty with an unlimited travel budget if you don’t travel. He certainly isn’t going to spend his OWN money on that.
— Thomas Sowell

Bwaha! Lolgf
Same message, same PR blitz every time these yahoos have their meaningless conferences.

Bwaha! Lolgf
“We really mean it this time!â€
You shoulda been listening for the past 30 years…
You’re wrong, we’re right, but humanity is the big loser.
Svante Arrhenius discovered that CO2 trapped infrared radiation over a century ago. In 1988, James Hansen told Congress that increased CO2 in the atmosphere would continue to cause warming of the Earth’s surface. Yikes, they were both right. 33 years later the Earth is 0.6C (1.1F) warmer. Both CO2 and surface temperature are continuing to rise.
Deniers first denied it was even warming (some, e.g., Mr est, still do), now they claim they always recognized it was warming but that there is no evidence it’s CO2 dependent or that the cure is much worse than the disease. For some reason, deniers tie the transition away from CO2 emitting fuels to global communism.