Dementia Joe Biden, “elected” on a platform of being a moderate (snicker), doesn’t have the legal or Constitutional power to implement a mask mandate nationwide to start with, except within the Executive Office. Which he did. Which he and many of his people constantly blow off. He seems upset that some governors have instituted mask mandate bans
Biden ‘checking’ if he has power to intervene against Florida and Texas mask mandate bans
President Joe Biden said he is “checking” on if his presidential powers could give him the ability to intervene in states banning mask mandates.
“I don’t believe that I do thus far. We’re checking that,” Biden said Tuesday when asked if he could intervene in states such as Texas and Florida that have banned mask mandates. “But there are — federal workforce, I can.”
Biden’s remarks came after he addressed the issue of states that have banned public schools districts from imposing mask mandates for the upcoming school year. The president called such efforts “disingenuous,” arguing governors should allow districts to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.
“And I find it interesting that some of the very people who are saying that, who hold government positions, are people who are threatening that if a schoolteacher asks a student if they have been vaccinated, or if a principal says that ‘everyone in my school should wear a mask’ or the school board votes for it, that governor will nullify that — that governor has the authority to say, ‘You can’t do that,’” Biden said.
Governors do have that power, within both the federal and state constitutions (whether they actually have the power to institute a mask mandate in non-government areas, in outdoor settings, and more, is contested). That’s the way our system works. The federal Legislative and Executive office are not supposed to be this powerful. They weren’t assigned the power to override governors and states in most things. The mask mandate bans do not stop any citizen from wearing a mask (which mostly do no work). If teachers want to wear them, wear them. If parents want their kids to wear them, that’s their right. If other citizens want to wear one, wear one. A good percentage of people I see voluntarily wearing them fail to wear them correctly and/or are wearing ones that make zero difference.
“I find that totally counterintuitive and, quite frankly, disingenuous,” he added.
Biden: We Are Checking if I Have Powers to Intervene in Texas, Fla. On Mask Mandates
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 11, 2021
Biden said this while not wearing a mask. Surprise?

At least as of yesterday, the local United States Post Office, which as federal property President Biden could require masks therein, had no signage either ordering or requesting that patrons wear masks, nor was anyone I saw in that facility — it’s a small one — wearing one.
So now you know all the folks working in that facility are democrats and therefore exempt from the rules for “dirt people”.
In the Bluegrass State, moderate Governor Andy Beshear (D-KY) asked local districts to impose mask mandates in their schools. Then, when some did not comply, he made it an order.
When will they ban illegitimate pResidents?