Remember how we were told Joe Biden is a foreign policy wizard? That he’s bring world respect back to America? How’s that working with his big Afghanistan adventure?
Report: Taliban Seizing U.S. Passports from Afghan Americans
More chaos unfolds in Afghanistan, and more reports now show Taliban terrorists are seizing U.S. passports from Afghan Americans trying to get in the gates of the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul to flee the country.
The Taliban terrorists around the airport are attempting to take U.S. passports and even identification orders as a deterrent to try to hinder the Afghan Americans from fleeing the country, the New York Post reported:
An Afghan American who reportedly has a home in the U.S. but has served within Afghanistan as an interpreter told the Post, “I got to the gates and was about to show my passport, but the Taliban got it, and he said you are not allowed to go through and wouldn’t give it back.†He added that he “was lucky a U.S. marine was right there and forced him to give it back.â€
A former Navy SEAL, Ephraim Mattos, who is now the founder of Stronghold Rescue and Relief, a humanitarian organization, told the Post the Taliban terrorists are taking precious documents such as U.S. passports and driver’s licenses from American citizens. “They lose proof of who they are, and this has happened on multiple occasions in multiple places.â€
In fairness, Joe is just the figurehead, who would have authorized the terrible plan to pull out our military before American citizens, destroying/taking the military materials, and those authorized to leave. People gave him very bad advice. The Woke military leaders should be fired for this disaster. Of course, Joe and his Woke military and intelligence leaders refuse to take responsibility.
IS threat forces US changes to evacuations at Kabul airport
Potential Islamic State threats against Americans in Afghanistan are forcing the U.S. military to develop new ways to get evacuees to the airport in Kabul, a senior U.S. official said Saturday, adding a new complication to the already chaotic efforts to get people out of the country after its swift fall to the Taliban.
The official said that small groups of Americans and possibly other civilians will be given specific instructions on what to do, including movement to transit points where they can be gathered up by the military. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss military operations.
The changes come as the U.S. Embassy issued a new security warning Saturday telling citizens not to travel to the Kabul airport without individual instruction from a U.S. government representative. Officials declined to provide more specifics about the IS threat but described it as significant. They said there have beenno confirmed attacks as yet.
The strongest military in the world and they can’t go get out citizens. And now ISIS is threatening our citizens. Heck of a job, Disaster Joe.
Tony Blair has branded US President Joe Biden’s ‘imbecilic’ decision to withdraw American troops from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, calling the scuttle ‘tragic, dangerous and unnecessary’ and claiming the move had ‘every Jihadist group round the world cheering’.
Mr Blair, who was in Downing Street when London sent British troops into the Middle Eastern country 20 years ago following the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington – said Britain has a ‘moral obligation’ to stay until ‘all those who need to be are evacuated’.
Relations between Britain and US are strained, with Defence Secretary Ben Wallace warning ‘no nation will be able to get everyone out’ of Afghanistan as Mr Biden’s August 31 date makes the mission even more time-pressured, in what is likely to be seen as a plea to Washington.
Cabinet insiders have suggested the President was ‘gaga’ and ‘doolally’ for withdrawing so quickly, while the Prime Minister has allegedly privately referred to Mr Biden as ‘Sleepy Joe’, the nickname coined by Donald Trump. Mr Johnson also allegedly remarked Britain ‘would be better off with Trump’ – allegations branded ‘categorically untrue’ by Downing Street.
One minister denounced US isolationism and warned the Government would have to ‘revisit’ the recent review on defence and foreign policy because the US was no longer a reliable ally.
You just know similar conversations are occurring in Germany, France, Japan, Taiwan, and other U.S. allies. Same in enemy nations.
British military: 7 Afghans killed in chaos at Kabul airport
A panicked crush of people trying to enter Kabul’s international airport killed seven Afghan civilians in the crowds, the British military said Sunday, showing the danger still posed to those trying to flee the Taliban’s takeover of the country. (snip)
In chaotic scenes Saturday, British and Western troops in full combat gear tried to control crowds big enough to be seen in satellite photos pressing into the airport. They carried away some who were sweating and pale. With temperatures reaching 34 degree Celsius (93 degrees Fahrenheit), the soldiers sprayed water from a hose on those gathered or gave them bottled water to pour over their heads.
The British military on Sunday acknowledged the seven deaths of civilians in the crowds. There have been other stampedes and crushing injuries in the crowds, especially as Taliban fighters fire into the air to drive away those desperate to get on any flight out of the country.
This is on Sleepy Joe and his advisors and Woke military idiots, but, mostly on Joe, who’s POTUS. Greatest U.S. failure since the Bay of Pigs.

“Everything woke turns to shit” The Great President Donald J. Trump August 21, 2021
And it still is all turning to shit under a shit leader with shit politicians, CEO’s and shit communist ideas. Oh, and shit followers (you know who you are).
Why do they hate America?
What hath Junta Joe wrought?×900
The fool and shit head the loony left installed in the fake election of 2020 has ruined America to it’s core. Now he eats ice cream while leaving thousands of our fellow Americans to die at the hands of the mooslems.
He’s an embarrassment!
Why do the demofascists hate Americans?
William Teach: who would have authorized the terrible plan to pull out our military before American citizens, destroying/taking the military materials, and those authorized to leave.
Trump agreed to withdraw U.S. forces by May. U.S. citizens could have left by then. The military materials were provided to the Afghan National Army.
Once the U.S. decided the leave, the die was cast. The Taliban had already turned much of the Afghan National Army, which folded without significant resistance. The Taliban marched across Afghanistan in less then two weeks.
Yeah, KiddieZ, there was nothing, absolutely nothing Saigon Joey could do about it because Trump.
Fuk off!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Trump had a plan to leave securely with our equipment, our personnel and our pride. Junta Joey ran like the leftist coward and traitor he is giving the enemy our equipment and leaving behind up to 50,000 Americans.
Fake Joe is a shit faced rat bastard.
Yet trump failed to execute “his plan”. Like balancing the budget, blunting Covid, eliminating the debt, building The Wall, getting rid of the ACA, ending the trade deficit, he left the hard work for someone else. Story of his life. Lazy Donnie. All hat, no cattle.
Before long, Afghanistan will be in the rear view mirror. What will you whine about then?
50,000 Americans in Afghanistan? Really?
…he left the hard work for someone else.
Had not the election been stolen Trump probably would have achieved those goals.
But Rimjob, dipshit that he is, keeps making excuses for Saigon Joey and the leftist administration.
You’re not very smart.

Bwaha! Lolgf
50,000 Americans in Afghanistan? Really?
Okay HILLARY. What does it matter Elwood.
It was after all only a few contractors and about 50 CIA personnel and an Ambassador.
Who gives a fuk about that many Americans. Hell Chicago blasts that many daily.
I get where the left comes from now. We don’t care bout no stinkin Mericans. PUT an X in that name and by gawd we be moving heaven and earth to take care of them.
Gotcha Elwood. Trump didnt get rid of the ACA because of McCain. One vote needed and McCain told Trump to go fuk himself.
Trump never balanced the budget, was never going to balance the budget and no one in America believes that any politician EVER will even attempt to balance the budget. Borrow until we are broke so we can cash in and then move to Russia and live on the Ural Sea.
Trade Deficit. How do you end a trade deficit when you have farmed out millionos of jobs to China and as a country we produce nothing? Trump was at least working on it. All the lefties were whining about oh woe is the consumer they will have to pay higher prices but not a peep about joe Hidin’s 30 percent inflation rate socking it too everyone.
Building the wall. Did you expect him to build 1500 miles in a year? We would be up around 600 miles by now if Trump was still in the white house and by the way, Biden has started work on the wall in stretches……
WHY? BRAZIL and the LAMBDA VARIANT sneaking into the USA…if we all die it will be because of JOE BIDEN rushing the vaccine into peoples arms instead of realizing we needed to wait a couple months for the second shot.
Covid 19 is all on Biden and the left now. Just locking people down, forcing masks and mandating worthless vaccines is hardly going to solve the Biden Pandemic.
Mr est,
Mr Kye claimed 50,000 Americans are in danger of being stranded in Afghanistan. We suspect he may be overestimating. Most of the people crowding the Kabul airport are Afghans, not Americans.
Are you saying 100 is no different from 50,000? The US can move thousands per day. The Pentagon has ordered commercial airlines to engage in the transport of evacuees from transit points (not Kabul).
Nothing. And we mean nothing, would satisfy the American-right more than a mass casualty event!
Anyway, tRump made his promises early on and failed miserably. Of course, no reasonable person believed his lies. It seems you knew he was lying about all his ridiculous promises, but you supported him anyway. Curious.
Kye: Trump had a plan to leave securely with our equipment, our personnel and our pride.
So, Trump was going to take the equipment that was provided to the Afghan National Army? He had four years. Why didn’t he do it?
Really Kiddiez?

Are y’all that naive?
Bwaha! Lolgf
“So, Trump was going to take the equipment that was provided to the Afghan National Army? He had four years. Why didn’t he do it?”
Even a person as brainwashed as the Mouse can’t be that stupid/ Or can they?
Another idiot making excuses for the fake leader president faux joe.
If Wuhan is dangerous enough to close businesses, force masking and require Americans to get Trump’s vaccine why are our borders wide open by faux joe letting in diseased dirt people from shit hole countries? Is he deliberately murdering Americans for votes?
What does your Magic 8 Ball say, Zachriel?
Z: So, Trump was going to take the equipment that was provided to the Afghan National Army?
Kye: {blah, blah}
Was there an answer in there somewhere? Do you think the U.S. should have disarmed the Afghan National Army to prevent their American-made weapons from being captured?
Kye: why are our borders wide open by faux joe letting in diseased dirt people from shit hole countries?
So, you are against allowing Afghans who worked with the U.S. occupation from seeking refugee status?
He had four years. Why didn’t he do it?
In a speech in August The fact is, President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, were both eager to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan and end what Biden referred to in his Aug. 16 speech as “America’s longest war.â€
The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.
And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.
Trump fully intended to be president by may 2021. However even if he didnt he was not leaving Biden something that Biden did not want. THEY BOTH WANTED OUT OF AFGHANISTAN.
Dec. 1, 2009: Obama announces 30,000 additional troops will be sent to Afghanistan on top of the 68,000 already stationed in the country in a move later known as “the surge.”
May 27, 2014: Obama announces plan for full troop withdrawal from Afghanistan by end of 2016.
Aug. 21, 2017: President Donald Trump cautions against “hasty” troop withdrawal from Afghanistan that “would create a vacuum.” Trump said that he shares Americans’ “frustration” with foreign wars, assures that “we are not nation-building again; we are killing terrorists.”
Nov. 17, 2020: Pentagon announces plans to reduce troop levels to 2,500 in Afghanistan and Iraq in final days of Trump administration.
In short the draw down was taking place since Obama. The problem is the CIA, NSA, and all kinds of nefarious liars in our government kept giving conflicting lies and One diplomat even admitted to LYING TO TRUMP about Troop levels in Syria to keep troops there when the Commander in chief wanted them out.
We learned nothing from Saigon. Getting the US people out first before the troops are removed. The Biden Administration said they were going to keep the CIA and the NSA and contractors and personnel in the Embassy in Afghanistan. That is why there is now people scattered all over the nation.
Biden made the call and it took the Taliban 2 weeks to take over the country. It was handled horrendously by Biden and his idiot advisors. The same people that are advising him to shut down the economy, force people to wear masks and given booster shots while the rest of the world is dying from COVID because they got NO SHOTS.
Anna Lingus, Porter’s “taster”, may be right. Perhaps if trump and the nuCons HAD stolen the election as they attempted trump would have balanced the budget, evacuated Afghanistan, have Mexico pay for a Wall, killed the ACA, eliminated the trade deficit, cut taxes for the working class etc.
Fortunately for America and the world our democratic principles held, and since trump lost bigly, we’ll never know.
But we do know Saigon Joey fuked up bigly.
Guess Rimjob, dipshit that he is, doesn’t follow the news.

Bwaha! Lolgf
But instead Elwood we have sleepy joe who is letting people flock from south america into the USA with the Lambda variant which is immune to vaccines. Biden is quadruping down on NOT BALANCING THE BUDGET. Biden has done nothing about the trade deficit, has raised taxes and is causing massive inflation.
Yeah, I somehow think we would be much better off with Trump since the CIA, NSA, PENTAGON and everyone else would just lie to Trump and we would still be in Afghanistan until the USA elected a president who wanted to stay in Afghanistan for another 100 years.
Your guy is way worse than our guy. Biden has done nothing but kill Thousands of more Americans, made our cities dangerous and created a society that advocates for Blacks killing blacks.
Thats why happens when you steal and election. Karma’s a bitch.
Can you support your claim that South Americans are flooding the US with the lambda variant??
You may not remember but tRump left us in a recession resulting from his laissez faire, right-wing attitude toward the Covid pandemic. trump, even after his budget busting tax cuts, moved Congress to spend $2.3 trillion in Covid relief. Are you now saying that trump was wrong for adding to the debt?
Anyway, the “War on Terror”, the 2008 bank bailout and recession, then the trump tax cuts and Covid and here we are, $28 trillion in debt. That’s over 100% of our GDP.
President Biden didn’t pander to voters by claiming he would eliminate the federal debt and eliminate the trade deficit. Even you didn’t believe trump when he claimed it. Republican presidents famously leave larger federal debts (e.g., Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, tRump) for someone else to worry about.
You’re right about one thing – the buck stops here. Biden is President now, not trump.
Only fools still claim that trump won the election.
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, suffering more and more from askholitis while making up shit as he goes along.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Elwood are you in favor of no jobs. Locking down the country again?
Can you prove that no Brazilians with covid have crossed our border?
Why are you so anxious to let in millions of Central and South Americans but are willing to watch MUSLIM GIRLS get raped and murdered?
Why do you support the mass extinction of Blacks in big cities while spending all your time worrying about The Corona virus and people sneaking into the border so they can be flown first class to Red and Purple states?
drowningpuppies (aka Bungholio, aka Anna Lingus) calls commenters such as you askholes.
Anyway, since you made the claims, it’s your responsibility to support them.
Can you prove that you have never raped and/or murdered a Muslim girl? No? Does that PROVE you have?
Wrong again, dipshit.

You’re the only askhole here at the Cove.
You’re so afflicted maybe you should check into Askholics Anonymous.
Seek help or stop drinking..
Bwaha! Lolgf
The important thing is the demise of NATO. The Europeans will have to develop a replacement alliance that does not include the US. Ironically, Trump’s harangues did not move the Europeans to increase defense spending, but Biden’s betrayal will.
Every American should be pissed off to no end that Saigon Joey armed an opposing army that wants us dead.
And, is handing out visas like candy to get their bad guys over here.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Once again, I am the voice of reason here. Biden’s failure is not the fall of Afghanistan. That was inevitable and has more fingerprints than crack pipe at a Kennedy family gathering. Professional diplomats and generals from both political parties baked this cake. It is the failure to set things in motion, with a 6 month head start, to evacuate US citizens.
It is a fact of life that many Afghans, some with American passports, will be slaughtered by their fellow countrymen (in Afghanistan). Everyone KNEW the USA was leaving and when we were leaving. There was plenty of time to manage this. It’s not Biden’s fault that Afghan citizens (some with US passports) waited until the last possible minute to get out. No doubt, many of them were late to the party because they had wishful thinking that they could continue to milk that cow for another month or two or that they would get plenty of notice that things were going bad fast. They gambled and lost. Now they are gambling on someone with a big cargo airplane will fly them away from their mistakes and save them.
The seized passports are worrysome because those will be used to manufacture fakes.
Professor Hale: Professional diplomats and generals from both political parties baked this cake.
Quite so.
Professor Hale: It is the failure to set things in motion, with a 6 month head start, to evacuate US citizens.
Most American citizens could have left at any time, perhaps, by the May 1 date set by Trump for the end of the U.S. occupation. If the U.S. had ordered citizens to leave, then it would have precipitated a crisis at that point, as fleeing Americans would signal that the end was nigh. The result would have been much the same.
Yet Saigon Joey extended that deadline.
Keep trying, KiddieZ, keep blaming Trump for Joey’s historical fukup.

Bwaha! Lolgf
So Zach is blaming the fact that Americans are prisoners in a foreign country failing to acknowledge their own sworn duty to country. These people are still there because the government wanted them there. Trust me. Having been in some harrowing situations in my younger days, namely Saigon, Bosnia and Somalia, I was early to bed and early to leave because I was not committed to a government that had no fuking clue what they were doing.
And once again. No, I was not with any government agency or in the military.
But are Americans prisoners in Afghanistan?
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, reverting to askhole mode.

Bwaha! Lolgf
We just ask that you support your lies with evidence.
It’s those voices in your tiny little head that just won’t go away.

Right, Rimjob?
Bwaha! Lolgf
est1950: These people are still there because the government wanted them there.
Many of them, but to reiterate, if the U.S. had ordered an evacuation, it would have precipitated the very crisis that besets Afghanistan now. Nor have you suggested what the U.S. should have done differently, even given the benefit of hindsight.
“Mr Kye claimed 50,000 Americans are in danger of being stranded in Afghanistan. We suspect he may be overestimating.”
The radical left media estimates between 10 and 50 thousand. They are your “experts” just as Junta “Lost War” Joey was the military expert that caused this debacle. Your “experts” on everything are a bunch of over educated shitheads with plenty of book learning but not one ounce of fukin wisdom or real life experience. They also know nothing about how to handle people.
So if you think I may be overestimating tell me exactly how many Americans died FROM the Wuhan commie flu?
“Nothing. And we mean nothing, would satisfy the American-right more than a mass casualty event!”
Aha. Again you project your malevolence on us. We don’t wish for “mass casualty events” except for our enemies. Unlike you who actually wants us all dead. You are lousy at hiding both your hate and your tendency too project.
Anyway, the ursurper Sniffin’ Joe the child molester made his promises early on and failed miserably. In fact worse than any real president in our history. He’s mudering Americans at our border and in Afghanistan as well. DELIBERATELY!!! Of course, no reasonable person believed his lies only brain washed lunatic commies. It seems Elwood knew he was lying about all his ridiculous promises, but supported him anyway. Curious. I guess he likes demented fools like himself . The ultimate Peter Principle.
Why does Elwood hate Americans enough to project a death wish on them?
Can you please substantiate your claims that President Biden is “mudering” Americans at the border and in Afghanistan? Thanks.
30,000 have been evacuated so far, and thousands a day are being evacuated. “Several thousand” Americans are still to be evacuated. As of last Wednesday, it was estimated 10,000 to 15,000 remained.
Actually, it was Donald Trump accused of raping a 13 year old girl at his buddy Epstein’s Manhattan home.
The UK has agreed to take in 20,000 Afghan refugees. How many of Kye’s so called “dirt people*” from this “shithole” country should the US take in?
* The white nationalists used to call them “mud people”, but perhaps “dirt people” is less racist.
More askholing from Rimjob, dipshit that he is.

And still making it up as he goes along.
Bwaha! Lolgf
We couldn’t help but notice that Porter’s taster, Bungholio, didn’t supply the information. Please, by all means, supply the evidence that President Biden is “mudering” Americans at the border and in Afghanistan. Now’s your chance to step up!! Thanks.
You made the dumbass allegations, Rimjob.

Normally one backs up their allegations with some kind of citation but you, being such a abnormal fuking dipshit, always fail to do so.
Keep deflecting, dumbass, it’s what you do best besides lying.
Better yet keep askholing with your stupid questions.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Bungholio is living proof that fecal-oral transplants don’t make one smarter.
It was one of your boyfriends who alleged President Biden was “mudering” Americans at the border and in Afghanistan. But then we’ve proven without a doubt that you are stupid AND dishonest.
“You may not remember but tRump left us in a recession resulting from his laissez faire, right-wing attitude toward the Covid pandemic.”
You didn’t just type that, did you? Trump did not leave us in a recession, leftist blue state governors did by shutting down businesses, killing employment and scaring the shit out of dim witted folks like you with the scamdemic to fool fools like you into believing Trumps FANTASTIC RECOVERY in 2019 was just a mirage. Rising Stock market, low inflation, business booming, small business growing faster than ever, full employment, record high employment for both backs and Hispanics an almost fully secure border with immigration getting under control, a plan to leave Afghanistan without running like a faggot from a mooslem mosque and we could go on. You just make shit up.
Only a real retarded idiot would support a senile idiot like biden. The man has a 47 year career of ALWAYS being on the wrong side of every policy. Plus, he was a democrat segregationist and now he’s a White suppressor.
Your hate for Whites is disgusting.
drowningpuppies (aka Bungholio, aka Anna Lingus) calls commenters such as you askholes.
Anyway, since you made the claims, it’s your responsibility to support them.
Can you prove that you have never raped and/or murdered a Muslim girl? No? Does that PROVE you have?
Odd that your only response to my questions is to call me names.
I only ask you to provide proof of your assertions rather than always having to provide proof for what I say. You say there is NOT any Brazilians with Lambda…How do you know? What proof do you have.
You ignore my assertion that by your defense of Biden’s policies defacto makes you uncaring about Muslim Girls under 20 who have known nothing but Freedom. We must only infer that the leftist policies dictated by Biden and his leftist administration and run by a Pentagon who is now hip deep in wokism must be MISOGYNISTIC.
That is not something that needs to be proven. It is of course something that can be inferred by your sides sincere lack of effort to demand that certain MUSLIM VICTIMS be rescued.
The fact that Millions of illegals have been detained and are then processed and released INTO THE USA. Remember the Remain in place policy that was used by Trump because of a health emergency? The SCOTUS shot down the judges ruling that Remain in place should be re-instituted and yet the LEFT is out of control over masking, vaccinations and lock downs while even more break through cases emerge with the COVID-19.
Either a health emergency is still in effect or it is not. If it is the border should be completely closed and SCOTUS would not rule against remain in place. IF there is NO health emergency then why all the rules, regulations and gestapo tactics by the government?
est1950: That is not something that needs to be proven. It is of course something that can be inferred by your sides sincere lack of effort to demand that certain MUSLIM VICTIMS be rescued.
There are about 9 million Afghan girls under the age of 15. Are you suggesting the U.S. airlift 9 million Afghan girls to the U.S?
est1950: The fact that Millions of illegals have been detained and are then processed and released INTO THE USA.
About half of migrants on the U.S. southern border are expelled. A larger number will be expelled under Title 42 going forward due to the emergence of COVID variants.
Mr est: Odd that your only response to my questions is to call me names.
Actually it was Mr drowningpuppies who called you an “askhole”.
Anyway, you claimed: we have sleepy joe who is letting people flock from south america into the USA with the Lambda variant which is immune to vaccines
We asked for supporting evidence for your assertion, and you respond that we need to prove your assertion wrong. Sorry charlie, but it doesn’t work like that. Can you prove that you have not raped and/or murdered children? See the flaw in your argument, now?
Kye: Rising Stock market, low inflation, business booming, small business growing faster
All those trend lines were set in the Obama administration.
You forgot the hundreds of thousands dead from the pandemic.
Not to mention the deficit spending during an economic expansion, leaving the U.S. vulnerable to an economic shock.