…is a bridge for Evil fossil fueled vehicles causing Extreme Hurricanes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on Kamala laughing when asked about Afghanistan.
It’s Asian ladies week. A little late, forgot to hit “schedule” before going out to run some errands.

Loon from Alabama threatens pharmacist in Springfield MO for administering vaccines.
He likely gets his information from the odious jimhoft at the Gateway Pudendum.
The odious Elwood still remains in this fascist party:
Nothing says “I’m with biden” better than human sex trafficking.
This poor mother…
She and both sons (35 and 41) caught Covid. She survived but both sons passed. She was vaccinated. They were not.
Kye is now a QANONer! So Secretary Clinton was involved in a non-existent pedophile ring in Haiti!
God, you’re a bozo. Following the 2010 Haitian quake, Christian missionaries led by Laura Silby did try to move supposed orphans across the Haiti-DR border. She was arrested and convicted. She requested that the State Dept help her and she was rebuffed.
Much of what you nuCons believe is false.
And this silliness is related to President Biden how?
We haven’t heard anything about the Cyber Ninjas “audit” results to be released today.
If you read and watch something other than the communist propaganda media you would have heard:
The full draft report was expected today but members of the team have tested positive for COVID-19.
Senate President Karen Fann released the following statement today.
Monday, August 23, 2021
Statement from Senate President Fann
“Today we are receiving a portion of the draft report from the election audit analysis team. The team expected to have the full draft ready for the Senate today, but unfortunately Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan and two other members of the five-person audit team have tested positive for COVID-19 and are quite sick. In addition to the illnesses, it wasn’t until Thursday that the Senate received the images of the ballot envelopes from Maricopa County and are hoping to have those analyzed as soon as possible to incorporate those results into the final report. The Senate legal team will meet Wednesday to start reviewing the draft report, and when the remainder of the draft is submitted, the Senate team will hold another meeting to continue checking for accuracy, clarity, and proof of documentation of findings. Once that is complete, the final report will be presented to the Senate Judiciary Committee and findings released to the public.â€
This final review by Senate experts will certify that the report is flawless before releasing to the public.
Sounds like a pretty lame excuse, since Covid is a scam. What a klusterfuken!
“Certify the report”… LOL.