Yeah, yeah, we see you binge watching shows while eating world killing meant
The Middle East Is Becoming Literally Uninhabitable
This summer, several picturesque countries in the Middle East became tinderboxes. As extreme temperatures and severe droughts ravaged the region, forests burned, and cities became islands of unbearable heat. In June, Kuwait recorded a temperature of 53.2 degrees Celsius (127.76 degrees Fahrenheit), while Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia all recorded over 50 degrees (122 degrees). A month later, temperatures in Iraq spiked to 51.5 degrees (124.7 degrees), and Iran recorded a close 51 degrees (123.8 degrees).
ZOMG, it gets hot in a desert area! No mention of the snows in the Middle East, but, then, they’d blame those on ‘climate change’, too.
Worst of all, this is just the start of a trend. The Middle East is warming at twice the global average and by 2050 will be 4 degrees Celsius warmer as compared with the 1.5 degree mark that scientists have prescribed to save humanity. The World Bank says extreme climatic conditions will become routine and the region could face four months of scorching sun every year. According to Germany’s Max Planck Institute, many cities in the Middle East may literally become uninhabitable before the end of the century. And the region, ravaged by war and mired in sectarianism, may be singularly ill-prepared to face the challenges that threaten its collective existence.
Have you noticed that pretty much everywhere is warming twice as fast as everywhere else? Oh, right, this is a cult, so, nothing makes sense.
Since the region is split between haves and have-nots, it is the poorer cousins of the oil-rich countries that have been the first to face social disorder over the lack of basic amenities, such as water and electricity, that people desperately need to survive the extreme heat. These countries are ruled by ineffective governments, autocrats, or clerics and have dilapidated energy infrastructure and deep-rooted structural deficiencies that block the promotion of and technological innovation in renewable energy. Experts say political and economic reforms that strengthen institutions and promote businesses to think freely are essential to reduce carbon emissions and ensure a shift to clean energy in the Middle East.
This isn’t about science, is it.
The connection between climate change and the revolutions and wars of the Arab Spring is hotly debated. But there are clear and unarguable linkages between poor governance, environmental mismanagement, urbanization, and urban unrest in communities poorly served with water, air conditioning, and other amenities. The thought of what will happen in these cities as climate change worsens living conditions, if the standards of governance remain the same, is a frightening one. “Climate change and the consequent increase in weather extremes add to the challenges imposed by regional conflicts, leading to additional incentives for people to migrate, for example,â€Â Lelieveld said.
Obviously, extremist Islam has nothing to do with anything. Can’t we just go back to before the Industrial Revolution when there were no wars or conflicts?

TEACH typed: Have you noticed that pretty much everywhere is warming twice as fast as everywhere else?
Haven’t noticed that. Have seen the Arctic, parts of the US and now the Middle East. The Earth is pretty big, though, so if most of the oceans warm a bit less than average that offsets the small areas warming twice as fast. The 1.5C warming is an average. Agreed, that if you don’t bother to think about it, it may not make sense.
TEACH typed: This isn’t about science, is it.
It IS about science, but not ONLY about science. There are social impacts to tracts of nations becoming uninhabitable for parts of the year – changes in agriculture, energy use, fresh water, migration etc. The “science” (e.g., data and evidence) is clear that the Earth is warming. The question is, what, if anything, to do about it.
Except you can’t prove it, dipshit.

Bwaha! Lolgf
All you do is use correlation which is not science and definitely not proof. You have never provided proof of anything. You only call people here names and act like an ass.
Correlation is part of science. Scientific theories are how causes are linked to effects, that is theories are developed to explain the correlation.
What is your hypothesis for why the Earth is warming now?
No, correlation is not part of science.
I don’t give a damn why the earth maybe warming.
You’re wrong, of course. But we’re used to that.
Don’t these people check their cheat-sheets before spouting off? The climate clown show continues….
Sorry, but we no longer check the twits. What’s the point? Do you really get your scientific information from tweets?
So in other words, you can’t refute what was said in the graphic. Shocking…..
Did you check the sources of the headlines in the twit?
Or do you just accept them as true?
“Do you really get your scientific information from tweets?”
Reasonable people get their scientific as well as any information from what they consider to be honest reliable sources. So gee Elwood, it could even be a Tweet. They are certainly more reliable than Daily Kos or Mutha Jones even with the radical left censorship.
That’s your problem Elwood. You refuse to read or consider any opinions that don’t coincide with your own 100%. It’s a closed mind. You can’t face the possibility that someone else may actually be right. You never change you mind about anything regardless how much evidence is presented it’s never enough. Can’t even get you curious as to why 140 million Americans thing the election was fishy. Yet you eat up all the silly bullshit about Wuhan and AGW the idiot “experts” regurgitate.
You consider The Pirates Cove, Breitbart and the Gateway Pundit to be “honest reliable sources”, but consider the NIH, the FDA, the CDC, Nature and Science to be biased sources.
You’re projecting your own deficits onto others.
The magnificent Mr Dowd wrote:
The Pirate’s Cove and Breitbart at least — I don’t use Mr Hoft’s site — like to do radical things like cite their sources, and they frequently use liberal sources. Mr Teach frequently cites the very left wing Guardian, along with Yahoo news, and even that evil reich wing New York Times.
Yes, our esteemed host is biased, but so is everyone else. The CDC and NIH are run by liberal bureaucrats, and, of course, Dr Fauxi is the most blatant political self-promoter ever.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
Tweets are not scientific sources, but many times scientific sources use Twitter to call attention to their work, to get you to read it. Of course, every major and even middle sized newspaper in the country has a Twitter account, accounts they use to push their stories.
And Twitter itself has a liberal bias, or haven’t you noticed? Certain conservatives have been banned.
“Do you check the sources..?†Translated-J still can’t refute them….