Nothing whips Democrats into a fervor like abortion on demand. If you gave them a choice of reducing the power of government and keeping abortion they’d usually choose abortion. It seems to be their 1st Commandment, Thou shall allow abortion. And along comes Surrender Joe, who wants to put massive restrictions on firearm ownership for private citizens, force them to wear masks and take the vaccine, and purchase electric vehicles
Biden says Texas’ new abortion law “blatantly” violates constitutional rights
President Biden said in a statement Wednesday that Texas’ new law that outlaws most abortions after around six weeks of pregnancy “blatantly violates” the constitutional right established by the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision on Roe v. Wade.
Why it matters: The law went into effect early Wednesday after the Supreme Court did not act on requests from reproductive rights advocates to block the ban, which is one of the most restrictive in the U.S.
Leftists like Joe can never actually point out where in the Constitution/Bill of Rights exists, nor is there really federal law, so, despite the caterwauling, the Supreme Court was correct in refusing to hear the case, as this would be something that is a power reserved for the States and the People.
Let's be honest, all the caterwauling from Dems about any restriction on abortion is because they're racists. The want blacks to abort their babies, keeping their population low. The Dem party has always hated blacks, just like Margaret Sanger
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) September 1, 2021
What he’s saying: “The Texas law will significantly impair women’s access to the health care they need, particularly for communities of color and individuals with low incomes,” Biden said.
It is interesting that Biden mentions “communities of color”, eh? Democrats treated blacks one way before the Civil Rights era, then, afterwards, they just did it in a more benevolent way, trying to keep them in specific sections of the big cities Dems control, leaving them in crappy housing, with lots of crime and urban decay, bad schools, and trying to make blacks think Democrats are helping them, thereby getting their votes. And pushing for blacks to abort their babies while destroying the family at the same time.
Press Secretary Jen Psaki added in a press briefing on Wednesday that the administration would “call for the codification” of Roe v. Wade in Congress.
Well, that might hit the Supreme Court, since that is not a power delegated to the federal Congress.
“And, outrageously, it deputizes private citizens to bring lawsuits against anyone who they believe has helped another person get an abortion, which might even include family members, health care workers, front desk staff at a health care clinic, or strangers with no connection to the individual,” he added.
There could, in fact, be structural issues with the Texas law, as even some pro-life advocates noted as I cruised Twitter, but, the main point is that this is a States right, not a federal one, and, really, that Democrats seem to love abortion.
Get on Birth Control
Any form that is reliable.
Oral Contraceptives, Nuva Ring, Norplant, IUD.
— Dara Kass, MD (@darakass) September 1, 2021
That sounds a lot better than using abortion as a means of birth control after making bad sexual intercourse decisions, eh? It’s strange that Democrats had mostly given up on pushing for birth control in all facets, focusing strictly on abortion.
Some Texas residents are stockpiling contraceptives and pregnancy tests after abortion ban
On Wednesday, a Texas law banning abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy went into effect, and some residents started stockpiling contraceptives immediately.
Makayla Montoya Frazier founded Buckle Bunnies Fund in April 2020, just after Texas Gov.Greg Abbott’s temporarily abortion ban during the COVID-19 pandemic. Montoya Frazier’s organization focuses on funding abortion clinics and providing funds and transportation to those seeking abortions.
Now, Montaya Frazier and other volunteers are collecting contraceptives, pregnancy tests and Plan B pills for residents taking extra precautions. Plan B contains the hormone levonorgestrel which can prevent ovulation, block fertilization or keep a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.
Shouldn’t “sex workers”, ie, prostitutes, be using contraceptives in the first place?
Kat Smith, a volunteer for the Buckle Bunnies Fund, also created their own stockpile of contraceptives and pregnancy tests. Right after the ban took effect, Smith offered the supplies to anyone in need and has received dozens of requests on Twitter.
Smith said dozens of people are worried they won’t detect their pregnancy at just six weeks and are resorting to weekly tests and extra contraceptives as a result.
They’ve been relying on abortion as a contraceptive. Why not use contraceptives? Why stockpile? They’re easy to get. They won’t be banned. This is an attempt to create a false narrative.
Amber Latoya, a Houston resident, said she said she took Montaya Frazier’s offer for free Plan B and contraceptives. Most Plan B packages range from $30-50, and birth control methods are at the most 99.9% effective. Latoya is scared her birth control will fail, she’ll realize she’s pregnant after six weeks and be forced to carry a child she’s not ready for.
The same people demand everyone get the COVID vaccine, which is way less than 99.9% effective. Maybe don’t have random sex with people you don’t want to have a child with? Perhaps both parties should be using birth control.

Our esteemed host wrote:
Black women have abortions at five times the rates of white women, which makes it the white supremacists’ dream; fewer Negroes being born.
Crappy housing with lots of urban decay? In a comment a couple of weeks ago — I wish I had saved it — the distinguished Mr Dowd called Mark and Patricia McCloskey his “neighbors,” which tell us that the very liberal Mr Dowd, who has told us that he’s very well off, has chosen to live in a gated, lily-white area of a very ‘diverse’ city.
When you hear about the housing prices in our big cities, you ought to consider: the prices that well-to-do white families like the Dowds have continued to bid up housing prices for the better homes. Thus, Mr Dowd and the well-to-do white liberals have, by their own actions, made better housing less affordable for black Americans in general.
I am wryly amused.
The indistinguished Mr Dana misuses the term “neighbors” to attack me. My “gated” community is replete with 1500 sq ft “mansions”. Three houses to my left is a Muslim family. Two houses to my right is a Black family. Three houses to my right is Trump/Blue Lives Matter family who are dear friends and neighbors. The vile McCloskeys live a mere 5 miles from here, so are neighbors, but hardly neighborly.
As Mr Dana lives in lily white rural K-Y spouting his white nationalist BS, he can take a minute to kiss my ass.
We are wryly amused.
If the Constitution means what the Supreme Court says it means, and the Justices did not enjoin the Texas law while consideration of the Mississippi law which, in effect, bans abortion after roughly fifteen weeks, is scheduled for the October term, then the Texas law is not presumptively unconstitutional.
It’s time for the Kentucky General Assembly to pass a law, in the 2022 session, which declares an unborn child to be a legal person in the Commonwealth. Roe v Wade turned on the declaration that an unborn child was not a legal person, kind of like Dred Scot v Sanford did as far as blacks were concerned, and thus cannot be deprived of life without due process of law. That would be the ultimate test case.
Republicans hold not just veto proof, but strongly veto proof majorities in the General Assembly, so Governor Andy Beshear can veto all he wants, and it doesn’t mean squat.
Texas GOPhers couldn’t have been any more clever in putting a “bounty” on the heads of anyone facilitating an abortion! They banned abortion after detection of a fetal heartbeat (typically 6 weeks) but deputized (and reward financially) citizens who sue doctors, cab drivers, friends, nurses, parking lot attendants, bus drivers, etc who “facilitate” the abortion!
Of course, most Americans disagree with Texas GOPhers on abortion, but this is the authoritarian nature of the nuGOP. Minority rule in Amerika!!
A $10,000 taxpayer-funded bounty to a citizen who successfully sues a facilitator!
Abortion for birth control is fuking murder. Period. There are hundreds of birth control products available, abortions and murdering a baby is not one of them. Persons involved in this insidious act of wanton infanticide are worse than Sanger and Mengele combined. It is genocide, not women’s rights.
I spit on all those who support unrestricted abortion as the filthy racists and murderers they are.
How will the private bounty hunters know if a woman has had an abortion or not? Does the Texas law allow the inspection of health records by outsiders?
One solution is for women who wish to avoid pregnancy to take mifepristone and misoprostol after a missed period to expel any conceptus.
Clearly, it takes two to tango. What do you think about a law banning extramarital heterosexual sex?
I’m trying to figure out why fascists are getting all worked up over a law which applies in Texas. Are they concerned they won’t reach their 600,000 dead baby goal this year?
Seems the same people who want to force others to get vaccines also want to see babies killed. What’s up with that? Why are they so concerned about other people’s medical decisions yet totally unconcerned about the murder of a defenseless baby?
They have the same compassion for babies they have for Ashli Babbitt, soldiers killed when junta biden runs like a cowardly little bitch, and people who choose not to get vaxed and are denied their jobs, homes, banks and food. What a weird immoral way of thinking. How is a woman’s right to choose to kill her baby any different than her right not to get vaxed? And what the hell does killing an unborn baby have to do with women’s health, other than increasing the possibility of future cancer if they do?
It’s a very psychotic and mixed up brain that thinks it’s okay to murder babies for birth control but it’s a war crime to bomb civilians supporting their troops in a war. Wow. That’s some fuked up thinking.
Conservative men, frightened little bullies at heart, want to control women’s sexual behavior.
Nobody want’s to control women’s sexual behavior except mooslems. Normal men, concerned about the wholesale slaughter of innocent babies of both sexes want to stop the horrific use of chopping up babies as birth control. Who could find fault with that other than a monster like Mengele or Gosnell or those that support their evil business?
Women have hundreds of birth control methods not the least of which is stop being irresponsibly promiscuous. I realize in the nuamerica which has neither the principles to hold honest elections nor the morality to keep queers of young boys, men out of women’s facilities and put police who murder unarmed women in prison the thought of doing something truly moral for the sake of it revolts them.
The people who say “my body my choice” seem to believe killing their baby is somehow noble but if you tell them you don’t want their illegal vaccine they want to force you or execute you or send you to Afghanistan because you refuse their narrative. So really the “my body” bullshit was all a lie all along.
The fact that the entire abortion industry supported by democrats was invented to kill black babies is ignored by them since most pro abortion leftist are racists too. So we have a bunch of murdering racists who built an entire industry on the hate of the negro and killing their children. Nothing’s changed much since the democrats held them as slaves. Except today they herd them into ghettos and murder their babies in the name of “choice”. Do they get that same “choice” when it comes to vaccines?
The post american demofascists are becoming worse than the fascists of the last century as they try to control every aspect of the individual from what car they can drive to the choices they allow others with their own body. I spit on those dirty demofascists and their cult of hate and murder. Ptooie!
Few women are impregnated alone. Shouldn’t the father suffer the same consequences as the Uber driver, doctor, the neighbor and friend who Texas has proposed bankrupting to stop abortions?
Perhaps that would serve as a deterrent. Aren’t men just as responsible for irresponsible sex as women? Or are Con men more interested in stopping women from having “irresponsible” sex?
Why do Con men not care to discourage the impregnators?
90% of abortions occur before the 14th week. The majority of women seeking abortions use contraception. About 1/4th of pregnancies end in miscarriage before gestation week 20.
“Aren’t men just as responsible for irresponsible sex as women?”
Absolutely not. Women are the final decision makers about consensual sex. Who the fuk do you think gives the consent?
“Or are Con men more interested in stopping women from having “irresponsible†sex?”
So you don’t think it’s admirable to discourage women from having irresponsible sex?
“Why do Con men not care to discourage the impregnators?”
Exactly when did the “do not discourage impregnator” theory start? Or is this one of the radical immoral lefts usual diversions to cover up the truth? Fact is, your love of abortion serves to get irresponsible men off the hook for their actions so it is you who by supporting abortion encourage irresponsible acts by men. Idiot.
“90% of abortions occur before the 14th week.”
So what? Does that make the dead baby less chopped up?
“The majority of women seeking abortions use contraception.”
So what? That’s an open ended statistic which is either a lie on its face or needs to reveal why they stopped.
“About 1/4th of pregnancies end in miscarriage before gestation week 20.”
A miscarriage is not an abortion so what has that statement to do with this discussion? More gaslighting you baby killing scum?
So there’s Elwood once again defending his favorite Nazi’s Mengele, Sanger, Gosnell and the entire demofasist party. What a bunch of lying, immoral killers.
Is the entire nuDem party nothing but Nazi’s, fascists, communists, mooslems and atheist’s?
God kills more “babies” than abortionists. Why don’t anti-abortionists blame God? In fact anti-abortionists blame everyone but God and the men irresponsible enough to go around impregnating women.
Why do you think God causes so many miscarriages?
Insecure Con Men are afraid they’re not men enough to keep “their” women from wandering so they turn to the state for help. No, Con Men do not care about babies or children – Con Men oppose SNAP, rental assistance, public schools, child care subsidies etc. They only care about keeping women under their control. Con Men are flawed men.
God has nothing to do with abortion so stop trying to change the subject. Typical leftist liar, when you can’t win the argument to move the goal posts.
” In fact anti-abortionists blame everyone but God and the men irresponsible enough to go around impregnating women.”
Only a true moron could make that statement. Anti abortionists are trying to save lives, the ones pro abortionists like you are murdering every day. In case you are that scientifically ignorant a miscarriage is a natural event terminating a pregnancy. It has to do with nature and science and is as built in to protect the woman from a bad pregnancy as vomiting is to prevent people from bad food or poisoning. Your ignorance of bioth science and theology are overwhelming.
Men who “go around” impregnating women are doing exactly what the woman wants or she WOULD NOT HAVE CONSENTED! Since it is the woman who gets pregnant it becomes her responsibility to make sure she protects against it if she does not want it. If she’s that irresponsible she should be stopped from getting pregnant again. Why is it legal for irresponsible broads to kill multiple babies?
“Insecure Con Men are afraid they’re not men enough to keep “their†women from wandering so they turn to the state for help. No, Con Men do not care about babies or children – Con Men oppose SNAP, rental assistance, public schools, child care subsidies etc. They only care about keeping women under their control. Con Men are flawed men.”
That’s the best paragraph you ever typed. As an illiterate and ignorant monkey your attempt to once again gaslight the topic, move the goal posts, switch the blame and call everyone names this is like Shakespeare. You are one insecure little monkey aren’t you?
Trying to prove the genocidal murder of millions of babies somehow shows care for women or “babies and children” is a psychopathic/sociopathic rumination a nut-job like you would come up with.
Why do you take joy in murdering babies?