You’ve done what you were supposed to do and got the COVID vaccination, for whatever reason. You may have wanted it (that’s me), you may not but done it anyway, could be force from your employers, whatever. What’s the chance of getting COVID?
One in 5,000: The Real Chances of a Breakthrough Infection
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a terrifying fact in July: Vaccinated people with the delta variant of the COVID virus carried roughly the same viral load in their noses and throats as unvaccinated people.
The news seemed to suggest that even the vaccinated were highly vulnerable to getting infected and passing the virus to others. Sure enough, stories about vaccinated people getting COVID — so-called breakthrough infections — were all around this summer: at a party in Provincetown, Massachusetts; among the Chicago Cubs; on Capitol Hill. Delta seemed as if it might be changing everything.
In recent weeks, however, more data has become available, and it suggests that the true picture is less alarming. Yes, delta has increased the chances of getting COVID for almost everyone. But if you’re vaccinated, a COVID infection is still uncommon, and those high viral loads are not as worrisome as they initially sounded.
How small are the chances of the average vaccinated American contracting COVID? Probably about 1 in 5,000 per day, and even lower for people who take precautions or live in a highly vaccinated community. (snip)
The chances are surely higher in the places with the worst COVID outbreaks, like the Southeast. And in places with many fewer cases — like the Northeast, as well as the Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco areas — the chances are lower, probably less than 1 in 10,000. That’s what the Seattle data show, for example. (These numbers don’t include undiagnosed cases, which are often so mild that people do not notice them and do not pass the virus to anyone else.)
Here’s one way to think about a 1-in-10,000 daily chance: It would take more than three months for the combined risk to reach just 1%.
I live in an area that is highly vaccinated. I take lots of precautions still, like stepping back and washing the heck out of my hands (which I’ve always done.) No shaking hands (I’ve always hated that, I see what people do with their hands). So why do I have to mask up? Besides cloth masks making almost no difference, the area is highly vaccinated. And we’re seeing the same in many Democrat run areas, where some are even pushing masks outdoors. It’s almost like this is more about politics than science. If the unvaccinated want to take their changes, let them. Let the rest of us take our chance at 1 in 10K.
I will confess to one bit of hesitation about walking you through the data on breakthrough infections: It’s not clear how much we should be worrying about them. For the vaccinated, COVID resembles the flu and usually a mild one. Society does not grind to a halt over the flu. (snip)
But at least one part of the American anxiety does seem to have become disconnected from the facts in recent weeks: the effectiveness of the vaccines. In a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, nearly half of adults judged their “risk of getting sick from the coronavirus†as either moderate or high — even though 75% of adults have received at least one shot.
In reality, the risks of getting any version of the virus remain small for the vaccinated, and the risks of getting badly sick remain minuscule.
Exactly, so how about f’ing off with your restrictions? The problem is that a lot of businesses will Comply with government mandates. Some don’t, like my gym.

As I documented here, even the Fayette County Health Department has admitted that 29.3% of COVID-19 infections in August were ‘breakthrough’ cases, which was down slightly from July’s 31.0%.
Of course, their ‘unvaccinated’ numbers include children too young to be eligible for vaccination, and I did the math; with a couple of assumptions, and attempting to read their graphs precisely, it worked out to 33.37% of cases among the vaccine-eligible were breakthrough cases.
It seems to be the case that getting vaccinated reduces your chances of becoming seriously ill, but that raises the obvious question: if the vaccinated don’t get as sick, or sick at all, as the unvaccinated, does that not skew the percentages of positive tests? If we are not testing everybody, but only those who volunteer to be tested, or those required to be tested, it would seem that few of those who are not sick would volunteer to get that nasty sway jammed into your sinuses, thus lowering the percentage of ‘breakthrough’ cases.
It looks like the Fayette County Health Department has updated its statistics:
They have cut the number of August COVID cases among the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated from 3775 to 3745, relatively minor, but upped the number of breakthrough cases from 1562 to 1708.
If there was just some way to reduce the number of cases in the unvaccinated!!
If there was just some way to NOT POLITICIZE medicine people would be more apt to take it. And if the “experts” were not such prolific liars maybe people would believe them.
But it was never about curing a flu, it was about scaring the shit out of mindless idiots like Elwood so the state could control them and eliminate our natural rights.
This whole Wuhan flu shit is a crime against humanity and the fake vaccine pushers are part of it.
A chart of Covid deaths in Britain since June
Alex Berenson
They told you the vaccines might not stop infection or transmission but they were still very effective against serious illness and death.
89% of Britons over 16 have received at least one shot. 80% are fully vaccinated.
This is the chart:
Something is very, very wrong.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Nothing’ wrong, they’re all fukin’ liars. It’s all going according to plan. The idiot Elwood’s out there are all running around spreading fear, doubt and hysteria because the flu isn’t the object, POWER is!
They took “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave” and turned us into lockdowns, forced unemployment, millions on welfare, schools either closed or under ridiculous mask mandates, segregation by vaccination, constant fear mongering, disinformation, CENSORSHIP, and the loss of our Freedom.
We are now he land of the oppressed and home of the cowards.